364 research outputs found

    La política armada : La lógica de las prácticas políticas de las FAR y el problema de la relación con las masas durante los primeros años de la organización

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    La colaboración de Mora González Canosa, "La política armada. La lógica de las prácticas políticas de las FAR y el problema de la relación con las masas durante los primeros años de la organización", analiza el modo en que esta organización concibió sus vínculos con diversos sectores sociales entre 1970 y 1971. Muestra que en principio su accionar fundamental se desarrolló de modo paralelo a las variadas formas de lucha del movimiento social más amplio y cómo el tema se convirtió en un problema que demandaba respuestas específicas a la luz de la encrucijada política delineada con el "Gran Acuerdo Nacional" lanzado por Lanusse.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    La política armada : La lógica de las prácticas políticas de las FAR y el problema de la relación con las masas durante los primeros años de la organización

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    La colaboración de Mora González Canosa, "La política armada. La lógica de las prácticas políticas de las FAR y el problema de la relación con las masas durante los primeros años de la organización", analiza el modo en que esta organización concibió sus vínculos con diversos sectores sociales entre 1970 y 1971. Muestra que en principio su accionar fundamental se desarrolló de modo paralelo a las variadas formas de lucha del movimiento social más amplio y cómo el tema se convirtió en un problema que demandaba respuestas específicas a la luz de la encrucijada política delineada con el "Gran Acuerdo Nacional" lanzado por Lanusse.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    La política armada : La lógica de las prácticas políticas de las FAR y el problema de la relación con las masas durante los primeros años de la organización

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    La colaboración de Mora González Canosa, "La política armada. La lógica de las prácticas políticas de las FAR y el problema de la relación con las masas durante los primeros años de la organización", analiza el modo en que esta organización concibió sus vínculos con diversos sectores sociales entre 1970 y 1971. Muestra que en principio su accionar fundamental se desarrolló de modo paralelo a las variadas formas de lucha del movimiento social más amplio y cómo el tema se convirtió en un problema que demandaba respuestas específicas a la luz de la encrucijada política delineada con el "Gran Acuerdo Nacional" lanzado por Lanusse.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    How typhoons trigger turbidity currents in submarine canyons

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    Intense turbidity currents occur in the Malaylay Submarine Canyon off the northern coast of Mindoro Island in the Philippines. They start in very shallow waters at the shelf break and reach deeper waters where a gas pipeline is located. The pipeline was displaced by a turbidity current in 2006 and its rock berm damaged by another 10 years later. Here we propose that they are triggered near the mouth of the Malaylay and Baco rivers by direct sediment resuspension in the shallow shelf and transport to the canyon heads by typhoon-induced waves and currents. We show these rivers are unlikely to generate hyperpycnal flows and trigger turbidity currents by themselves. Characteristic signatures of turbidity currents, in the form of bed shear stress obtained by numerical simulations, match observed erosion/deposition and rock berm damage patterns recorded by repeat bathymetric surveys before and after typhoon Nock-ten in December 2016. Our analysis predicts a larger turbidity current triggered by typhoon Durian in 2006; and reveals the reason for the lack of any significant turbidity current associated with typhoon Melor in December 2015. Key factors to assess turbidity current initiation are typhoon proximity, strength, and synchronicity of typhoon induced waves and currents. Using data from a 66-year hindcast we estimate a ~8-year return period of typhoons with capacity to trigger large turbidity currents

    Romidepsin in peripheral and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: mechanistic implications from clinical and correlative data

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    Romidepsin is an epigenetic agent approved for the treatment of patients with cutaneous or peripheral T-cell lymphoma (CTCL and PTCL). Here we report data in all patients treated on the National Cancer Institute 1312 trial, demonstrating long-term disease control and the ability to retreat patients relapsing off-therapy. In all, 84 patients with CTCL and 47 with PTCL were enrolled. Responses occurred early, were clinically meaningful and of very long duration in some cases. Notably, patients with PTCL receiving romidepsin as third-line therapy or later had a comparable response rate (32%) of similar duration as the total population (38%). Eight patients had treatment breaks of 35months to 10years; in four of six patients, re-initiation of treatment led to clear benefit. Safety data show slightly greater haematological and constitutional toxicity in PTCL. cDNA microarray studies show unique individual gene expression profiles, minimal overlap between patients, and both induction and repression of gene expression that reversed within 24h. These data argue against cell death occurring as a result of an epigenetics-mediated gene induction programme. Together this work supports the safety and activity of romidepsin in T-cell lymphoma, but suggests a complex mechanism of action

