64 research outputs found

    65 years of in vitro culture in Poland

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    This paper is a short review of historical development of the tissue culture method in Poland. Similarly to the rest of the world, in vitro technology in Poland has progressed in many directions simultaneously. Its main fields are closely interconnected by natural sequences of biological processes and integrade one into another. The best results, driven by the prospects of practical applications, have been achieved within the areas of meristem culture and micropropagation of valuable genotypes, somaclonal variation, production of haploids and DH plants, somatic embryogenesis, in vitro culture of embryos and ovules, improvement of plant disease resistance, somatic hybridization and transformation of plants. Due to the fact that in vitro domain is a very broad science the authors are aware that this review might not fully cover all the scientists working with tissue culture and their achievements

    Morfologia i szczególne właściwości zarodników paproci występujących w Polsce

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    The morphology of fern spores collected from natural sites in Poland was examined under light microscopy. Spore samples represented 44 species in 18 genera and in 13 families. Only spores of Ophioglossaceae were obtained from the herbarium of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań while the remaining samples were obtained from living plants. Spore size ranges between 20 to 75 μm and the spores of Osmunda regalis and Polypodium interjectum were found to have remarkably large dimensions. The spores are ellipsoidal, tetrahedral and spherical/globoid in shape. Their apertures are monolete or trilete types. The exine surface patterns are baculate, cristate, granulate, reticulate, tuberculate and verrucate. Pictures of the analyzed spores are collected in a contrasting (size, colour) table to make it easier to distinguish between species. The peculiar characters of fern spores are described after a review of major articles concerning the allergenic features of fern spores with special attention to Pteridium aquilinum whose spores and vegetative tissues revealed mutagenic and carcinogenic activity.Morfologię zarodników paproci pochodzących ze stanowisk naturalnych w Polsce analizowano w mikroskopie świetlnym. Zarodniki należały do 44 gatunków z 18 rodzajów i 13 rodzin. Jedynie zarodniki Ophioglossaceae pochodziły ze zbiorów zielnikowych UAM w Poznaniu, pozostałe zebrano w terenie z żywych roślin. Pomiary wielkości zarodników wykazały, że mieściły się one w przedziale od 25 do 70 μm, a do największych należały spory Osmunda regalis i Polypodium interjectum. Większość zarodników miała kształt elipsoidalny, część – tetrahedralny, a tylko dwa gatunki paproci tworzyły zarodniki sferyczne lub kuliste. Apertura zarodników należała do dwu typów – szczelinowego (monolete) lub trójdzielnego (trilete). Najczęściej występującym wzorem ornamentacji egzyny były oskrzydlenia, okienkowate pofałdowania oraz drobne lub większe uwypuklenia typu: baculate, cristate, granulate, reticulate, tuberculate lub verrucate. Fotografie zarodników 44 gatunków paproci zebrano w tablicę, ułatwiającą rozróżnienie gatunków m. in. na podstawie ich barwy i wielkości. Szczególne własności zarodników paproci podano za literaturą wskazującą na alergogenny charakter wodnego wyciągu z zarodników, zwłaszcza Pteridium aquilinum, wykazujących ponadto własności mutagenne i karcinogenne. Dodatkowo zamieszczono elektronogram SEM zarodników Pteridium aquilinum, których szkodliwość dla zdrowia ludzi została udowodniona

    In vitrio studies of cycle modifications in the apomictic ferns

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    Screening of Asparagus officinalis L. seeds for occurence and ploidy of twin embryos

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    We used germination tests to assess the frequency of polyembryony in 9 asparagus cultivars with a high propensity to produce double embryos with different ploidy levels: Alpha, Andreas, Boonlim, Cipres, Eposs, Helios, Limbras, Ravel and Sartaguda. Twin embryos inside a single seed were found in 3 cultivars: Eposs 2n, Ravel 2n and Sartaguda 2n, at 0.60% frequency (15 seeds with twin embryos out of 2500 seeds). Of 30 obtained seedlings, 14 were separated diploid-diploid twins, 6 were conjoined diploid pairs, 8 were separated diploid-haploid and 2 were diploid-haploid pairs conjoined in the hypocotyl region. Some embryos showed unilateral dominance of one embryo (size and shape). The haploid status of the smallest embryo was confirmed by chromosome number (n=x=10) and flow cytometry (nuclear C DNA amount 1.95 pg). The haploid obtained in this manner possessed enough vegetative vigor to undergo chromosome doubling

    Regeneracja pąków przybyszowych ze znamion Sinapis alba L.

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    Stigmas isolated from flower buds of ‘Nakielska’ variety of Sinapis alba were used to develop a micropropagation method suitable for breeding of new cultivars. The origin of adventitious bud regeneration was studied on MS medium, under stimulation by bezylaminopurine (BAP) in combination with 2,4-D - naphtoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Histological analysis showed the structure of Sinapis stigma (composed from four types of tissue: papillae, transmitting tissue, parenchyma and vascular bundles) and revealed that numerous meristematic centers developed from parenchyma cells in close vicinity of vascular bundles. Buds very quickly appeared on the surface of initial explants and later formed multiplantlets that were easily rooted in the soil

    In vitro cultures of resurrection fern – Polypodium vulgare L.

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    Budowa anatomiczna sadzonek pedowych rozanecznikow i powstawanie w nich korzeni przybyszowych

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    One-year old shoots of Rhododendron ‘Cunningham’s White’ and R. ‘Nova Zembla’ from which cuttings were obtained. The cuttings consisted of epidermis, periderm, cortex, sclerenchyma, phloem, cambium, xylem and pith. Adventitious roots of cuttings of that taxa were developed throughout basal burls or directly in cambium region