92 research outputs found

    New trophic classification of wood-destroying fungi the case of community of pathogenic polypore fungi types on Pedunculate oak

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    Based on the generalization of experimental data obtained during the practical study of the trophic specialization of wood-destroying fungi from the commonness of PTH on oak in the oak forests of the south-west of the Central Russian Upland, a new ecotrophic classification has been developed, including the following groups of wood-destroying fungi: biotrophic pathogens, saprotrophic pathogens, pathogenic saprotrophs, non-pathogenic saprotroph

    Trans-species relation in communities of pathogenic Polyporaceae on pedunculate oak Quercus robur L

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    In the process of research phytopathological and mycocenological methods were used As a result of the research, real trans-species relation were revealed in the most common and frequently occurring types of PPF on oak within various communities: Mutually positive type relationships based on the proto-operation were found between Laetiporus sulphureus and Fistulina hepatica. Neutral type relationships were found in between Fistulina hepatica and Fomitiporia robusta, Laetiporus sulphureus and Fomitiporia robust

    Opportunities for the analysis of the spatial ecological structure of the mycobiota of macromycetes of a natural-territorial entity (the case of the Botanical Garden of Belgorod University, Belgorod, Russia)

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    On the basis of direct observations, the general principles of the organization of the mycobiota of the macromycetes of the natural-territorial formation "Botanical Garden" of Belgorod State University (Belgorod, Russian Federation) have been clarified. Based on the clarified principles, a scheme of their spatial ecological organization has been constructed: mycobiota - mycohore (mycocenosis, mycoaggregation) - mycosinium-3 - mycocenocells - mycocell. The obtained results can be used to study the spatial ecological organization of mycobiota macromycetes of other natural-territorial formation

    Behavioral Impact of the Regulation of the Brain 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Complex by Synthetic Phosphonate Analog of 2-Oxoglutarate: Implications into the Role of the Complex in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Decreased activity of the mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (OGDHC) in brain accompanies neurodegenerative diseases. To reveal molecular mechanisms of this association, we treated rats with a specific inhibitor of OGDHC, succinyl phosphonate, or exposed them to hypoxic stress. In males treated with succinyl phosphonate and in pregnancy-sensitized females experiencing acute hypobaric hypoxia, we revealed upregulation of brain OGDHC (within 24 hours), with the activity increase presumably representing the compensatory response of brain to the OGDHC inhibition. This up-regulation of brain OGDHC was accompanied by an increase in exploratory activity and a decrease in anxiety of the experimental animals. Remarkably, the hypoxia-induced elevation of brain OGDHC and most of the associated behavioral changes were abrogated by succinyl phosphonate. The antagonistic action of hypoxia and succinyl phosphonate demonstrates potential therapeutic significance of the OGDHC regulation by the phosphonate analogs of 2-oxoglutarate


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    Iability of blackberry accessions in vivo after in vitro culture storage was analyzed. Phenological development phases of adult plants, crop yield and water regime were studied in the field. Adaptability of the accessions to adverse environmental factors (frost, drought and heat resistance, resistance to fungal infections) was evaluated

    New approaches to registration and conservation of domestic cultivars of berry crops in the VIR Genebank on the example of red raspberry and black currant

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    A collection of nomenclatural standards is being created at VIR for domestic cultivars of various crops in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP). A new complex strategy was proposed for vegetatively propagated crops for registering domestic cultivars received from their authors in the VIR genebank. In addition to the creation of nomenclature standards, the strategy includes the development of a genetic passport of a cultivar and the use of biotechnological methods to preserve explants (buds, meristems) isolated from plant material transferred by breeders to the VIR Herbarium. This approach can be used for any vegetatively propagated crop applying a protocol developed specifically for an individual crop. For raspberry and black currant varieties, the collecting of plant material, its preparation for the registration of nomenclature standards and the preservation of viable samples under controlled in vitro conditions have specific features. This article provides detailed protocols for performing the mentioned work for raspberry and black currant varieties. In addition, the article summarizes the first results of the implementation of our proposed strategy on the example of domestic raspberry and black currant varieties created in various breeding centers of Russia. Three years of joint work of VIR researchers and breeders from four breeding centers in five regions of the country have resulted in creation of nomenclature standards for 20 raspberry varieties, as well as for five black currant varieties bred at VIR. Thirteen samples of raspberry varieties and four of black currant varieties, genetically identical to nomenclature standards, were introduced into in vitro culture; four raspberry cultivars have been placed in the VIR cryobank for the long-term cryopreservation