    Novel markers in pediatric-type follicular lymphoma

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    The aim of this study was to review the histopathological, phenotypic, and molecular characteristics of pediatric-type follicular lymphoma (PTFL) and to assess the diagnostic value of novel immunohistochemical markers in distinguishing PTFL from follicular hyperplasia (FH). A total of 13 nodal PTFLs were investigated using immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and PCR and were compared with a further 20 reactive lymph nodes showing FH. Morphologically, PTFL cases exhibited a follicular growth pattern with irregular lymphoid follicles in which the germinal centers were composed of numerous blastoid cells showing a starry-sky appearance. Immunohistochemistry highlighted preserved CD10 (13/13) and BCL6 (13/13) staining, CD20 (13/13) positivity, a K light chain predominance (7/13), and partial BCL2 expression in 6/13 cases (using antibodies 124, E17, and SP66). The germinal center (GC)–associated markers stathmin and LLT-1 were positive in most of the cases (12/13 and 12/13, respectively). Interestingly, FOXP-1 was uniformly positive in PTFL (12/13 cases) in contrast to reactive GCs in FH, where only a few isolated positive cells were observed. FISH revealed no evidence of BCL2, BCL6, or MYC rearrangements in the examined cases. By PCR, clonal immunoglobulin gene rearrangements were detected in 100% of the tested PTFL cases. Our study confirmed the unique morphological and immunophenotypic features of PTFL and suggests that FOXP-1 can represent a novel useful diagnostic marker in the differential diagnosis between PTFL and FH

    May-Thurner syndrome: a review

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    May-Thurner syndrome (MTS) is an underdiagnosed entity and level of suspicious should be raised during evaluation of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the left lower limb, especially in women between the third and fifth decades of life. To correctly identify MTS, high clinical suspicion, and imaging studies such as phlebography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and intravascular ultrasound are required. In correct clinical context, CT/MRI venography can be used to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment that includes pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis with angioplasty and stenting, both of which minimize late morbidity from post-thrombotic syndrome

    Efficacy of a vegetal mixture composed of Zingiber officinale, Echinacea purpurea, and Centella asiatica in a mouse model of neuroinflammation: In vivo and ex vivo analysis

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    Experimental evidence suggests that neuroinflammation is a key pathological event of many diseases affecting the nervous system. It has been well recognized that these devastating illnesses (e.g., Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, and chronic pain) are multifactorial, involving many pathogenic mechanisms, reason why pharmacological treatments are unsatisfactory. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a vegetal mixture capable of offering a multiple approach required to manage the multifactoriality of neuroinflammation. A mixture composed of Zingiber officinale (150 mg kg(-1)), Echinacea purpurea (20 mg kg(-1)), and Centella asiatica (200 mg kg(-1)) was tested in a mouse model of systemic neuroinflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1 mg kg(-1)). Repeated treatment with the vegetal mixture was able to completely counteract thermal and mechanical allodynia as reported by the Cold plate and von Frey tests, respectively, and to reduce the motor impairments as demonstrated by the Rota rod test. Moreover, the mixture was capable of neutralizing the memory loss in the Passive avoidance test and reducing depressive-like behavior in the Porsolt test, while no efficacy was shown in decreasing anhedonia as demonstrated by the Sucrose preference test. Finally, LPS stimulation caused a significant increase in the activation of glial cells, of the central complement proteins and of inflammatory cytokines in selected regions of the central nervous system (CNS), which were rebalanced in animals treated with the vegetal mixture. In conclusion, the vegetal mixture tested thwarted the plethora of symptoms evoked by LPS, thus being a potential candidate for future investigations in the context of neuroinflammation