90,278 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan adanya hubungan timbal balik antara matematika dengan budaya. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya anggapan masyarakat tentang matematika yang tidak memiliki keterkaiatan dengan budaya. Namun, pada kenyataannya Study Ethnomathematics merupakan sebuah kajian yang memandang suatu kelompok budaya sebagai sesuatu yang matematis. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pandai Sikek, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat. Masyarakat Pandai Sikek terkenal dengan penghasil kain songket di Minangkabau. Di Pandai Sikek masih menjaga kebudayanya, salah satunya adalah kepandaian wanita dalam bertenun yang dilakukan secara turun temurun. Sehingga yang menjadi fokus pada penelitian ini adalah mengungkap ide matematis yang terdapat pada kain songket tradisional Minangkabau di Pandai Sikek. Untuk mendalami budaya masyarakat Minangkabau di Pandai Sikek, penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan study ethnomathematics dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap adanya ide-ide matematis yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Pandai Sikek dalam proses pembuatan kain songket yang menunjukkan adanya terdapat aktivitas-aktivitas matematis dan terdapat pola-pola geometri pada motif kain songket tradisional Minangkabau. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada masyarakat dalam memandang bahwa matematika memiliki keterkaitan dengan budaya.;---This research has a purpose to prove mutual relationship between mathematic and culture. This is because there are a opinios from people about mathematic who don’t have relationship with culture. But, in fact study ethnomathematics are study who have fashion on cultural as a mathematical. This research take a place in Pandai Sikek. Tanah Datar Regency. West Sumatera. People in Pandai Sikek are known with there songket in Minangkabau. Pandai sikek still protect their culture, one of theme is pandai sikek’s women on weaving who have done hereditary. This research focused on reveal mathematical idea in traditional songket Minangkabau at Pandai Sikek. To explore Minangkabau’s culture at Pandai Sikek use study ethnomathematics with qualitative approaching an ethnography methods. Data collection was conducted with observation, interview and study documentation. This result from the research is reveal mathematical ideas used by Pandai Sikek people on process songket manufacture who show there are mathematic activities and geometry patterns on traditional songket motif Minangkabau. This research recommend to people’s in view that mathematic has relationship with culture

    Signatures of the Youngest Starbursts: Optically-thick Thermal Bremsstrahlung Radio Sources in Henize 2-10

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    VLA radio continuum imaging reveals compact (<8 pc) ~1 mJy radio sources in the central 5" starburst region of the blue compact galaxy Henize 2-10. We interpret these radio knots as extremely young, ultra-dense HII regions. We model their luminosities and spectral energy distributions, finding that they are consistent with unusually dense HII regions having electron densities, 1500 cm^-3 < n_e < 5000 cm^-3, and sizes of 3-8 pc. Since these H II regions are not visible in optical images, we propose that the radio data preferentially reveal the youngest, densest, and most highly obscured starforming events. Energy considerations imply that each of the five \HII regions contains ~750 O7V equivalent stars, greater than the number found in 30 Doradus in the LMC. The high densities imply an over-pressure compared to the typical interstellar medium so that such objects must be short-lived (<0.5 Myr expansion timescales). We conclude that the radio continuum maps reveal the very young (<0.5 Myr) precursors of ``super starclusters'' or ``proto globular clusters'' which are prominent at optical and UV wavelengths in He 2-10. If the ultra-dense HII regions are typical of those which we predict will be found in other starbursting systems, then super starclusters spend 15% of their lifetime in heavily-obscured environments, similar to Galactic ultra-compact HII regions. This body of work leads us to propose that massive extragalactic star clusters (i.e. proto globular clusters) with ages <10^6 yr may be most easily identified by finding compact radio sources with optically-thick thermal bremsstrahlung spectral signatures.Comment: AASTeX, 8 figures 2 included with psfig in text; other 6 in jpeg format; Postscript versions of figures may be found at http://zem.ucolick.org/chip/Research/young_clusters.html -- Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Calculation of PandP_ and T_ odd effects in $"" sup 205_TIF including electron correlation

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    A method and codes for two-step correlation calculation of heavy-atom molecules have been developed, employing the generalized relativistic effective core potential and relativistic coupled cluster (RCC) methods at the first step, followed by nonvariational one-center restoration of proper four-component spinors in the heavy cores. Electron correlation is included for the first time in an ab initio calculation of the interaction of the permanent P,T-odd proton electric dipole moment with the internal electromagnetic field in a molecule. The calculation is performed for the ground state of TlF at the experimental equilibrium, R_e=2.0844 A, and at R=2.1 A, with spin-orbit and correlation effects included by RCC. Calculated results with single cluster amplitudes only are in good agreement (3% and 1%) with recent Dirac-Hartree-Fock (DHF) values of the magnetic parameter M; the larger differences occurring between present and DHF volume parameter (X) values, as well as between the two DHF calculations, are explained. Inclusion of electron correlation by GRECP/RCC with single and double excitations has a major effect on the P,T-odd parameters, decreasing M by 17% and X by 22%.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX4 style Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Letter

    EUV spectra of highly-charged ions W54+^{54+}-W63+^{63+} relevant to ITER diagnostics