    In vitro collection of berry and fruit crops and their wild relatives at VIR

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    Hierarchical structure of pathogenic polypore fungi community on pedunculate oak in the oak forests of the southwest of the Central russian upland

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    The article deals with the possibilities of typological classification and hierarchical subordination of the communities of pathogenic polypore fungi Polyporaceae s. l., associated with Pedunculate oak Quercus robur L. They allow to propose a schematic-model of the hierarchical structure of the regional community of pathogenic polypore fungi on Pedunculate oak (communities of pathogenic polypore fungi on Pedunculate oak) in the oak forests of the southwest of the Central Russian uplan

    Cryopreservation of raspberry cultivar accessions bred in Russia from the VIR <i>in vitro</i> collection

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    Cryobanks use plant cryocollections for long-term preservation of crops which cannot be preserved in seed collections. These are vegetatively propagated crops, accessions of species which form either a small amount of seeds, or recalcitrant seeds. Shoot tips (apexes) of in vitro plants are used for cryopreservation for most berry crops, therefore maintenance of in vitro collections is very important. The VIR in vitro collection includes 150 accessions of Rubus L. species, 85 of them are raspberry cultivars, 59 of which were bred in Russia. These cultivars reflect a wide ecogeographic diversity. Among them, there are raspberry cultivars created at the end of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries, including cultivars bred by I.V. Michurin and by the pioneer of northern horticulture V.V. Spirin. More than half of national raspberry varieties (33) are listed in the State Register for Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage. Raspberry cultivars from Russian breeding programs have a very limited representation in foreign genebanks. The first aim of the present work was cryopreservation of mostly folk and old Russian raspberry cultivars received by VIR from 1925 till 1950 and their transfer into the cryobank. The second aim of the work was to monitor post-cryogenic regeneration of raspberry cultivars transferred to the cryobank earlier. A modified protocol of the droplet vitrification method by “DV-biotech” was used for cryopreservation of shoot tips of in vitro plants of 10 raspberry cultivars (7 of which are folk and old Russian ones) from the VIR in vitro collection. Post-cryogenic regeneration was evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Ten raspberry cultivars (900 apexes) with an average mean post-cryoregenic regeneration value of 38.2±3.0% determined in control tests, were placed in the cryobank for long-term storage. A statistically significant effect of the genotype on the viability of explants after cryopreservation was noted, while the post-cryogenic regeneration was genotype insensitive. Additionally, levels of post-cryogenic regeneration were evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars (296 apexes) preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Post-cryogenic regeneration within the 20-70% range was displayed by four raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank for one year, and for 8 cultivars conserved there from three to five years post-cryogenic regeneration was within the 10-50% range. According to the results of monitoring, regeneration displayed by 12 raspberry cultivars was within the 10-70% range, which can be considered as a reliable rate of apex preservation in liquid nitrogen vapors in the VIR cryobank. Monitoring of the post-cryogenic regeneration of the raspberry accessions preserved in the VIR cryobank and cryopreservation of new raspberry cultivars will be continued

    Molecular markers in the genetic diversity studies of representatives of the genus <i>Rubus</i> L. and prospects of their application in breeding

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    According to estimates of various taxonomists, the genus Rubus L. (Rosaceae Juss.) consists of 12-16 subgenera comprising ~750 species. The two largest subgenera are Idaeobatus (Focke) Focke, which includes raspberries, and the type subgenus Rubus (=Eubatus Focke), which contains blackberry species. Representatives of the genus Rubus have high nutritional and economic values, as well as medicinal properties. Breeding programs are aimed at broadening genetic diversity and creating new varieties of raspberries and blackberries that are resistant to biotic and abiotic stressors and have high fruit quality. Modern breeding and genetic programs increasingly use the achievements of molecular genetics and genomics. This paper reviews the literature data on the application of molecular markers in fundamental and applied research aimed at studying the genetic diversity of cultivated and wild species of the genus Rubus. The review describes the main types of molecular markers (RFLP, RAPD, SCoT, SSR, ISSR, AFLP, SCAR, SSCP) and their application for studying the species of the genus Rubus. The results of the work on the use of DNA markers for solving different tasks are presented, including: studying the phylogenetic relationships of species, clarifying controversial issues of taxonomy, analyzing interspecific and intraspecific diversity, genotyping and pedigree analysis of raspberry and blackberry varieties, studying somaclonal variation and others. The most important applied result is the development of molecular genetic maps for raspberry and blackberry species, on which numerous genes and QTLs conferring various valuable traits have been mapped. At the same time, the number of markers that are promising for effective molecular screening is still insufficient