32 research outputs found

    Multiview Registration via Graph Diffusion of Dual Quaternions.

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    Surface registration is a fundamental step in the reconstruction of three-dimensional objects. While there are several fast and reliable methods to align two surfaces, the tools available to align multiple surfaces are relatively limited. In this paper we propose a novel multiview registration algorithm that projects several pairwise alignments onto a common reference frame. The projection is performed by representing the motions as dual quaternions, an algebraic structure that is related to the group of 3D rigid transformations, and by performing a diffusion along the graph of adjacent (i.e., pairwise alignable) views. The approach allows for a completely generic topology with which the pair-wise motions are diffused. An extensive set of experiments shows that the proposed approach is both orders of magnitude faster than the state of the art, and more robust to extreme positional noise and outliers. The dramatic speedup of the approach allows it to be alternated with pairwise alignment resulting in a smoother energy profile, reducing the risk of getting stuck at local minima

    Robust Camera Calibration using Inaccurate Targets

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    Accurate intrinsic camera calibration is essential to any computer vision task that involves image based measurements. Given its crucial role with respect to precision, a large number of approaches have been proposed over the last decades. Despite this rich literature, steady advancements in imaging hardware regularly push forward the need for even more accurate techniques. Some authors suggest generalizations of the camera model itself, others propose novel designs for calibration targets or different optimization schemas. In this paper we take a completely different route by directly addressing one of the most overlooked problems in practical calibration scenarios. Specifically, we drop the assumption that the target is known with enough precision and we adjust it in an iterative way as part of the whole process. This is in fact the case with the typical target used in most of the calibration literature, which is usually printed on paper and stitched on a flat surface. In the experimental section we show that even with such a cheaply crafted target it is possible to obtain a very accurate camera calibration that outperforms those obtained with well-known standard techniques

    Towards precise completion of deformable shapes

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    According to Aristotle, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. This statement was adopted to explain human perception by the Gestalt psychology school of thought in the twentieth century. Here, we claim that when observing a part of an object which was previously acquired as a whole, one could deal with both partial correspondence and shape completion in a holistic manner. More specifically, given the geometry of a full, articulated object in a given pose, as well as a partial scan of the same object in a different pose, we address the new problem of matching the part to the whole while simultaneously reconstructing the new pose from its partial observation. Our approach is data-driven and takes the form of a Siamese autoencoder without the requirement of a consistent vertex labeling at inference time; as such, it can be used on unorganized point clouds as well as on triangle meshes. We demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our model in the applications of single-view deformable shape completion and dense shape correspondence, both on synthetic and real-world geometric data, where we outperform prior work by a large margin

    MV-MS-FETE: Multi-view multi-scale feature extractor and transformer encoder for stenosis recognition in echocardiograms

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    Background: aortic stenosis is a common heart valve disease that mainly affects older people in developed countries. Its early detection is crucial to prevent the irreversible disease progression and, eventually, death. A typical screening technique to detect stenosis uses echocardiograms; however, variations introduced by other tissues, camera movements, and uneven lighting can hamper the visual inspection, leading to misdiagnosis. To address these issues, effective solutions involve employing deep learning algorithms to assist clinicians in detecting and classifying stenosis by developing models that can predict this pathology from single heart views. Although promising, the visual information conveyed by a single image may not be sufficient for an accurate diagnosis, especially when using an automatic system; thus, this indicates that different solutions should be explored. Methodology: following this rationale, this paper proposes a novel deep learning architecture, composed of a multi-view, multi-scale feature extractor, and a transformer encoder (MV-MS-FETE) to predict stenosis from parasternal long and short-axis views. In particular, starting from the latter, the designed model extracts relevant features at multiple scales along its feature extractor component and takes advantage of a transformer encoder to perform the final classification. Results: experiments were performed on the recently released Tufts medical echocardiogram public dataset, which comprises 27,788 images split into training, validation, and test sets. Due to the recent release of this collection, tests were also conducted on several state-of-the-art models to create multi-view and single-view benchmarks. For all models, standard classification metrics were computed (e.g., precision, F1-score). The obtained results show that the proposed approach outperforms other multi-view methods in terms of accuracy and F1-score and has more stable performance throughout the training procedure. Furthermore, the experiments also highlight that multi-view methods generally perform better than their single-view counterparts. Conclusion: this paper introduces a novel multi-view and multi-scale model for aortic stenosis recognition, as well as three benchmarks to evaluate it, effectively providing multi-view and single-view comparisons that fully highlight the model's effectiveness in aiding clinicians in performing diagnoses while also producing several baselines for the aortic stenosis recognition task

    Robust Figure Extraction on Textured Background: A Game-Theoretic Approach

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    Feature-based image matching relies on the assumption that the features contained in the model are distinctive enough. When both model and data present a sizeable amount of clutter, the signal-to-noise ratio falls and the detection becomes more challenging. If such clutter exhibits a coherent structure, as it is the case for textured background, matching becomes even harder. In fact, the large amount of repeatable features extracted from the texture dims the strength of the relatively few interesting points of the object itself. In this paper we introduce a game-theoretic approach that allows to distinguish foreground features from background ones. In addition the same technique can be used to deal with the object matching itself. The whole procedure is validated by applying it to a practical scenario and by comparing it with a standard point-pattern matching technique. © 2010 IEEE

    Can a Fully Unconstrained Imaging Model Be Applied Effectively to Central Cameras?

