113 research outputs found

    Student Mobility as a Form of Education Internationalization: A Systems Approach to Management

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    According to the analysis of the existing internationalization strategies it is demonstrated that its main source is an international students’ mobility, which is based on ability, willingness and common interest in cooperation of three following subjects: countries importing education, education-exporting countries, higher educational institution of the exporting country, which provides its educational services for the citizens of the country importing education. The success of this process depends on a certain set of factor indicators in politics, economics, sociology and technology, which are peculiar to each of three participants. The authors propose common to all the participants list of criteria, which evaluate indicators of the stated factors according to the integrated scale: political (administrative) stability, degree of participants’ cooperation, legislation in educational sphere, mutual amiability of the subjects, level of administrative barriers, peculiarities of demographic situation, economic performance, demand for majors of training, logistic accessibility, the number of graduate students, language attraction of training programs, level of career-oriented activities, correspondence between the level of applicants’ acquirements and requirements of the education-exporting country, competition on the educational services market, accessibility of distance educational technologies, development level and dynamics of innovations. The article gives an integral estimation of the efficiency forecast for the work of exporting higher educational institution with the population of a particular education-importing country. This estimation is carried out by means of the analysis of the formed multi-level hierarchical structure. The convolution of hierarchical elements on each level of the hierarchical structure is done using a generalised f-mean, proposed by Kolmogorov – Nagumo. There are given examples of the proposed methodology implication for quantitative and comparative assessment of the potential of education-importing countries. Due to this, international services of the university determine the most attractive countries in terms of international students’ mobility organization and therefore concentration of administrative and financial resources in the chosen direction, in order to make decision on the university brand promotion on the foreign market of educational services. The model can be easily modified by adding the relevant or excluding irrelevant parameters for a given university

    A comparative study of Epipactis atrorubens in two different forest communities of the Middle Urals, Russia

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    The objective of this study was to compare eco-physiological and morphological parameters of a regionally endangered orchid species, Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm. ex Bernh.) Bess., growing in two forest communities (on serpentine and granite outcrops) of the Middle Urals, Russia. Biodiversity, dominance, and phytocoenosis studies showed the colonization of a wide range of plant species on both sites. The physicochemical properties of the soil, chemical composition and morphological features of E. atrorubens, growing under technogenic conditions (asbestos deposits), on serpentine outcrops and in the natural environment of the granite massif were studied for the first time. The serpentine substrate differed from the granite one by its greater stoniness, circumneutral pH and lower contents of available nitrogen and phosphorus. Extremely high concentrations of magnesium were found in the serpentine soil, some 79 times higher than in the granite substrate. High concentrations of nickel (94 times), chromium (59 times), cobalt (17 times), and iron (4 times) were found in the serpentine substrate, higher than in the granite substrate. The differences between the sites for available metal contents and for root and shoot metal contents were significantly less. Concentrations of most of the metals in the roots were higher than in the shoots. Despite higher metal concentrations and lower nitrogen and phosphorus levels in serpentine soils, E. atrorubens had a larger population and greater viability compared to those growing on granite. Plants on serpentine outcrops were characterized by the formation of a larger number of fruits, greater root lengths and thicker leaf blades, compared to plants on granites. The well-developed orchid mycorrhizae contributed to the survival of this species under unfavorable serpentine conditions. Hence, serpentine outcrops formed due to the mining of asbestos could be a suitable substrate for the light-demanding E. atrorubens due to its capacity to adapt to dry, rocky, nutrient-depleted soils and limited competition from other plants. © 2019, The Author(s).The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the framework of the State Task of UrFU No. 6.7696.2017

