34 research outputs found

    Gender differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system of pre-school children

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    Relevance Investigation of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children of different ages, especially pre-school and school periods of childhood, becomes essential, since the further development of the brain and its proper functioning depends on the way it functions. Considering the MRI indications of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children is important for the development of neurology and neurosurgery, it is necessary to consider gender differences in the brain size and structure.Objective To study the sex differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system in seven-year-old children.Material and Methods For the study, archival data on the sizes of the lateral ventricles of the brain of 120 children aged 7 (60 boys and 60 girls) were involved, in particular: 1) the length of the anterior horn; 2) the width of the anterior horn; 3) the length of the central part; 4) the width of the central part; 5) the length of the posterior horn; 6) the width of the posterior horn; 7) the length of the lower horn; 8) the anteroposterior size; 9) the distance between the anterior horns; 10) the distance between the posterior horns; 11) the length of the third ventricle; 12) the height of the third ventricle; 13) the length of the aqueduct; 14) the length of the fourth ventricle; 15) the height of the fourth ventricle. The studies were carried out using the method of magnetic resonance imaging. Quantitative indicators were assessed for compliance with the normal distribution using the KolmogorovSmirnov test. The accumulation, correction, systematization of the initial information were carried out in Microsoft Excel 2016. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft Inc., USA). The results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.Results The data obtained in the study of the cerebrospinal fluid system in children during their pre-school period of childhood are indicators of the norm and can be used for diagnostic studies in the departments of radiation diagnostics. The bilateral asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain in pre-school children, discovered during the work, is of crucial clinical significance. The morphometric indicators of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system should be considered by specialists in the study of brain neuroplasticity.Conclusion Analysis of the obtained in vivo encephalometric data indicates the presence of sexual variability of the brain and parameters of the structures of the cerebrospinal fluid

    Neurodidactic Techniques as a Means of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

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    В статье дается обобщенная характеристика использования нейродидактических приемов.The article provides a generalized description of the use of neurodidactic techniques

    Medico-social rationale for adaptation of regional drug supply systems to personalized pharmaceutical care for persons of different ages

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    In this study, we identified indicators of the state of personalized pharmaceutical care for target population groups at the regional level, in a model region, with the aim to develop a differentiated approach to such care. The rationale for the choice of Moscow Region as a model region is based on its specific socioeconomic indicators and a comparison of these with respective average Russian values. A need was shown to modernize patient-oriented pharmaceutical care, especially for certain population groups, such as children, women of working age (mothers), and the elderl


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    Detection of network attacks is currently one of the most important problems of secure use of enterprise networks. Network signature-based intrusion detection systems cannot detect new types of attacks. Thus, the urgent task is to quickly classify network traffic to detect network attacks. The article describes algorithms for detecting attacks in enterprise networks based on data analysis that can be collected in them. The UNSW-NB15 data set was used to compare machine learning methods for classifying attack or-normal traffic, as well as to identify nine more popular classes of typical attacks, such as Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode and Worms. Balanced accuracy is used as the main metric for assessing the accuracy of the classification. The main advantage of this metric is an adequate assessment of the accuracy of classification algorithms given the strong imbalance in the number of marked records for each class of data set. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the best algorithm for identifying the presence of an attack is RandomForest, to clarify its type - AdaBoost

    Hemispheric Asymmetry Gender Differences in Preadolescent Children

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    Background: Investigating various postnatal parameters of cerebral hemispheres is of great practical value.Objective: To study gender differences in hemispheric parameters and interhemispheric interactions in preadolescent children.Materials and methods: The retrospective study assessed archived brain magnetic resonance images of 60 eight-year-old boys and 60 eight-year-old girls. The analyzed parameters were as follows: 1) hemispheric length; 2) hemispheric width; 3) hemispheric height; 4) width-longitudinal index of a hemisphere; 5) altitude-longitudinal index of a hemisphere; 6) length of frontal lobes; 7) length of parietal lobes; 8) length of occipital lobes; 9) length of temporal lobes. Quantitative indicators were assessed for normal distribution using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Source data were accumulated and arranged in Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheets. Statistica 10.0 was used for the statistical analysis. The results were considered statistically significant with P < 0.05.Results: The analysis of cephalometric indicators suggests sex-related variation in the cerebral hemispheres. Based on the obtained data we can identify morphometric parameters of interhemispheric variability that may act as one of the morphometric criteria for the brain asymmetry. The study results can be widely used for neuroimaging.Conclusions: We determined cephalometric reference values for various cerebral hemispheres parts in preadolescent children

