75,786 research outputs found

    Multi-spectral window radiance observations of Cirrus from satellite and aircraft, November 2, 1986 Project FIRE

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    High resolution infrared radiance spectra achieved from the NASA ER2 airborne HIS experiment are used to analyze the spectral emissivity properties of cirrus clouds within the 8 to 12 micron atmospheric window region. Observations show that the cirrus emissivity generally decreases with increasing wavenumber (i.e., decreasing wavelength) within this band. A very abrupt decrease in emissivity (increase in brightness temperature) exists between 930/cm (10.8 microns) and 1000/cm (10.0 microns), the magnitude of the change being associated with the cirrus optical thickness as observed by lidar. The HIS observations are consistent with theoretical calculations of the spectral absorption coefficient for ice. The HIS observations imply that cirrus clouds can be detected unambiguously from the difference in brightness temperatures observed within the 8.2 and 11.0 micron window regions of the HIRS sounding radiometer flying on the operational NOAA satellites. This ability is demonstrated using simultaneous 25 km resolution HIRS observations and 1 km resolution AVHRR imagery achieved from the NOAA-9 satellite. Finally, the cirrus cloud location estimates combined with the 6.7 micron channel moisture imagery portray the boundaries of the ice/vapor phase of the upper troposphere moisture. This phase distinction is crucial for infrared radiative transfer considerations for weather and climate models, since upper tropospheric water vapor has little effect on the Earth's outgoing radiation whereas cirrus clouds have a very large attenuating effect

    Twisted and Nontwisted Bifurcations Induced by Diffusion

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    We discuss a diffusively perturbed predator-prey system. Freedman and Wolkowicz showed that the corresponding ODE can have a periodic solution that bifurcates from a homoclinic loop. When the diffusion coefficients are large, this solution represents a stable, spatially homogeneous time-periodic solution of the PDE. We show that when the diffusion coefficients become small, the spatially homogeneous periodic solution becomes unstable and bifurcates into spatially nonhomogeneous periodic solutions. The nature of the bifurcation is determined by the twistedness of an equilibrium/homoclinic bifurcation that occurs as the diffusion coefficients decrease. In the nontwisted case two spatially nonhomogeneous simple periodic solutions of equal period are generated, while in the twisted case a unique spatially nonhomogeneous double periodic solution is generated through period-doubling. Key Words: Reaction-diffusion equations; predator-prey systems; homoclinic bifurcations; periodic solutions.Comment: 42 pages in a tar.gz file. Use ``latex2e twisted.tex'' on the tex files. Hard copy of figures available on request from [email protected]

    CD4+ T-cell responses to Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen EBNA1 in Chinese populations are highly focused on novel C-terminal domain-derived epitopes

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    Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen EBNA1, the one viral protein uniformly expressed in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), represents a prime target for T-cell-based immunotherapy. However, little is known about the EBNA1 epitopes, particularly CD4 epitopes, presented by HLA alleles in Chinese people, the group at highest risk for NPC. We analyzed the CD4+^+ T-cell responses to EBNA1 in 78 healthy Chinese donors and found marked focusing on a small number of epitopes in the EBNA1 C-terminal region, including a DP5- restricted epitope that was recognized by almost half of the donors tested and elicited responses able to recognize EBNA1-expressing, DP5-positive target cells

    Correlated particle dynamics in concentrated quasi-two-dimensional suspensions

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    We investigate theoretically and experimentally how the hydrodynamically correlated lateral motion of particles in a suspension confined between two surfaces is affected by the suspension concentration. Despite the long range of the correlations (decaying as 1/r^2 with the inter-particle distance r), the concentration effect is present only at short inter-particle distances for which the static pair correlation is nonuniform. This is in sharp contrast with the effect of hydrodynamic screening present in unconfined suspensions, where increasing the concentration changes the prefactor of the large-distance correlation.Comment: 13 page

