76 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the actual nutrition and nutritional status of combat athletes

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    Objective: to evaluate the actual nutrition and nutritional status of combat athletes. Materials and methods: the evaluation of the actual nutrition of 129 athletes involved in martial arts: 86 men (average age 22.1±0.5 years) and 43 women (average age 22.2±0.8 years) were carried out. The actual nutrition was investigated by the method of 24-hour (daily) reproduction of food intake. The biochemical and anthropometric markers of the nutritional status were evaluated; body mass index (BMI) and component body composition were assessed using bioimpedansometry. Results: results of the study showed unbalanced nutrition of athletes - excessive consumption of animal fat, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugar (including high-fat dairy products and confectionery).The nutrition analysis of combat athletes revealed a lack of vitamins B, magnesium, calcium, which was associated with low consumption of dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Disturbances in the nutritional structure caused unfavorable changes in some participants, such as an increase in BMI, the amount of adipose tissue, dyslipidemia, against the background of insufficient efficiency of the recovery processes of athletes and the risk of overwork. Conclusions: violation of the nutritional structure of athletes leads to development of pathological changes in nutritional status, which include increase of BMI and the amount of adipose tissue, dyslipidemia due to the lack of efficiency of recovery processes of athletes and the risk of overwork. The noted violations of nutrition and nutritional status are a risk factor for the development of alimentary-dependent diseases (cardiovascular pathology, obesity, osteoporosis, etc.)

    Nutritional habits of athletes in speed-and-strength sports

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    Speed-and-strength sports differ from other sports because of its short time and very intense physical activity. ^e review provides a literature analysis of the effect of nutrients on the metabolic processes that occur during the occupation of these sports. During the training of athletes generally anaerobic mechanisms of muscular work dominate, so the nutrition of athletes focuses on the consumption of foods with high protein content and essential amino acids. ^e article describes general principles of diet constructing for athletes that should correspond to the basics of optimal nutrition, depend on the period of sport activity (training, competition, recovery), the duration and intensity of physical exertion, etc. Based on the results of recent studies published by domestic and foreign authors, the substantiation of the energy value and the chemical composition of the diet (the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements), as well as the formation of diets and drinking regime for highly skilled athletes involved in speed-and-strength sports is given

    Study of the association of gene polymorphism with the risk of non-communicable diseases in martial artists

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    Objective: to study the effect of genetic polymorphisms: rs rs9939609 (FTO gene), rs4994 (ADRB3 gene), rs1042713 (ADRB2 gene), rs2228570 (VDR gene), rs1801133 (MTHFR gene) on anthropometric and lipid metabolism indicators in athletes representing martial arts.Materials and methods: studies of anthropometric and biochemical parameters, genetic polymorphisms were carried out in 120 athletes (101 men and 19 women) who are engaged in martial arts. Anthropometric studies were performed by measuring height (cm), body weight (kg), followed by calculating body mass index (BMI, kg / m2). Biochemical nutritional status markers were determined using the ABX Pentra 400 analyzer (HORIBA ABX SAS, France) in an automatic mode. Genotyping was performed using allele­specific amplification using TaqMan probes complementary to polymorphic DNA regions and real­time detection of the results using reagent kits from Syntol, Russia. Studies were performed on the device CFX96 Real Time System (Bio­Rad, USA). Statistical processing of the results was performed using the PASW Statistics 20 system.Results: as a result of generic Diovan athletes martial artists on the risk of non­communicable diseases, discovered that the frequency of allele A of rs9939609 polymorphism of the FTO gene they have is 43.9 %, allele polymorphism rs4994 ADRB3 gene — 10.9 %, G allele of rs1042713 ADRB2 gene polymorphism — 52.6 %, G allele of the polymorphism rs2228570 VDR gene with 44.9 % and allele t of rs1801133 in the MTHFR gene to 36.7 %. An association was found between the value of anthropometric indicators in male martial artists and the presence of polymorphisms rs9939609 (FTO), rs1042713 (ADRB2) and rs2228570 (VDR).Conclusions: the reason for the identified dyslipidemia in martial artists may be not only the previously detected violations of the structure of their nutrition, but also the presence of certain genetic polymorphisms, in particular, rs4994 of the ADRB3 gene and rs1042713 of the ADRB2 gene