    Natural Forest Colonisation and Soil Formation on Ash Dump in Southern Taiga

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    Ash dumps occupy significant areas around the world and make a negative influence on the environment. This effect is decreased by their natural colonisation determined by the bioclimatic conditions of the area. The purpose of the current study was to identify the structure of the forest communities and the initial stages of soil formation on the ash dump in southern taiga. This study was carried out on three sites in the forest phytocoenosis formed in the process of revegetation of the Verkhniy Tagil Power Station ash dump over 50 years, as well as on two background forest sites in the Middle Urals. Complex geobotanical and soil studies were carried out. The results of the study show that forest phytocoenoses with a predominance of hardwood species (Betula pendula Roth and Populus tremula L.) and a small admixture of coniferous species can form on the non-recultivated ash dump within 50 years in a boreal zone. In total, the studied mixed forest phytocoenoses are similar in composition to zonal secondary forests, but differ by having lower height and diameter of the stand, as well as herb–shrub layer coverage. Their species density and floristic richness are also lesser. The study proved that the process of soil formation is also proceeding according to the zonal type in the ash substrate under forest communities. The results of the study can be applied to justifying the forecasts of ecosystem restoration on the technogenic substrate, as well as for the species selecting for their recultivation in the studied area and similar to it. © 2020 by the Committee on Forestry Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Forest Research Institute in S´kocin Stary

    Adaptive Redox Reactions Promote Naturalization of Rare Orchid Epipactis atrorubens on Serpentine Dumps Post Asbestos Mining

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    Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser. is a regionally rare orchid species with highly ornamental properties due to its very beautiful bright flowers, therefore it is of considerable interest as a horticultural plant for use in botanical gardens and greenhouses. The objective of the research was to assess metal accumulation and some pro-and antioxidant reactions in E. atrorubens, colonizing serpentine dumps post asbestos mining. Additionally, some physicochemical properties of substrates, microbiotic characteristics and water status were investigated in orchids growing on two serpentine dumps and in a natural forest habitat of the Middle Urals, Russia. The dump substrates were characterized by the strong stoniness and the high content of Mg, Ni, Cr and Co (by 1.8 times on average) compared to the natural habitat. In these sites, E. atrorubens was characterized by increased mycorrhization. In the rhizome and roots of E. atrorubens the concentrations of most metals studied were considerably higher (more than 4 times on average) than in the leaves. It was found that orchids colonizing serpentine dumps produced more lipid peroxidation products (by 1.4 times on average) in the leaves which was accompanied by the more active synthesis of such non-enzymatic antioxidants as ascorbate, free proline, soluble phenolic compounds (including flavonoids) and non-protein thiols. The study suggests that non-enzymatic antioxidants increased the adaptive potential of E. atrorubens and contributed to its naturalization on serpentine dumps post asbestos mining. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.20-44-660011; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka; Ural Federal University, UrFU: FEUZ-2020-0057Funding: The reported study was partly funded by RFBR and the Government of Sverdlovsk region, project number 20-44-660011 and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as part of state task of the Ural Federal University, FEUZ-2020-0057

    Experience of ultrasound diagnosis of functional violations of the temporomandibular joint in children

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    The study shows the results of the use of ultrasound examination of temporal - mandibular joint for children to: determine the accuracy of all stages of the height of the bite, the comparative assessment of the heads on the structures of the temporal bone to orthodontic and orthopedic treatment, during treatment and at the stages of follow-up; detection ultrasonic signs of internal disorders temporomandibular joint, traumatic injuries and other extra-articular ‘soft tissue’ elementsВ исследовании показаны результаты использования ультразвукового исследования височно - нижнечелюстного сустава у детей для: определения правильности формирования всех этапов становления высоты прикуса; сравнительной оценки положения головок относительно структур височной кости до ортодонтического и ортопедического лечения, во время лечения и на этапах диспансерного наблюдения; выявления ультразвуковых признаков внутренних нарушений височно-нижнечелюстного сустава, травматических повреждений суставных и внесуставных «мягкотканых» элементов

    Incidence and prognostic value of acute kidney injury in pulmonary embolism: data from the SIRENA registry