    Features of the brainstem and its cavities in three-year-old children

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    Background: Little is known about the brainstem in healthy three-year-old children; yet there is a need for further studies because children at this age are growing and developing rapidly.Objective: To study differences in the brainstem and its cavities in healthy three-year-old children, considering the sex and bilateral asymmetry.Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 120 MRI scans of healthy three-year-old children (60 boys and 60 girls) to study the brainstem features. The following parameters of the brain stem structures were assessed: 1) the length of the pons (mm), 2) the height of the pons (mm), 3) the length of the medulla oblongata (mm), 4) the height of the medulla oblongata at the upper and lower borders (mm), 5) the length and height of the vermis (mm), 6) the width of the cerebellum (mm), 7) the length, width, height of the cerebellar hemispheres (mm), 8) the length and height of the third ventricle, 9) the length of the cerebral aqueduct (mm), 10) the length and height of the fourth ventricle (mm). We assessed the compliance of quantitative parameters with the normal distribution according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion. We used Microsoft Excel 2016 tables to accumulate, correct and systemize the raw data. Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft. Inc., USA) along with the corresponding statistical method provided the digital data. The differences were considered significant at P < .05.Results: We aimed to study sex-related differences in the basic sizes of the brainstem. The length and height of the pons, the length of the third and the fourth ventricles, and the size of the cerebellar hemispheres were greater in boys. We found a bilateral asymmetry in cerebellar hemispheres (length, width, and height).Conclusions: The changes in the complex brainstem of three-year-old children are sex-dependent and consist in active transformations of its structures

    Studying the pharmacokinetic parameters of new normothymic drug based on the complex of lithium citrate, aluminum oxide and polymethylsiloxane

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    For the treatment of bipolar affective disorders, lithium preparations are the most famous and effective. But the main problem with the use of lithium preparations is the narrow «therapeutic corridor». An urgent task is the creation of dosage forms of lithium with a slow release and a wide therapeutic range. The study object was a new normotymic drug based on lithium, aluminum oxide and polymethylsiloxane. Due to the new carrier matrix lithium is released from its porous structure gradually providing a prolonged effect and maintaining an optimal concentration in the blood which also helps to minimize side effects. The purpose of the study was to explore the pharmacokinetic parameters of a normotymic drug based on a complex lithium citrate, aluminum oxide and polymethylsiloxane (LOAP).Material and methods: for the assessment of pharmacokinetic parameters the method of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma and two-chamber modeling were used.Results and discussion. The pharmacokinetic data showed a linear nature of pharmacokinetics of the drug based on LOAP as the foundation of data of the lithium’s amount in the blood plasma of rabbits after intragastric administration at doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg. The drug with intragastric administration at a dose of 800 mg/kg is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, with bioavailability (F) 74 %. This dose shows the maximum increase of the area under the pharmacokinetic curve (AUC - 32787.1 (ng x h)/ ml), and indicators of elimination constant (Kel - 0.062 h-1), clearance (Cl - 0.09 l/(kg x h)), elimination half-life (T1/2p - 11.436 h) in comparison with other doses remain unchanged


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    Aim. The study was designed for the theoretical analysis of the somatotypological characteristics of people of the second childhood, adolescent, youthful and mature age periods and their importance for sports orientation.Materials and methods. In course of the theoretical analysis, the search was performed in Scopus, eLIBRARY and PubMed databases using the keywords “somatotype”, “morphometry”, “somatometry”.Results. The presented materials are considered from the ecological, geographical, ethnical and territorial perspectives that have a significant impact on the constitutional heterogeneity of the population. The features of the somatotypological characteristics of boys and girls participating in various sports are being specified. Concluding the analysis of the literature, it can be stated that in a number of studies, certain ratios of the main body types were observed in healthy individuals of various ethnical and territorial groups. However, upon closer acquaintance with this material, significant contradictions are revealed regarding the nature and the degree of manifestation of these shifts, and, in some cases, even mutually exclusive statements are made.Conclusion. In view of the above, it is possible to conclude that further systematic study of these issues is needed

    Safety front shock damper (shock absorber) to protect containers in emergency falling

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    The article presents a front shock damper (shock absorber) for protecting containers with flying machines against fractures in case of emergency falling in the process of transportation and operation. Two numerical methods are proposed to calculate the stress-strain state and acceleration braking of a shock absorber in case of a vertical fall and impact with a stationary concrete surface. The methods are based on the use of ANSYS Workbench 16.1. The first technique consists in determining the stress-strain state on the assumption of quasi-static loads. The second, dynamical, method makes it possible to determine the reaction of a shock absorber to its impact with the concrete surface depending on time. What makes our technique special is that we take into account plastic properties of a material and actual contacts between the damper components. The methods proposed are validated by the analytical solution of the differential equation of container motion with the shock absorber in the elastic strain range. The methods are illustrated by an example of calculating a given damper. The results obtained by three methods show quite good agreement taking into account the calculation error. It is established that the energy of the shock absorber plastic-elastic strain upon an impact is more than half of the kinetic energy of the shock absorber in motion. The dependence of the shock-absorber braking acceleration both on the size of the crumpled area and on the time is determined