27 research outputs found

    Pandemic challenge for staff training and development systems

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    The digital economy has predetermined the priority of digital transformation of all company processes, including staff training and development. But, not all companies have been able to adjust quickly in the face of the digitalisation of their processes by advanced companies. However, the pandemic COVID-19 radically changed the situation, forcing everyone to urgently switch to a remote work format and introduce digital methods for training and developing staff. The article presents an analysis of the peculiarities of accelerated digital transformation of staff training and development in Russian and foreign companies, and staff assessment during the pandemic. The most frequently used digital methods and approaches to staff development and assessment have been analysed, the main trends in corporate training in Russia and worldwide have been identified, and recommendations for improving digital transformation of training and personnel development in the current environment have been offered

    Artificial illumination of the surface pedestrian crossings of highways of the city of Volgograd

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    The study of the levels of artificial illumination of ground pedestrian crossings of main roads of regulated traffic of the district significance of the city of Volgograd from the point of view of their safety for pedestrians in the dark was carried out. The article describes the methodology of this study, at the first stage of which graphic representation of roads with lighting devices located on them were drawn up and the distances between points and number of calculated points for measuring were determined. The second stage was used to measure the illumination levels of pedestrian crossings and the brightness of road surfaces. Further, on the basis of the obtained data, the average brightness and illumination, the overall uniformity of brightness and the overall uniformity of illumination of the road surface on both highways were calculated. The results are correlated with the norms defined by the State Standards. In the course of the work carried out, it was found out that the studied indicators of artificial illumination at these pedestrian crossings mainly meet the requirements of State Standarts.Проведено исследование уровней искусственной освещённости наземных пешеходных переходов магистральных дорог регулируемого движения районного значения города Волгограда с позиции их безопасности для пешеходов в тёмное время суток. В статье описана методика проведения данного исследования, на первом этапе которого были составлены графические схемы дорог с расположенными на них осветительными приборами и определены шаг и число расчётных точек для проведения замеров. Вторым этапом проведены измерения уровней освещённости пешеходных переходов и яркости дорожных покрытий. Далее на основании полученных данных были рассчитаны средние яркость и освещенность, общая равномерность яркости и общая равномерность освещённости дорожного покрытия на обеих автомобильных дорогах. Результаты соотнесены с нормами, определёнными Государственными Стандартами. В ходе проведённой работы выяснили, что исследуемые показатели искусственной освещённости на данных пешеходных переходах в основном соответствуют требованиям ГОС