    Hydrodynamic interaction in quasi-two-dimensional suspensions

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    Confinement between two parallel surfaces is found, theoretically and experimentally, to drastically affect the hydrodynamic interaction between colloid particles, changing the sign of the coupling, its decay with distance and its concentration dependence. In particular, we show that three-body effects do not modify the coupling at large distances as would be expected from hydrodynamic screening.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Graphene microwave transistors on sapphire substrates

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    We have developed metal-oxide graphene field-effect transistors (MOGFETs) on sapphire substrates working at microwave frequencies. For monolayers, we obtain a transit frequency up to ~ 80 GHz for a gate length of 200 nm, and a power gain maximum frequency of about ~ 3 GHz for this specific sample. Given the strongly reduced charge noise for nanostructures on sapphire, the high stability and high performance of this material at low temperature, our MOGFETs on sapphire are well suited for a cryogenic broadband low-noise amplifier

    Effect of Spatial Charge Inhomogeneity on 1/f Noise Behavior in Graphene

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    Scattering mechanisms in graphene are critical to understanding the limits of signal-to-noise-ratios of unsuspended graphene devices. Here we present the four-probe low frequency noise (1/f) characteristics in back-gated single layer graphene (SLG) and bilayer graphene (BLG) samples. Contrary to the expected noise increase with the resistance, the noise for SLG decreases near the Dirac point, possibly due to the effects of the spatial charge inhomogeneity. For BLG, a similar noise reduction near the Dirac point is observed, but with a different gate dependence of its noise behavior. Some possible reasons for the different noise behavior between SLG and BLG are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures + 3 supplement figure

    Coherent Optimal Control of Multiphoton Molecular Excitation

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    We give a framework for molecular multiphoton excitation process induced by an optimally designed electric field. The molecule is initially prepared in a coherent superposition state of two of its eigenfunctions. The relative phase of the two superposed eigenfunctions has been shown to control the optimally designed electric field which triggers the multiphoton excitation in the molecule. This brings forth flexibility in desiging the optimal field in the laboratory by suitably tuning the molecular phase and hence by choosing the most favorable interfering routes that the system follows to reach the target. We follow the quantum fluid dynamical formulation for desiging the electric field with application to HBr molecule.Comment: 5 figure

    Nucleon, Δ\Delta and Ω\Omega excited states in Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 lattice QCD

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    The energies of the excited states of the Nucleon, Δ\Delta and Ω\Omega are computed in lattice QCD, using two light quarks and one strange quark on anisotropic lattices. The calculation is performed at three values of the light quark mass, corresponding to pion masses mπm_{\pi} = 392(4), 438(3) and 521(3) MeV. We employ the variational method with a large basis of interpolating operators enabling six energies in each irreducible representation of the lattice to be distinguished clearly. We compare our calculation with the low-lying experimental spectrum, with which we find reasonable agreement in the pattern of states. The need to include operators that couple to the expected multi-hadron states in the spectrum is clearly identified.Comment: Revised for publication. References added, Table VI expanded to add strange baryon multiparticle thresholds and multiparticle thresholds added to Figs. 4, 5 and 6. 15 pages, 6 figure

    Nonlinear propagation of planet-generated tidal waves

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    The propagation and evolution of planet-generated density waves in protoplanetary disks is considered. The evolution of waves, leading to the shock formation and wake dissipation, is followed in the weakly nonlinear regime. The local approach of Goodman & Rafikov (2001) is extended to include the effects of surface density and temperature variations in the disk as well as the disk cylindrical geometry and nonuniform shear. Wave damping due to shocks is demonstrated to be a nonlocal process spanning a significant fraction of the disk. Torques induced by the planet could be significant drivers of disk evolution on timescales of the order 1-10 Myr even in the absence of strong background viscosity. A global prescription for angular momentum deposition is developed which could be incorporated into the study of gap formation in a gaseous disk around the planet.Comment: AASTeX, 26 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to Ap
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