43,208 research outputs found

    Study of Strangeness Condensation by Expanding About the Fixed Point of the Harada-Yamawaki Vector Manifestation

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    Building on, and extending, the result of a higher-order in-medium chiral perturbation theory combined with renormalization group arguments and a variety of observations of the vector manifestation of Harada-Yamawaki hidden local symmetry theory, we obtain a surprisingly simple description of kaon condensation by fluctuating around the "vector manifestation (VM)" fixed point identified to be the chiral restoration point. Our development establishes that strangeness condensation takes place at about 3 n_0 where n_0 is nuclear matter density. This result depends only on the renoramlization-group (RG) behavior of the vector interactions, other effects involved in fluctuating about the bare vacuum in so many previous calculations being "irrelevant" in the RG about the fixed point. Our results have major effects on the collapse of neutron stars into black holes.Comment: 4 page

    A comparative study of benchmarking approaches for non-domestic buildings: Part 1 – Top-down approach

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    Benchmarking plays an important role in improving energy efficiency of non-domestic buildings. A review of energy benchmarks that underpin the UK’s Display Energy Certificate (DEC) scheme have prompted necessities to explore the benefits and limitations of using various methods to derive energy benchmarks. The existing methods were reviewed and grouped into top-down and bottom-up approaches based on the granularity of the data used. In the study, two top-down methods, descriptive statistics and artificial neural networks (ANN), were explored for the purpose of benchmarking energy performances of schools. The results were used to understand the benefits of using these benchmarks for assessing energy efficiency of buildings and the limitations that affect the robustness of the derived benchmarks. Compared to the bottom-up approach, top-down approaches were found to be beneficial in gaining insight into how peers perform. The relative rather than absolute feedback on energy efficiency meant that peer pressure was a motivator for improvement. On the other hand, there were limitations with regard to the extent to which the energy efficiency of a building could be accurately assessed using the top-down benchmarks. Moreover, difficulties in acquiring adequate data were identified as a key limitation to using the top-down approach for benchmarking non-domestic buildings. The study suggested that there are benefits in rolling out of DECs to private sector buildings and that there is a need to explore more complex methods to provide more accurate indication of energy efficiency in non-domestic buildings

    Semiclassical Strings in Electric and Magnetic Fields Deformed AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 Spacetimes

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    We first apply the transformation of mixing azimuthal and internal coordinate or mixing time and internal coordinate to the 11D M-theory with a stack N M2-branes to find the spacetime of a stack of N D2-branes with magnetic or electric flux in 10 D IIA string theory, after the Kaluza-Klein reduction. We then perform the T duality to the spacetime to find the background of a stack of N D3-branes with magnetic or electric flux. In the near-horizon limit the background becomes the magnetic or electric field deformed AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5. We adopt an ansatz to find the classical string solution which is rotating in the deformed S5S^5 with three angular momenta in the three rotation planes. The relations between the classical string energy and its angular momenta are found and results show that the external magnetic and electric fluxes will increase the string energy. Therefore, from the AdS/CFT point of view, the corrections of the anomalous dimensions of operators in the dual SYM theory will be positive. We also investigate the small fluctuations in these solutions and discuss the effects of magnetic and electric fields on the stability of these classical rotating string solutions. Finally, we find the possible solutions of string pulsating on the deformed spacetimes and show that the corrections to the anomalous dimensions of operators in the dual SYM theory are non-negative.Comment: Latex 18 pages, correct sec. 3.

    Flavor symmetry breaking effects on SU(3) Skyrmion

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    We study the massive SU(3) Skyrmion model to investigate the flavor symmetry breaking (FSB) effects on the static properties of the strange baryons in the framework of the rigid rotator quantization scheme combined with the improved Dirac quantization one. Both the chiral symmetry breaking pion mass and FSB kinetic terms are shown to improve cc the ratio of the strange-light to light-light interaction strengths and cˉ\bar{c} that of the strange-strange to light-light.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figure

    Low thrust orbit determination program

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    Logical flow and guidelines are provided for the construction of a low thrust orbit determination computer program. The program, tentatively called FRACAS (filter response analysis for continuously accelerating spacecraft), is capable of generating a reference low thrust trajectory, performing a linear covariance analysis of guidance and navigation processes, and analyzing trajectory nonlinearities in Monte Carlo fashion. The choice of trajectory, guidance and navigation models has been made after extensive literature surveys and investigation of previous software. A key part of program design relied upon experience gained in developing and using Martin Marietta Aerospace programs: TOPSEP (Targeting/Optimization for Solar Electric Propulsion), GODSEP (Guidance and Orbit Determination for SEP) and SIMSEP (Simulation of SEP)

    Effects of Mirror Aberrations on Laguerre-Gaussian Beams in Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    A fundamental limit to the sensitivity of optical interferometers is imposed by Brownian thermal fluctuations of the mirrors' surfaces. This thermal noise can be reduced by using larger beams which "average out" the random fluctuations of the surfaces. It has been proposed previously that wider, higher-order Laguerre-Gaussian modes can be used to exploit this effect. In this article, we show that susceptibility to spatial imperfections of the mirrors' surfaces limits the effectiveness of this approach in interferometers used for gravitational-wave detection. Possible methods of reducing this susceptibility are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Imaging and burst location with the EXIST high-energy telescope

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    The primary instrument of the proposed EXIST mission is a coded mask high energy telescope (the HET), that must have a wide field of view and extremely good sensitivity. It will be crucial to minimize systematic errors so that even for very long total integration times the imaging performance is close to the statistical photon limit. There is also a requirement to be able to reconstruct images on-board in near real time in order to detect and localize gamma-ray bursts. This must be done while the spacecraft is scanning the sky. The scanning provides all-sky coverage and is key to reducing systematic errors. The on-board computational problem is made even more challenging for EXIST by the very large number of detector pixels. Numerous alternative designs for the HET have been evaluated. The baseline concept adopted depends on a unique coded mask with two spatial scales. Monte Carlo simulations and analytic analysis techniques have been used to demonstrate the capabilities of the design and of the proposed two-step burst localization procedure