23 research outputs found


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    When checking the written work of students each teacher faced with the problem of determining the originality of the work. At the department of General Chemistry RUDN University the system “Anti-plagiarism. Higher School Institution” is used for this purpose. Using this system when checking the work for borrowings from online sources, saves the teacher the routine of searching for matching blocks. In addition, the using of this system is aimed at improving the implementation of a culture of scientific citation, without which no research project in chemistry can be done, is aimed at increasing the level of scientific educational process of the students

    Cytokine profile and expression of FYN, ZAP-70 and LAT during concanavalin a stimulation in patients with resistant bronchial asthma

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    Background: Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the most spreading chronic lung pathology in the world. The disease is characterized by high heterogeneity of clinical phenotypes including resistant forms which provoke significant clinical problem. Immune shift from Th2 to alternative immunological response is considered to be a mechanism of drug-resistance in BA treatment but this issue is not considerably studied yet. Aims: Detection of distinctive patterns in cytokine secretion and genetic expression (ZAP-70, FYN and LAT) of naïve and concanavalin A stimulated lymphocytes in patients with resistant BA. Materials and methods: The study enrolled ten patients in each group: subjects with treatment resistant BA, severe BA, and controls (30 in total). During the experiment, all patients with BA received treatment according to the condition. For each participant lymphocytes isolation from venous blood was performed. Cells were cultured with concanavalin A and without stimulation. Concentrations of cytokines IL-2, IL-12, TNF-α, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6 in supernatants were measured with ELISA. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to detect the mRNA expression of LAT, ZAP-70, and FYN genes. Results: Significant disease contribution to the lymphocyte secretion profile was established without concanavalin A stimulation: increased levels of IL-2 and IL-4 was observed in lymphocytes of patients with resistant BA if compared to the results of gorup with severe BA. Patients with resistant BA were characterized by weak cytokine response to the stimulation: only TNF-α and IL-5 levels were significantly increased whereas in group with severe BA all cytokines concentrations increased except IL-12, in controls - except IL-12 and IL-2. Significant FYN upregulation was identified in resistant BA group if compared with other groups, and in severe BA patients if compared with controls. The concanavalin A-stimulated cells showed increased expression of ZAP-70 in cells of patients with resistant BA compared to control group. Conclusions: Lymphocytes from patients with resistant BA are characterized by lack of cytokine response to concanavalin A stimulation, alteration of cytokine secretion, and genetic expression profile similar to cells with low sensitivity to apoptosis. The FYN gene is a perspective target for finding approaches to overcome resistance to steroid drugs in bronchial asthma. © 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved

    Аллергия на металлы

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    Allergic reactions associated with sensitisation to metals are a common but underexplored problem. Due to the frequent use of metals and their alloys there has been an increase in the number of registered cases of allergic reactions. Recently there have been cases when allergic reactions were induced by metals that were previously considered absolutely inert and non-allergenic, such as gold, palladium and others. The aim of this work was to summarise scientific data on allergic reactions to metals and their diagnosis in humans. In medicine, alloys of nickel, palladium and gold are used in the manufacture of both surgical instruments and various implants used in orthopedics, endovascular surgery, gynecology and dentistry. Allergic reactions to these metals may lead to failure of artificial joints, thrombosis of endovascular stents, stomatitis, gingivitis, and dermatitis. The most frequent allergic reaction to metals is contact dermatitis which is most frequently caused by nickel. Metal allergies are diagnosed by skin tests. There are no Russian-made diagnostic systems for detecting metal allergies. The diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis is performed with the help of AllerTest test kit («TRUE Test», Denmark). Therefore, elaboration of a domestic diagnostic test for timely detection of allergies to metals is still relevant.Аллергические реакции, связанные с сенсибилизацией к металлам, являются распространенной, но недостаточно изученной проблемой. В связи с частым использованием металлов и их сплавов регистрируют все больше случаев аллергических реакций, вызванных их применением. В последнее время стали появляться случаи аллергических реакций даже на те металлы, которые ранее считались абсолютно инертными и не аллергенными, такими как золото, палладий и другие. Целью данной работы являлось обобщение научной информации о возникновении аллергических реакций на металлы и проблемах их диагностики у человека. В медицине сплавы на основе никеля, палладия и золота используют как для изготовления хирургических инструментов, так и для производства различных имплантов, применяемых в ортопедии, эндоваскулярной хирургии, гинекологии и стоматологии. Аллергические реакции на металлы могут приводить к нарушениям функции искусственного сустава, тромбозу эндоваскулярных стентов, стоматитам, гингивитам. Наиболее частым проявлением аллергической реакции на металлы является контактный дерматит. Лидирующую позицию в этиологии контактного дерматита занимает никель. Диагностика аллергии на металлы заключается в постановке кожных тестов. В Российской Федерации отсутствуют отечественные диагностические системы, позволяющие выявить аллергическую реакцию на металлы. В этих целях применяется набор для диагностики аллергического контактного дерматита – тест-система «АллерТест» («TRUE Test», Дания). В связи с этим, является актуальной разработка отечественного диагностического теста для своевременного выявления аллергических реакций на металлы

    Применение иммуноанализа для решения актуальных проблем стандартизации препаратов аллергенов

