455 research outputs found

    Capture of carriers to screened charged centres and low temperature shallow impurity electric field break down in semiconductors

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    Free carrier capture by a screened Coulomb potential in semiconductors are considered. It is established that with decreasing screening radius the capture cross section decreases drastically, and it goes to zero when % r_s=a_B^{*}. On the basis of this result a new mechanism of shallow impurity electric field break down in semiconductors is suggested.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 1 figure in gif format, to be submitted to "Journal of Condensed Matter

    Generation of spin currents via Raman scattering

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    We show theoretically that stimulated spin flip Raman scattering can be used to inject spin currents in doped semiconductors with spin split bands. A pure spin current, where oppositely oriented spins move in opposite directions, can be injected in zincblende crystals and structures. The calculated spin current should be detectable by pump-probe optical spectroscopy and anomalous Hall effect measurement

    Correlation effects in sequential energy branching: an exact model of the Fano statistics

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    Correlation effects in in the fluctuation of the number of particles in the process of energy branching by sequential impact ionizations are studied using an exactly soluble model of random parking on a line. The Fano factor F calculated in an uncorrelated final-state "shot-glass" model does not give an accurate answer even with the exact gap-distribution statistics. Allowing for the nearest-neighbor correlation effects gives a correction to F that brings F very close to its exact value. We discuss the implications of our results for energy resolution of semiconductor gamma detectors, where the value of F is of the essence. We argue that F is controlled by correlations in the cascade energy branching process and hence the widely used final-state model estimates are not reliable -- especially in the practically relevant cases when the energy branching is terminated by competition between impact ionization and phonon emission.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Tunneling spin-galvanic effect

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    It has been shown that tunneling of spin-polarized electrons through a semiconductor barrier is accompanied by generation of an electric current in the plane of the interfaces. The direction of this interface current is determined by the spin orientation of the electrons, in particular the current changes its direction if the spin orientation changes the sign. Microscopic origin of such a 'tunneling spin-galvanic' effect is the spin-orbit coupling-induced dependence of the barrier transparency on the spin orientation and the wavevector of electrons.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic avalanche breakdown of a p-n junction: deterministic triggering of a plane streamer front

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    We discuss the dynamic impact ionization breakdown of high voltage p-n junction which occurs when the electric field is increased above the threshold of avalanche impact ionization on a time scale smaller than the inverse thermogeneration rate. The avalanche-to-streamer transition characterized by generation of dense electron-hole plasma capable to screen the applied external electric field occurs in such regimes. We argue that the experimentally observed deterministic triggering of the plane streamer front at the electric field strength above the threshold of avalanche impact ionization but yet below the threshold of band-to-band tunneling is generally caused by field-enhanced ionization of deep-level centers. We suggest that the process-induced sulfur centers and native defects such as EL2, HB2, HB5 centers initiate the front in Si and GaAs structures, respectively. In deep-level free structures the plane streamer front is triggered by Zener band-to-band tunneling.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Characterization of deep impurities in semiconductors by terahertz tunneling ionization

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    Tunneling ionization in high frequency fields as well as in static fields is suggested as a method for the characterization of deep impurities in semiconductors. It is shown that an analysis of the field and temperature dependences of the ionization probability allows to obtain defect parameters like the charge of the impurity, tunneling times, the Huang–Rhys parameter, the difference between optical and thermal binding energy, and the basic structure of the defect adiabatic potentials. Compared to static fields, high frequency electric fields in the terahertz-range offer various advantages, as they can be applied contactlessly and homogeneously even to bulk samples using the intense radiation of a high power pulsed far-infrared laser. Furthermore, impurity ionization with terahertz radiation can be detected as photoconductive signal with a very high sensitivity in a wide range of electric field strengths

    A new numerical approach to Anderson (de)localization

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    We develop a new approach for the Anderson localization problem. The implementation of this method yields strong numerical evidence leading to a (surprising to many) conjecture: The two dimensional discrete random Schroedinger operator with small disorder allows states that are dynamically delocalized with positive probability. This approach is based on a recent result by Abakumov-Liaw-Poltoratski which is rooted in the study of spectral behavior under rank-one perturbations, and states that every non-zero vector is almost surely cyclic for the singular part of the operator. The numerical work presented is rather simplistic compared to other numerical approaches in the field. Further, this method eliminates effects due to boundary conditions. While we carried out the numerical experiment almost exclusively in the case of the two dimensional discrete random Schroedinger operator, we include the setup for the general class of Anderson models called Anderson-type Hamiltonians. We track the location of the energy when a wave packet initially located at the origin is evolved according to the discrete random Schroedinger operator. This method does not provide new insight on the energy regimes for which diffusion occurs.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Single-particle states in spherical Si/SiO2_2 quantum dots

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    We calculate ground and excited electron and hole levels in spherical Si quantum dots inside SiO2_2 in a multiband effective mass approximation. Luttinger Hamiltonian is used for holes and the strong anisotropy of the conduction electron effective mass in Si is taken into account. As boundary conditions for electron and hole wave functions we use continuity of the wave functions and the velocity density at the boundary of the quantum dots.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of Counterrotating Accretion Disks

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    Hydrodynamic simulations have been used to study accretion disks consisting of counterrotating components with an intervening shear layer(s). Configurations of this type can arise from the accretion of newly supplied counterrotating matter onto an existing corotating disk. The grid-dependent numerical viscosity of our hydro code is used to simulate the influence of a turbulent viscosity of the disk. Firstly, we consider the case where the gas well above the disk midplane rotates with angular rate +\Omega(r) and that well below has the same properties but rotates with rate -\Omega(r). We find that there is angular momentum annihilation in a narrow equatorial boundary layer in which matter accretes supersonically with a velocity which approaches the free-fall velocity and the average accretion speed of the disk can be enormously larger than that for a conventional \alpha-disk rotating in one direction. Secondly, we consider the case of a corotating accretion disk for rr_t. In this case we observed, that matter from the annihilation layer lost its stability and propagated inward pushing matter of inner regions of the disk to accrete. Thirdly, we investigated the case where counterrotating matter inflowing from large radial distances encounters an existing corotating disk. Friction between the inflowing matter and the existing disk is found to lead to fast boundary layer accretion along the disk surfaces and to enhanced accretion in the main disk. These models are pertinent to the formation of counterrotating disks in galaxies and possibly in Active Galactic Nuclei and in X-ray pulsars in binary systems.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, to appear in Ap

    Temperature influence on the properties of thin Si₃N₄ films

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    Applying Raman spectroscopy, small-angle x-ray scattering, and atomic force microscopy it were studied phase composition and surface morphology of nanoscale films Si₃N₄ (obtained by RF magnetron sputtering