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    We report the first measurements and detailed analysis of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectra (4 nm to 20 nm) of highly-charged tungsten ions W54+^{54+} to W63+^{63+} obtained with an electron beam ion trap (EBIT). Collisional-radiative modelling is used to identify strong electric-dipole and magnetic-dipole transitions in all ionization stages. These lines can be used for impurity transport studies and temperature diagnostics in fusion reactors, such as ITER. Identifications of prominent lines from several W ions were confirmed by measurement of isoelectronic EUV spectra of Hf, Ta, and Au. We also discuss the importance of charge exchange recombination for correct description of ionization balance in the EBIT plasma.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Analytic calculation of nonadiabatic transition probabilities from monodromy of differential equations

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    The nonadiabatic transition probabilities in the two-level systems are calculated analytically by using the monodromy matrix determining the global feature of the underlying differential equation. We study the time-dependent 2x2 Hamiltonian with the tanh-type plus sech-type energy difference and with constant off-diagonal elements as an example to show the efficiency of the monodromy approach. The application of this method to multi-level systems is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Linking Classical and Quantum Key Agreement: Is There "Bound Information"?

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    After carrying out a protocol for quantum key agreement over a noisy quantum channel, the parties Alice and Bob must process the raw key in order to end up with identical keys about which the adversary has virtually no information. In principle, both classical and quantum protocols can be used for this processing. It is a natural question which type of protocols is more powerful. We prove for general states but under the assumption of incoherent eavesdropping that Alice and Bob share some so-called intrinsic information in their classical random variables, resulting from optimal measurements, if and only if the parties' quantum systems are entangled. In addition, we provide evidence that the potentials of classical and of quantum protocols are equal in every situation. Consequently, many techniques and results from quantum information theory directly apply to problems in classical information theory, and vice versa. For instance, it was previously believed that two parties can carry out unconditionally secure key agreement as long as they share some intrinsic information in the adversary's view. The analysis of this purely classical problem from the quantum information-theoretic viewpoint shows that this is true in the binary case, but false in general. More explicitly, bound entanglement, i.e., entanglement that cannot be purified by any quantum protocol, has a classical counterpart. This "bound intrinsic information" cannot be distilled to a secret key by any classical protocol. As another application we propose a measure for entanglement based on classical information-theoretic quantities.Comment: Accepted for Crypto 2000. 17 page

    Bulk viscosity of superfluid neutron stars

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    The hydrodynamics, describing dynamical effects in superfluid neutron stars, essentially differs from the standard one-fluid hydrodynamics. In particular, we have four bulk viscosity coefficients in the theory instead of one. In this paper we calculate these coefficients, for the first time, assuming they are due to non-equilibrium beta-processes (such as modified or direct Urca process). The results of our analysis are used to estimate characteristic damping times of sound waves in superfluid neutron stars. It is demonstrated that all four bulk viscosity coefficients lead to comparable dissipation of sound waves and should be considered on the same footing.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, this version with some minor stylistic changes is published in Phys. Rev.

    Adiabatic Dynamics of Superconducting Quantum Point Contacts

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    Starting from the quasiclassical equations for non-equilibrium Green's functions we derive a simple kinetic equation that governs ac Josephson effect in a superconducting quantum point contact at small bias voltages. In contrast to existing approaches the kinetic equation is valid for voltages with arbitrary time dependence. We use this equation to calculate frequency-dependent linear conductance, and dc I ⁣ ⁣VI\!-\!V characteristics with and without microwave radiation for resistively shunted quantum point contacts. A novel feature of the I ⁣ ⁣VI\!-\!V characteristics is the excess current 2Ic/π2I_c/\pi appearing at small voltages. An important by-product of our derivation is the analytical proof that the microscopic expression for the current coincides at arbitrary voltages with the expression that follows from the Bogolyubov-de Gennes equations, if one uses appropriate amplitudes of Andreev reflection which contain information about microscopic structure of the superconductors.Comment: 12 Pages, REVTEX 3.0, 3 figures available upon reques

    From ferromagnetism to spin-density wave: Magnetism in the two channel periodic Anderson model

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    The magnetic properties of the two-channel periodic Anderson model for uranium ions, comprised of a quadrupolar and a magnetic doublet are investigated through the crossover from the mixed-valent to the stable moment regime using dynamical mean field theory. In the mixed-valent regime ferromagnetism is found for low carrier concentration on a hyper-cubic lattice. The Kondo regime is governed by band magnetism with small effective moments and an ordering vector \q close to the perfect nesting vector. In the stable moment regime nearest neighbour anti-ferromagnetism dominates for less than half band filling and a spin density wave transition for larger than half filling. TmT_m is governed by the renormalized RKKY energy scale \mu_{eff}^2 ^2 J^2\rho_0(\mu).Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 eps figure

    Influence of parallel magnetic fields on a single-layer two-dimensional electron system with a hopping mechanism of conductivity

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    Large positive (P) magnetoresistance (MR) has been observed in parallel magnetic fields in a single 2D layer in a delta-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with a variable-range-hopping (VRH) mechanism of conductivity. Effect of large PMR is accompanied in strong magnetic fields by a substantial change in the character of the temperature dependence of the conductivity. This implies that spins play an important role in 2D VRH conductivity because the processes of orbital origin are not relevant to the observed effect. A possible explanation involves hopping via double occupied states in the upper Hubbard band, where the intra-state correlation of spins is important.Comment: 10 pages, 4 jpeg figure