    Evaluation of the actual nutrition and nutritional status of cyclic sports athletes

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    Objective: assessment of the actual nutrition of athletes involved in cyclic sports. Materials and methods: actual nutrition was investigated using 24-hour (daily) nutritional reproduction. Anthropometric study was conducted by height (cm) and body weight (kg) measuring with subsequent calculation of body mass index (BMI, kg/m2). Body composition was determined by the method of bioimpedansometry. Biochemical markers of nutritional status were determined using the «400 ABXPENTRA» Analyzer in unattended mode. Results: assessment of the actual nutrition of athletes revealed its imbalance-excess consumption of animal fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars (including confectionery). In the diet of athletes a vitamin deficiency of Group B, magnesium, calcium was detected, that was due to the insufficient consumption of dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits. Conclusions: nutritional disorders caused adverse changes of the nutritional status in some of athletes surveyed that manifested by changes in the body composition, dyslipidemia against the background of insufficient efficiency of recovery processes and the risk of overwork

    Study of Association of gene polymorphism with nutrition and nutritional status of martial arts athletes

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    Objective: studying the effect of genetic polymorphisms: rs1815739 (ACTN3 gene), rs2016520 (PPARD gene), rs1042713 (ADRB2 gene), rs1799945 (HFE gene) on anthropometric and lipid metabolism indicators in athletes representing martial arts. Materials and methods: studies of anthropometric and biochemical parameters, genetic polymorphisms were carried out in 83 athletes (64 men and 19 women) who were are engaged in martial arts. Anthropometric studies were performed by height (cm) and body weight (kg) measuring followed by calculating body mass index (BMI, kg / m2). Biochemical nutritional status markers were determined using the ABXPENTRA 400 analyzer (HORIBA ABX SAS, France) in an automatic mode. Genotyping was performed using allele-specific amplification using TaqMan probes complementary to polymorphic DNA regions and realtime detection of the results using reagent kits from Syntol, Russia. Studies were performed on the device «CFX96 Real Time System» («BIO-RAD», USA). Statistical processing of the results was performed using the PASW Statistics 20 system. Results: as a result of gene testing for endurance of combat athletes, it was found that the frequency of the T allele of the rs1815739 polymorphism (ACTN3 gene) was 47.5%, the PPARD gene ал20120120 allele G is 13.9%, the rs1042713 G allele of the ADRB2 gene was 51.9%, and the G allele of the rs1799945 polymorphism of the HFE gene was 19.3%. No association was found between the value of anthropometric parameters in athletes and the presence of the studied polymorphisms. Conclusions: the cause of identified dyslipidemia in combat athletes may be not only the disturbances in the structure of their nutrition that we found earlier, but also the presence of certain genetic polymorphisms

    Food and water-drinking regime in endurance sports

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    Modern nutrition for athletes is based on the principles of rational nutrition and the peculiarities of muscle activity during the training process. This work demonstrates the review of the processes occurring during participation in endurance sports and its features. According to the modern classification used by domestic and foreign authors, the article provides a list of endurance types of sport with its characteristics. Endurance sports have repeatable phases of movements and hemodynamic component, which is characterized by the activity of the muscles of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Energy supply of muscle activity of endurance sports is mainly provided by aerobic glycolysis and glycogenolysis, as well as beta-oxidation of fats. There is a report of the influence of nutrients on the recovery of working capacity of athletes in endurance sports. The issues of food distribution during the day are affected, depending on the training and competitive process. Specific features of the formation of diets and drinking regime for highly skilled athletes involved in endurance sports are formulated

    Vitamin content of athletes of various sports: assessment of the diet and blood serum level

