12,285 research outputs found

    Signature of Schwinger's pair creation rate via radiation generated in graphene by strong electric current

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    Electron - hole pairs are copuously created by an applied electric field near the Dirac point in graphene or similar 2D electronic systems. It was shown recently that for sufficiently large electric fields and ballistic times the I-V characteristics become strongly nonlinear due to Schwinger's pair creation. Since there is no energy gap the radiation from the pairs' annihilation is enhanced. The spectrum of radiation is calculated. The angular and polarization dependence of the emitted photons with respect to the graphene sheet is quite distinctive. For very large currents the recombination rate becomes so large that it leads to the second Ohmic regime due to radiation friction.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamical polarization, screening, and plasmons in gapped graphene

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    The one-loop polarization function of graphene has been calculated at zero temperature for arbitrary wavevector, frequency, chemical potential (doping), and band gap. The result is expressed in terms of elementary functions and is used to find the dispersion of the plasmon mode and the static screening within the random phase approximation. At long wavelengths the usual square root behaviour of plasmon spectra for two-dimensional (2D) systems is obtained. The presence of a small (compared to a chemical potential) gap leads to the appearance of a new undamped plasmon mode. At greater values of the gap this mode merges with the long-wavelength one, and vanishes when the Fermi level enters the gap. The screening of charged impurities at large distances differs from that in gapless graphene by slower decay of Friedel oscillations (1/r21/r^2 instead of 1/r31/r^3), similarly to conventional 2D systems.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, v2: to match published versio


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    At higher energies the present complex quantum theory with its unitary group might expand into a real quantum theory with an orthogonal group, broken by an approximate ii operator at lower energies. Implementing this possibility requires a real quantum double-valued statistics. A Clifford statistics, representing a swap (12) by a difference γ1γ2\gamma_1-\gamma_2 of Clifford units, is uniquely appropriate. Unlike the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and para- statistics, which are tensorial and single-valued, and unlike anyons, which are confined to two dimensions, Clifford statistics are multivalued and work for any dimensionality. Nayak and Wilczek proposed a Clifford statistics for the fractional quantum Hall effect. We apply them to toy quanta here. A complex-Clifford example has the energy spectrum of a system of spin-1/2 particles in an external magnetic field. This supports the proposal that the double-valued rotations --- spin --- seen at current energies might arise from double-valued permutations --- swap --- to be seen at higher energies. Another toy with real Clifford statistics illustrates how an effective imaginary unit ii can arise naturally within a real quantum theory.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; original title ("Clifford statistics") changed; to appear in J. Math. Phys., 42, 2001. Key words: Clifford statistics, cliffordons, double-valued representations of permutation groups, spin, swap, imaginary unit ii, applications to quantum space-time and the Standard Model. Some of these results were presented at the American Physical Society Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, March 25, 199

    Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Suspended Graphene: Transport Coefficients and Electron Interaction Strength

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    Strongly correlated electron liquids which occur in quantizing magnetic fields reveal a cornucopia of fascinating quantum phenomena such as fractionally charged quasiparticles, anyonic statistics, topological order, and many others. Probing these effects in GaAs-based systems, where electron interactions are relatively weak, requires sub-kelvin temperatures and record-high electron mobilities, rendering some of the most interesting states too fragile and difficult to access. This prompted a quest for new high-mobility systems with stronger electron interactions. Recently, fractional-quantized Hall effect was observed in suspended graphene (SG), a free-standing monolayer of carbon, where it was found to persist up to T=10 K. The best results in those experiments were obtained on micron-size flakes, on which only two-terminal transport measurements could be performed. Here we pose and solve the problem of extracting transport coefficients of a fractional quantum Hall state from the two-terminal conductance. We develop a method, based on the conformal invariance of two-dimensional magnetotransport, and illustrate its use by analyzing the measurements on SG. From the temperature dependence of longitudinal conductivity, extracted from the measured two-terminal conductance, we estimate the energy gap of quasiparticle excitations in the fractional-quantized nu=1/3 state. The gap is found to be significantly larger than in GaAs-based structures, signaling much stronger electron interactions in suspended graphene. Our approach provides a new tool for the studies of quantum transport in suspended graphene and other nanoscale systems

    Tunneling current between graphene layers

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    The physical model that allows to calculate the values of the tunneling current be-tween graphene layers is proposed. The tunneling current according to the pro-posed model is proportional to the area of tunneling transition. The calculated value of tunneling conductivity is in qualitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 page

    Skyrmionic textures in chiral magnets

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    In non-centrosymmetric magnets the chiral Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange stabilizes Skyrmion-strings as excitations which may condense into multiply modulated phases. Such extended Skyrmionic textures are determined by the stability of the localized "solitonic" Skyrmion cores and their geometrical incompatibility which frustrates regular space-filling. We present numerically exact solutions for Skyrmion lattices and formulate basic properties of the Skyrmionic states.Comment: Conference information: The International Conference on Magnetism (ICM), Karlsruhe, July 26 - 31, 200

    Heat transport of clean spin-ladders coupled to phonons: Umklapp scattering and drag

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    We study the low-temperature heat transport in clean two-leg spin ladder compounds coupled to three-dimensional phonons. We argue that the very large heat conductivities observed in such systems can be traced back to the existence of approximate symmetries and corresponding weakly violated conservation laws of the effective (gapful) low--energy model, namely pseudo-momenta. Depending on the ratios of spin gaps and Debye energy and on the temperature, the magnetic contribution to the heat conductivity can be positive or negative, and exhibit an activated or anti-activated behavior. In most regimes, the magnetic heat conductivity is dominated by the spin-phonon drag: the excitations of the two subsystems have almost the same drift velocity, and this allows for an estimate of the ratio of the magnetic and phononic contributions to the heat conductivity.Comment: revised version, 8 pages, 3 figures, added appendi

    Optimal Path to Epigenetic Switching

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    We use large deviation methods to calculate rates of noise-induced transitions between states in multistable genetic networks. We analyze a synthetic biochemical circuit, the toggle switch, and compare the results to those obtained from a numerical solution of the master equation.Comment: 5 pages. 2 figures, uses revtex 4. PR-E reviewed for publicatio