21 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis incidence in a large industrial city - the relevance of the problem and ways of solution

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    The aim of the study – to determine the main characteristics of the epidemic process of tuberculosis in a large industrial city and to find ways to optimize its prevention.Цель исследования – определение основных характеристик эпидемического процесса туберкулеза в крупном промышленном городе и поиск путей оптимизации его профилактики

    Epizootic situation on rabic infection and measures of its prevention in a large industrial city

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    The aim of the study – to establish the current characteristics of the epizootic process of rabies in a large industrial city and the risk of infection for humans.Цель исследования – установление актуальных характеристик эпизоотического процесса бешенства в крупном промышленном городе и риска заражения для людей

    Особенности эпидемической и эпизоотической ситуации по рабической инфекции в Донецкой Народной Республике

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    Purpose: analysis of the epidemic situation of rabies infection in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic and assessment of the level of epidemic threat for this infection for 2023. Materials and methods: A retrospective epidemiological analysis of the epidemic and epizootic situation of rabies infection was carried out based on the materials of the Department of Especially Dangerous Infections Republican Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Health of the Donetsk People's Republic for the last 8 years. Results: For the period from 2015 to March 2023 in the Donetsk People's Republic, 4 cases of rabies infection in people were registered (in 2016, 2021, 2022), which ended in death due to the untimely appeal of those bitten for specialized medical help. The epizootic situation for rabies infection remained unfavorable for the studied period of time. This infection has been laboratory confirmed in animals: 2015 — in 33 cases, 2016 — in 50 cases, 2017 — in 50 cases, 2018 — in 42 cases, 2019 — in 56 cases, 2020 — in 44 cases, 2021 — in 33 cases, 2022 — in 32 cases.Цель: анализ эпидемической и эпизоотической ситуаций по рабической инфекции на территории Донецкой Народной Республики и оценка уровня эпидемической угрозы по этой инфекции на 2023 г. Материалы и методы: Проведен ретроспективный эпидемиологический анализ эпидемической и эпизоотической ситуации по рабической инфекции по материалам отделения особо опасных инфекций Республиканского центра санитарно-эпидемиологического надзора государственной санитарно-эпидемиологической службы Министерства здравоохранения Донецкой Народной Республики за последние 8 лет.Результаты: За период с 2015 по март 2023 гг. в Донецкой Народной Республике было зарегистрировано 4 случая рабической инфекции у людей (в 2016 г., 2021 г., 2022 г.), которые завершились летальным исходом в связи с несвоевременным об- ращением укушенных за специализированной помощью. Эпизоотическая ситуация по рабической инфекции за исследуемый промежуток времени оставалась неблагополучной. Эта инфекция была подтверждена лабораторно у животных: в 2015 г. в 33 случаях, в 2016 г. — в 50 случаях, в 2017 г. — в 50 случаях, в 2018 г. — в 42 случаях, в 2019 г. — в 56 случаях, в 2020 г. — в 44 случаях, в 2021 г. — в 33 случаях, в 2022 г. — в 32 случаях

    Adverse cardiovascular outcomes and their relationship with risk factors according to the prospective study MERIDIAN-RO

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    Aim. To assess the incidence of adverse outcomes and the role of main risk factors in their development.Material and methods. Prospective, long-term study was conducted with observation period of 36 months. The sample in the MERIDIAN-RO study was formed from the urban and rural population. It included 1622 people aged 25-64 years. The response to the study was 86,1%. Observation and screening of endpoints continued for 36 months. The endpoints were: all-cause death, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary artery revascularization.Results. When studying the relationship between various risk factors and outcomes, it was found that they had a significant impact on the combined endpoint (all-cause death + nonfatal ischemic stroke + nonfatal myocardial infarction): risk SCORE >5% (odds ratio (OR) 5,80, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2,31-14,58, p=0,0001, Wald — 23,040), excessive alcohol consumption (OR 714, 95% CI 1,41-36,31, p=0,018, Wald — 2,908), arterial hypertension (OR 4,77 95% CI 1,91-11,90, p=0,01, Wald — 9,000), combination of coronary artery disease/myocardial infarction/stroke in history (OR 11,16, 95% CI 3,98-31,31, p=0,0001, Wald — 22,607) and an apolipoprotein B increase more than 180 mg/dL (OR 28,57 95% CI 732-111,42, p=0,0001, Wald — 24,509).Conclusion. The most significant effect on the combined endpoint (all-cause death + nonfatal myocardial infarction + nonfatal stroke) made: SCORE risk >5%, excessive alcohol consumption, hypertension, combination of coronary artery disease/myocardial infarction/stroke in history and an apolipoprotein B increase more than 180 mg/dL. That should be considered when choosing aims and preventive strategies