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    Aim. To evaluate the incidence and severity of acute kidney injury (AKI), as well as its ability to reclassify the risk of premature mortality and association with inhospital mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) in the Russian population.Material and methods. From April 2018 to April 2019, the SIRENA Russian Multicenter Registry included patients with PE, as well as the deceased, in whom the PE was detected by autopsy. AKI was diagnosed according to current KDIGO guidelines (2012). Creatinine calculated according to the MDRD equation and corresponding to a glomerular filtration rate of 75 ml/min/1,73 m2 (baseline) was taken as the initial one, with subsequent assessment relative to the parameter value upon admission. The risk stratification of early death was carried out in accordance with the current ESC clinical guidelines (2019).Results. A total of 604 patients with PE were examined (men — 293 (49%), women — 311 (51%), mean age — 64±15 years). AKI was diagnosed in 223 (37%) of them. Stage 1 AKI was detected in 146 (65%), 2 — in 55 (25%), 3 — in 22 (10%) patients. Prior chronic kidney disease was recorded in 61 (10%) patients. Seventy-one (12%) patients had a high risk of death, 364 (61%) — intermediate risk, and 164 (27%) — low risk. The AKI incidence increased as the severity of PE increased: at low risk of death — 26%, intermediate — 38%, high — 59% (p<0,0001). In total, 107 (18%) patients died in the hospital. AKI led to an increase in mortality within following risk groups: at low risk, this effect was a trend (6 (5%) vs 6 (14%); p=0,052); at intermediate and high risk, significant differences was obtained (30 (13%) vs 41 (30%), p<0,001; 4 (14%) vs 19 (45%), p=0,006, respectively). Multivariate Cox regression demonstrated that AKI is a predictor of inhospital death (odds ratio (OR), 3,66 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2,37-5,66; p<0,0001), regardless of increased troponin levels (OR, 1,31 (95% CI: 0,80-2,14; p=0,28) and right ventricular dysfunction (OR, 1,23 (95% CI: 0,74-2,04; p=0,42).Conclusion. Thirty-seven percent of Russian patients with PE have AKI diagnosed by baseline creatinine. In 2/3 of the examined patients, stage 1 AKI is observed. The AKI incidence increases as the severity of PE increases. The presence of AKI reclassifies patients into a higher risk category for death and is associated with a significant increase in inhospital mortality

    Experimental Preventive Anti-Tularemia Preparation

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    Designed is an experimental preparation of a prototype chemical tularemia vaccine (PCTV). It is composed of protective antigenic complex (PAC) of tularemia microbe and S-layer protein (Slp) of plague microbe. Determined is optimum ratio of these components in the preparation and schedule of its administration. Displayed are the results of its testing as regards physical-chemical properties, reactogenicity, specific activity and impact on the immune system of laboratory animals. It is found out that preparation of the prototype is non-toxic for white mice and Guinea pigs and has no damaging effect on their immune systems. Single-stage subcutaneous immunization with PCTV induces elaboration of high-level adaptive immunity in laboratory animals within 14–21 days: specific antibody generation and stimulation of immune system cell component. PCTV protective index for white mice in case of experimental tularemia, caused by Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica, is 87,5 % on average; in case of infecting with F. tularensis subsp. nearctica – 50 %; and high-level immunity in both cases. High potency of the experimental preparation against tularemia caused by subsp. holarctica (protective index is 75 %) and high-grade immunity persistence is verified on the model of Guinea pigs too

    Benign and malignant paragangliomas: clinical presentation and treatment outcomes in 38 patients

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    Paragangliomas are tumors of neuroendocrine system. Tumors are characterized by a wide variety of localizations. The article presents an analysis of 38 cases of benign and malignant paragangliomas detected between 2010 and 2019 at the Sverdlovsk Regional Oncology Center.Параганглиомы - опухоли нейроэндокринного происхождения, характеризующиеся широким разнообразием локализаций. В статье представлен анализ 38 случаев доброкачественных и злокачественных параганглиом, выявленных за период с 2010 г. по 2019 г. на базе Свердловского областного онкологического диспансера