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    Objective: to study the vitamins level in athletes of various sports. Materials and methods: during the training process, 400 athletes of various sports and specializations were examined: martial artists, game sport athletes, cyclic, complex coordination sports. We assessed the dietery intake of vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and PP and the blood serum level of vitamins A, E, C, B2 and beta-carotene. Results: The assessement the dietary intake of vitamins in relation to the energy value revealed insufficient intake of vitamins B1, B2 and PP in vast majority of the athletes. Only 15.2% of athlets demonstrated adequate level of all vitamins. Most frequently we found a reduced blood serum riboflavin concentration. Conclusions: An increase of B vitamins dietary intake by athletes through a high level of dietary vitamin supplements

    Безопасность нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов по данным популяционных исследований: преимущества ацеклофенак

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    Effective pain relief in rheumatology practice is one of the most important criteria for the quality of medical care. Therefore, drugs with analgesic effects, primarily nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are among the most commonly used ones in the combination therapy of rheumatic diseases. All NSAIDs are capable of causing to one degree or another extent unwanted reactions that occur in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cardiovascular system (CVS), liver, kidneys, and allergic reactions. Considering the widespread use of NSAIDs, the problem of preventing these complications becomes not only medical, but also social. In 2008, the European Union launched the international project SOS (Safety Of non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to study the safety of NSAIDs. The results of this project have shown that aceclofenac is one of the most successful drugs in combining the safety for GIT and CVS. Compared with other NSAIDs, this drug has a minimal risk for GI bleeding (relative risk (RR) 1.43; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.65–3.15); it does not increase the risk of hospitalization for heart failure (RR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.91–1.15) or the risk of developing myocardial infarction (RR 1.04; 95% CI, 0.90–1.19) either. The risk of ischemic stroke during aceclofenac therapy was slightly increased (RR, 1.17); but statistically insignificant (95% CI, 0.98–1.39). A large number of randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, and observational programs have demonstrated that aceclofenac has pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects that are comparable to those of other NSAIDs and can be used in diseases accompanied by musculoskeletal pain, including that in older patients.Эффективное устранение боли в ревматологической практике – один из наиболее важных критериев качества медицинской помощи. Поэтому препараты с обезболивающим действием, прежде всего нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВП), относятся к числу медикаментов наиболее часто используемых в комплексной терапии ревматических заболеваний. Все НПВП в той или иной степени способны вызывать неблагоприятные реакции со стороны желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ), сердечно-сосудистой системы (ССС), печени, почек, аллергические реакции. Учитывая широкое применение НПВП, проблема профилактики данных осложнений приобретает не только медицинское, но и социальное значение. В 2008 г. Европейский союз начал работу в рамках международного проекта SOS (Safety Of non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) по изучению безопасности НПВП. Согласно результатам, полученным в ходе реализации данного проекта, одним из наиболее удачных препаратов по сочетанию безопасности в отношении ЖКТ и ССС оказался ацеклофенак. По сравнению с остальными НПВП риск развития ЖКТ-кровотечений для этого препарата был минимальным (относительный риск, ОР 1,43; 95% доверительный интервал, ДИ 0,65–3,15); он также не повышал риск госпитализации по поводу сердечной недостаточности (отношение шансов, ОШ 1,03; 95% ДИ 0,91–1,15) и риск развития инфаркта миокарда (ОШ 1,04; 95% ДИ 0,90–1,19). Риск возникновения ишемического инсульта на фоне терапии ацеклофенаком был несколько повышен (ОШ 1,17), однако статистически незначимо (95% ДИ 0,98–1,39). По данным большого числа рандомизированных клинических исследований, метаанализов и наблюдательных программ, ацеклофенак оказывает выраженное обезболивающее и противовоспалительное действие, сопоставимое с таковым других НПВП, и может быть использован при заболеваниях, сопровождающихся скелетно-мышечной болью, в том числе у пациентов старшего возраста