568 research outputs found
Light Curve Models of Supernovae and X-ray spectra of Supernova Remnants
We compare parameters of well-observed type II SN1999em derived by M.Hamuy
and D.Nadyozhin based on Litvinova-Nadyozhin (1985) analytic fits with those
found from the simulations with our radiative hydro code Stella. The difference
of SN parameters is quite large for the long distance scale. The same code
applied to models of SN1993J allows us to estimate systematic errors of
extracting foreground extinction toward SN1993J suggested by Clocchiatti et al.
(1995). A new implicit two-temperature hydro code code Supremna is introduced
which self-consistently takes into account the kinetics of ionization, electron
thermal conduction, and radiative losses for predicting X-ray spectra of young
supernova remnants such as Tycho and Kepler.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses, Padua,
June 16- 19, 2004, eds. M.Turatto et al., ASP Conference Serie
Investigation of the mobility of a concrete mixture as a fundamental factor in the formation of mixtures for 3D-printing
Soliton absorption spectroscopy
We analyze optical soliton propagation in the presence of weak absorption
lines with much narrower linewidths as compared to the soliton spectrum width
using the novel perturbation analysis technique based on an integral
representation in the spectral domain. The stable soliton acquires spectral
modulation that follows the associated index of refraction of the absorber. The
model can be applied to ordinary soliton propagation and to an absorber inside
a passively modelocked laser. In the latter case, a comparison with water vapor
absorption in a femtosecond Cr:ZnSe laser yields a very good agreement with
experiment. Compared to the conventional absorption measurement in a cell of
the same length, the signal is increased by an order of magnitude. The obtained
analytical expressions allow further improving of the sensitivity and
spectroscopic accuracy making the soliton absorption spectroscopy a promising
novel measurement technique.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures
Training of the top skills in the conditions of continuous education
The article deals with the problem of training highly qualified personnel in the context of the implementation of continuing education. The new status of Russian post-graduate studies in the system of higher education is analyzed. The problem of developing a universal educational program for postgraduate students that is adequate to the new conditions of its activity and meets the needs of the main customers of this process is being actualizedВ статье рассматривается проблема подготовки кадров высшей квалификации в контексте реализации непрерывного образования. Анализируется новый статус российской аспирантуры в системе высшего образования. Актуализируется проблема разработки универсальной образовательной программы подготовки аспирантов, адекватной новым условиям ее деятельности и отвечающей запросам основных заказ-чиков данного процесс
Review of O.A. Leontovich, E.V. Yakusheva. 2014. Ponimaniye - Nachalo Soglasiya: Mezhkul’turnaya Semeynaya Kommunikaciya (Understanding Is the Beginning of Accord: Intercultural Family Communication). Moscow: Gnosis, 224 pp
Candidate genes and clinical-laboratory parameters in pregnant women with preeclampsia
They studied the associations of genetic polymorphisms with clinico-laboratory indicators among pregnant women with preeclampsia depending on hereditary complicatio
Polymorphisms of genes and the risk of preeclampsia
They studied the relations of genetic polymorphisms with the risk of preeclampsia occurrence depending on hereditary complicatio
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