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    The present article describes principal problematic issues that refer to the standardization of allergen preparations. It is shown that at present domestic allergen preparations are being standardized by protein content in allergenic material, however, the mentioned characteristic does not reflect true allergic activity of a drug. There is a need in harmonization of domestic standardization technology for allergen preparations with the approaches of EMA (European Medicines Agency) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration), regulating their standardization in allergenic activity units, as well as the use of modern immunoassay methods for quantitative evaluation such as radioallergosorbent test, chemiluminescence analysis, immunoallergological test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with inhibition phase etc.Иммунохимические методы анализа основаны на связывании исследуемого белка специфичными антителами, с последующим выявлением образовавшегося комплекса «антиген-антитело» с помощью метки, которая легко детектируется с использованием высокочувствительных устройств типа счетчиков радиоактивных частиц, спектрофотометров, флуориметров и т.п. Радиоиммунологический анализ (РИА) был разработан в 50-х годах прошлого столетия R.S. Yalow и S.A. Berson, которые в качестве метки использовали изотоп125I [1]. Применение твердых носителей (нитроцеллюлозы, полистирольных плат) для сорбции антител (АТ) или антигенов (АГ) положило начало развитию гетерогенного (твердофаз ного) анализа. Иммобилизация антигена на твердом носителе позволила предотвратить агрегацию в растворе и осуществить с помощью отмывки физическое разделение иммунокомплексов от свободных компонентов. В середине 1960-х годов появились более безопасные варианты иммуноанализа, не требующие специальных условий работы - ИФА, имму-нохемилюминесцентный анализ. В них используются специфичные АТ, меченные молекулами ферментов или специальными красителями, такими как люминол, люцегенин, флюо-ресцеина ацетат, флуоресцеина изотиоцианат. В настоящее время иммуноанализ широко применяется в научных исследованиях, в различных областях медицины, Приведены основные проблемные вопросы в стандартизации препаратов аллергенов. Показано, что в настоящее время отечественные препараты аллергенов стандартизуются по содержанию белка в аллергенном материале -показателю, не отражающему истинную аллергенную активность препарата. Назрела необходимость гармонизации отечественной технологии стандартизации препаратов аллергенов с учетом подходов ЕМА (European Medicines Agency) и FDA (Food and Drug Administration), регламентирующих стандартизацию препаратов в единицах аллергенной активности и применение для количественной оценки данного показателя современных методов иммуноанализа - радиоаллергосорбентный тест (РАСТ), хемолюминесцентный анализ, иммуноаллергосорбентный тест, иммуноферментный анализ (ИФА) с этапом ингибирования и другие

    Elements of distance learning in the course of chemistry for engineering faculty students of People's Friendship University of Russia

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    At the Department of General Chemistry RUDN a program control and consulting activities is developed.. This program is conducted with the use of Internet technology and is used for training students of evening and correspondence departments of the Faculty of Engineering of PFUR in the study course "Chemistry". Application of this technology can improve the quality of student learning. In article the received results are stated

    Metal Allergy

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    Allergic reactions associated with sensitisation to metals are a common but underexplored problem. Due to the frequent use of metals and their alloys there has been an increase in the number of registered cases of allergic reactions. Recently there have been cases when allergic reactions were induced by metals that were previously considered absolutely inert and non-allergenic, such as gold, palladium and others. The aim of this work was to summarise scientific data on allergic reactions to metals and their diagnosis in humans. In medicine, alloys of nickel, palladium and gold are used in the manufacture of both surgical instruments and various implants used in orthopedics, endovascular surgery, gynecology and dentistry. Allergic reactions to these metals may lead to failure of artificial joints, thrombosis of endovascular stents, stomatitis, gingivitis, and dermatitis. The most frequent allergic reaction to metals is contact dermatitis which is most frequently caused by nickel. Metal allergies are diagnosed by skin tests. There are no Russian-made diagnostic systems for detecting metal allergies. The diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis is performed with the help of AllerTest test kit («TRUE Test», Denmark). Therefore, elaboration of a domestic diagnostic test for timely detection of allergies to metals is still relevant

    International practice of allergen products standardization

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    The article demonstrates that safe and efficacious use of allergen products for detection and treatment of allergic diseases relies on standardization and quality control methods. The article summarises various approaches to allergen products standardization that are used in the United States, the European Union and the Russian Federation. Development of requirements for allergen products of natural origin must take account of the heterogeneity of raw materials used in their production, since native allergen extracts are complex protein-polysaccharide mixtures consisting of allergenic (primary and secondary) and non-allergenic components. Standardization of methods used for evaluation of allergen products potency is performed using reference standards. To date, there exist several approaches to allergens standardization. The United States introduced a system of national reference standards whose biological activity is determined by one technique (IntraDermal Dilution for 50 mm sum of Erythema determines bioequivalent Allergy Units - ID50EAL). In Europe each manufacturer establishes their own in-house reference standards (IHRS) and assigns them with units of activity. Products manufactured in the Russian Federation are standardized in protein nitrogen units (PNU)

    Immunoassay for the purpose of solving current issues associated with standardization of allergen preparations

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    The present article describes principal problematic issues that refer to the standardization of allergen preparations. It is shown that at present domestic allergen preparations are being standardized by protein content in allergenic material, however, the mentioned characteristic does not reflect true allergic activity of a drug. There is a need in harmonization of domestic standardization technology for allergen preparations with the approaches of EMA (European Medicines Agency) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration), regulating their standardization in allergenic activity units, as well as the use of modern immunoassay methods for quantitative evaluation such as radioallergosorbent test, chemiluminescence analysis, immunoallergological test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with inhibition phase etc