34,971 research outputs found

    Comment on "Effective of the q-deformed pseudoscalar magnetic field on the charge carriers in graphene"

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    We point out a misleading treatment in a recent paper published in this Journal [J. Math. Phys. (2016) 57, 082105] concerning solutions for the two-dimensional Dirac-Weyl equation with a q-deformed pseudoscalar magnetic barrier. The authors misunderstood the full meaning of the potential and made erroneous calculations, this fact jeopardizes the main results in this system.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The Nature and Validity of the RKKY limit of exchange coupling in magnetic trilayers

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    The effects on the exchange coupling in magnetic trilayers due to the presence of a spin-independent potential well are investigated. It is shown that within the RKKY theory no bias nor extra periods of oscillation associated with the depth of the well are found, contrary to what has been claimed in recent works. The range of validity of the RKKY theory is also discussed.Comment: 10, RevTe

    Bilayer graphene: gap tunability and edge properties

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    Bilayer graphene -- two coupled single graphene layers stacked as in graphite -- provides the only known semiconductor with a gap that can be tuned externally through electric field effect. Here we use a tight binding approach to study how the gap changes with the applied electric field. Within a parallel plate capacitor model and taking into account screening of the external field, we describe real back gated and/or chemically doped bilayer devices. We show that a gap between zero and midinfrared energies can be induced and externally tuned in these devices, making bilayer graphene very appealing from the point of view of applications. However, applications to nanotechnology require careful treatment of the effect of sample boundaries. This being particularly true in graphene, where the presence of edge states at zero energy -- the Fermi level of the undoped system -- has been extensively reported. Here we show that also bilayer graphene supports surface states localized at zigzag edges. The presence of two layers, however, allows for a new type of edge state which shows an enhanced penetration into the bulk and gives rise to band crossing phenomenon inside the gap of the biased bilayer system.Comment: 8 pages, 3 fugures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Physics: Dubna-Nano200

    Super Five Brane Hamiltonian and the Chiral Degrees of Freedom

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    We construct the Hamiltonian of the super five brane in terms of its physical degrees of freedom. It does not depend on the inverse of the induced metric. Consequently, some singular configurations are physically admissible, implying an interpretation of the theory as a multiparticle one. The symmetries of the theory are analyzed from the canonical point of view in terms of the first and second class constraints. In particular it is shown how the chiral sector may be canonically reduced to its physical degrees of freedom.Comment: 16 pages, typos correcte

    A Tale of Two Theories: Quantum Griffiths Effects in Metallic Systems

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    We show that two apparently contradictory theories on the existence of Griffiths-McCoy singularities in magnetic metallic systems [1,2] are in fact mathematically equivalent. We discuss the generic phase diagram of the problem and show that there is a non-universal crossover temperature range T* < T < W where power law behavior (Griffiths-McCoy behavior) is expect. For T<T* power law behavior ceases to exist due to the destruction of quantum effects generated by the dissipation in the metallic environment. We show that T* is an analogue of the Kondo temperature and is controlled by non-universal couplings.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Noise characterization of an atomic magnetometer at sub-millihertz frequencies

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    Noise measurements have been carried out in the LISA bandwidth (0.1 mHz to 100 mHz) to characterize an all-optical atomic magnetometer based on nonlinear magneto-optical rotation. This was done in order to assess if the technology can be used for space missions with demanding low-frequency requirements like the LISA concept. Magnetometry for low-frequency applications is usually limited by 1/f1/f noise and thermal drifts, which become the dominant contributions at sub-millihertz frequencies. Magnetic field measurements with atomic magnetometers are not immune to low-frequency fluctuations and significant excess noise may arise due to external elements, such as temperature fluctuations or intrinsic noise in the electronics. In addition, low-frequency drifts in the applied magnetic field have been identified in order to distinguish their noise contribution from that of the sensor. We have found the technology suitable for LISA in terms of sensitivity, although further work must be done to characterize the low-frequency noise in a miniaturized setup suitable for space missions.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Metallic Continuum Quantum Ferromagnets at Finite Temperature

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    We study via renormalization group (RG) and large N methods the problem of continuum SU(N) quantum Heisenberg ferromagnets (QHF) coupled to gapless electrons. We establish the phase diagram of the dissipative problem and investigate the changes in the Curie temperature, magnetization, and magnetic correlation length due to dissipation and both thermal and quantum fluctuations. We show that the interplay between the topological term (Berry's phase) and dissipation leads to non-trivial effects for the finite temperature critical behavior.Comment: Corrected typos, new discussion of T=0 results, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Carrier dynamics in ion-implanted GaAs studied by simulation and observation of terahertz emission

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    We have studied terahertz (THz) emission from arsenic-ion implanted GaAs both experimentally and using a three-dimensional carrier dynamics simulation. A uniform density of vacancies was formed over the optical absorption depth of bulk GaAs samples by performing multi-energy implantations of arsenic ions (1 and 2.4MeV) and subsequent thermal annealing. In a series of THz emission experiments the frequency of peak THz power was found to increase significantly from 1.4 to 2.2THz when the ion implantation dose was increased from 10^13 to 10^16 cm-3. We used a semi-classical Monte-Carlo simulation of ultra-fast carrier dynamics to reproduce and explain these results. The effect of the ion-induced damage was included in the simulation by considering carrier scattering at neutral and charged impurities, as well as carrier trapping at defect sites. Higher vacancy concentrations and shorter carrier trapping times both contributed to shorter simulated THz pulses, the latter being more important over experimentally realistic parameter ranges.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Vortex liquid crystals in anisotropic type II superconductors

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    In a type II superconductor in a moderate magnetic field, the superconductor to normal state transition may be described as a phase transition in which the vortex lattice melts into a liquid. In a biaxial superconductor, or even a uniaxial superconductor with magnetic field oriented perpendicular to the symmetry axis, the vortices acquire elongated cross sections and interactions. Systems of anisotropic, interacting constituents generally exhibit liquid crystalline phases. We examine the possibility of a two step melting in homogeneous type II superconductors with anisotropic superfluid stiffness from a vortex lattice into first a vortex smectic and then a vortex nematic at high temperature and magnetic field. We find that fluctuations of the ordered phase favor an instability to an intermediate smectic-A in the absence of intrinsic pinning