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    Traditional camera models are often the result of a compromise between the ability to account for non-linearities in the image formation model and the need for a feasible number of degrees of freedom in the estimation process. These considerations led to the definition of several ad hoc models that best adapt to different imaging devices, ranging from pinhole cameras with no radial distortion to the more complex catadioptric or polydioptric optics. In this paper we propose the use of an unconstrained model even in standard central camera settings dominated by the pinhole model, and introduce a novel calibration approach that can deal effectively with the huge number of free parameters associated with it, resulting in a higher precision calibration than what is possible with the standard pinhole model with correction for radial distortion. This effectively extends the use of general models to settings that traditionally have been ruled by parametric approaches out of practical considerations. The benefit of such an unconstrained model to quasi-pinhole central cameras is supported by an extensive experimental validation

    Fast 3D surface reconstruction by unambiguous compound phase coding

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    Phase shift methods have proven to be very robust and accurate for photometric 3D reconstruction. One problem of these approaches is the existence of ambiguities arising from the periodicity of the fringe patterns. While several techniques for disambiguation exist, all of them require the projection of a significant number of additional patterns. For instance, a global Gray coding sequence or several supplemental sinusoidal patterns of different periods are commonly used to complement the basic phase shift technique. In this paper we propose a new pattern strategy to reduce the total number of patterns projected by encoding multiple phases into a single sequence. This is obtained by mixing multiple equal-amplitude sinusoidal signals, which can be efficiently computed using inverse Fourier transformation. The initial phase for each fringe is then recovered independently through Fourier analysis and the unique projected coordinate is computed from the phase vectors using the disambiguation approach based on multiple periods fringes proposed by Lilienblum and Michaelis[6]. With respect to competing approaches, our method is simpler and requires fewer structured light patterns, thus reducing the measurement time, while retaining high level of accuracy. ©2009 IEEE

    Nonlinear spectral geometry processing via the TV transform

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    We introduce a novel computational framework for digital geometry processing, based upon the derivation of a nonlinear operator associated to the total variation functional. Such an operator admits a generalized notion of spectral decomposition, yielding a convenient multiscale representation akin to Laplacian-based methods, while at the same time avoiding undesirable over-smoothing effects typical of such techniques. Our approach entails accurate, detail-preserving decomposition and manipulation of 3D shape geometry while taking an especially intuitive form: non-local semantic details are well separated into different bands, which can then be filtered and re-synthesized with a straightforward linear step. Our computational framework is flexible, can be applied to a variety of signals, and is easily adapted to different geometry representations, including triangle meshes and point clouds. We showcase our method through multiple applications in graphics, ranging from surface and signal denoising to enhancement, detail transfer, and cubic stylization

    A Game-Theoretic Approach to Fine Surface Registration without Initial Motion Estimation

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    Surface registration is a fundamental step in the reconstruction of three-dimensional objects. This is typically a two step process where an initial coarse motion estimation is followed by a refinement. Most coarse registration algorithms exploit some local point descriptor that is intrinsic to the shape and does not depend on the relative position of the surfaces. By contrast, refinement techniques iteratively minimize a distance function measured between pairs of selected neighboring points and are thus strongly dependent on initial alignment. In this paper we propose a novel technique that allows to obtain a fine surface registration in a single step, without the need of an initial motion estimation. The main idea of our approach is to cast the selection of correspondences between points on the surfaces in a game-theoretic framework, where a natural selection process allows mating points that satisfy a mutual rigidity constraint to thrive, eliminating all the other correspondences. This process yields a very robust inlier selection scheme that does not depend on any particular technique for selecting the initial strategies as it relies only on the global geometric compatibility between correspondences. The practical effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed by an extensive set of experiments and comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques

    Learning disentangled representations via product manifold projection

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    We propose a novel approach to disentangle the generative factors of variation underlying a given set of observations. Our method builds upon the idea that the (unknown) low-dimensional manifold underlying the data space can be explicitly modeled as a product of submanifolds. This definition of disentanglement gives rise to a novel weakly-supervised algorithm for recovering the unknown explanatory factors behind the data. At training time, our algorithm only requires pairs of non i.i.d. data samples whose elements share at least one, possibly multidimensional, generative factor of variation. We require no knowledge on the nature of these transformations, and do not make any limiting assumption on the properties of each subspace. Our approach is easy to implement, and can be successfully applied to different kinds of data (from images to 3D surfaces) undergoing arbitrary transformations. In addition to standard synthetic benchmarks, we showcase our method in challenging real-world applications, where we compare favorably with the state of the art