5,378 research outputs found

    New approach to nonlinear electrodynamics: dualities as symmetries of interaction

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    We elaborate on the duality-symmetric nonlinear electrodynamics in a new formulation with auxiliary tensor fields. The Maxwell field strength appears only in bilinear terms of the corresponding generic Lagrangian, while the self-interaction is presented by a function E depending on the auxiliary fields. Two types of dualities inherent in the nonlinear electrodynamics models admit a simple off-shell characterization in terms of this function. In the standard formulation, the continuous U(1) duality symmetry is nonlinearly realized on the Maxwell field strength. In the new setting, the same symmetry acts as linear U(1) transformations of the auxiliary field variables. The nonlinear U(1) duality condition proves to be equivalent to the linear U(1) invariance of the self-interaction E. The discrete self-duality (or self-duality by Legendre transformation) amounts to a weaker reflection symmetry of E. For a class of duality- symmetric Lagrangians we introduce an alternative representation with the auxiliary scalar field and find new explicit examples of such systems.Comment: Latex file, 21 page

    Self-Duality in Nonlinear Electromagnetism

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    We discuss duality invariant interactions between electromagnetic fields and matter. The case of scalar fields is treated in some detail.Comment: 10 pages, full postscript also available from http://theor1.lbl.gov/www/theorygroup/papers/40770.p

    Selfduality of non-linear electrodynamics with derivative corrections

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    In this paper we investigate how electromagnetic duality survives derivative corrections to classical non-linear electrodynamics. In particular, we establish that electromagnetic selfduality is satisfied to all orders in α\alpha' for the four-point function sector of the four dimensional open string effective action.Comment: 8 page

    One-Loop Pauli-Villars Regularization of Supergravity I: Canonical Gauge Kinetic Energy

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    It is shown that the one-loop coefficients of on-shell operators of standard supergravity with canonical gauge kinetic energy can be regulated by the introduction of Pauli-Villars chiral and abelian gauge multiplets, subject to a condition on the matter representations of the gauge group. Aspects of the anomaly structure of these theories under global nonlinear symmetries and an anomalous gauge symmetry are discussed.Comment: 46 pages, full postscript also available from http://phyweb.lbl.gov/theorygroup/papers/preprints.html/41981.ps . Misprints and errors in equations present in the original version have been correcte

    Gaugino Condensation with S-Duality and Field-Theoretical Threshold Corrections

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    We study gaugino condensation in the presence of an intermediate mass scale in the hidden sector. S-duality is imposed as an approximate symmetry of the effective supergravity theory. Furthermore, we include in the K\"ahler potential the renormalization of the gauge coupling and the one-loop threshold corrections at the intermediate scale. It is shown that confinement is indeed achieved. Furthermore, a new running behaviour of the dilaton arises which we attribute to S-duality. We also discuss the effects of the intermediate scale, and possible phenomenological implications of this model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures include

    Supergravity Radiative Effects on Soft Terms and the μ\mu Term

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    We compute quadratically divergent supergravity one-loop effects on soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters and the μ\mu term in generic hidden sector supergravity models. These effects can significantly modify the matching condition for soft parameters at the Planck scale and also provide several new sources of the μ\mu term which are naturally of order the weak scale. We also discuss some phenomenological implications of these effects, particularly the violation of the scalar mass universality which may lead to dangerous FCNC phenomena, and apply the results to superstring effective supergravity models.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX. One reference is adde

    Inflation and flat directions in modular invariant superstring effective theories

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    The potential during inflation must be very flat in, at least, the direction of the inflaton. In renormalizable global supersymmetry, flat directions are ubiquitous, but they are not preserved in a generic supergravity theory. It is known that at least some of them are preserved in no-scale supergravity, and simple generalizations of it. We here study a more realistic generalization, based on string-derived supergravity, using the linear supermultiplet formalism for the dilaton. We consider a general class of hybrid inflation models, where a Fayet-Illiopoulos DD term drives some fields to large values. The potential is dominated by the FF term, but flatness is preserved in some directions. This allows inflation, with the dilaton stabilized in its domain of attraction, and some moduli stabilized at their vacuum values. Another modulus may be the inflaton.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX, further typos, refs fixe

    On the Interacting Chiral Gauge Field Theory in D=6 and the Off-Shell Equivalence of Dual Born-Infeld-Like Actions

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    A canonical action describing the interaction of chiral gauge fields in D=6 Minkowski space-time is constructed. In a particular partial gauge fixing it reduces to the action found by Perry and Schwarz. The additional gauge symmetries are used to show the off-shell equivalence of the dimensional reduction to D=5 Minkowski space-time of the chiral gauge field canonical action and the Born-Infeld canonical action describing an interacting D=5 Abelian vector field. Its extension to improve the on-shell equivalence arguments of dual D-brane actions to off-shell ones is discussed.Comment: 18 page

    The Holographic Dual of 2+1 Dimensional QFTs with N=1 SUSY and Massive Fundamental Flavours

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    The Maldacena Nastase solution is generalised to include massive fundamental matter through the addition of a flavour profile. This gives a holographic dual to N=1 SYM-CS with massive fundamental matter with a singularity free IR. We study this solution in some detail confirming confinement and asymptotic freedom. A recently proposed solution generating technique is then applied which results in a new type-IIA supergravity solution. In a certain limit the geometry of this solution is asymptotically AdS_4X Y, where Y is the metric at the base of the Bryant-Salamon G_2 cone, which has topology S^3XS^3.Comment: 31 pages plus appendices, 6 figures. v3: Typos corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Dynamics of the Born-Infeld dyons

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    The approach to the dynamics of a charged particle in the Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics developed in [Phys. Lett. A 240 (1998) 8] is generalized to include a Born-Infeld dyon. Both Hamiltonian and Lagrangian structures of many dyons interacting with nonlinear electromagnetism are constructed. All results are manifestly duality invariant.Comment: 11 pages, LATE