550 research outputs found

    Praktik Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS) dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) dan HIV&AIDS di Lokalisasi Koplak, Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Background: STI cases in Grobogan were increase, from 27 cases in 2007 to 58 cases in 2008, with fatality rate around 20%. At Koplak brothel, syphilis prevalence among female sex workers reached 18% whilst HIV prevalence remains lower at 6.5%. This research aims to analyze factors associated to female sex workers' STI and HIV-AIDS prevention practice.Method: This study was an explanatory research employed cross sectional approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods. There were 70 females sex workers were involved in quantitative study whilst 7 other respondents were involved in qualitative study. Univariate analysis and Fisher Exact Test were employed to analyze quantitative data whilst content anaysis was used to analyze qualitative data.Result: It was found perceived benefits of prevention and perceived self efficacy were correlated to female sex workers' prevention practice whilst perceived susceptibility and cues to action were not statistically significant. In order to improve female sex workers' knowledge on STI and HIV-AIDS prevention, it is necessary for local government to address female sex workers' perceived susceptibility by adopting testimonials methods and involving peer groupswho have safer sex behavior.Keywords : Prevention, Practice, Female, Sex, Worker, Perception, ST

    Relevansi Sistem Civil Law Dan Common Law Dalam Pengaturan Hukum Perjanjian Baku Di Indonesia

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    Legislation and court decisions have limited the power of the freedom principle of contract enforcement. In the business world, it has been imposed the restrictions on the principle of freedom of contract through a standard agreement (standard contract). In the practice realm, this restriction do not preclude the parties to fulfill their legal interests through definite agreement. This kind of agreement has been growing to meet legal needs of society despite its substantial and procedural material has not fulfilled the principle of freedom of contract. This assessment system is to show the relevance of the Civil Law and Common Law in the development of standard contract arrangement. Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan telah membatasi daya berlakunya asas kebebasan berkontrak. Di dalam dunia bisnis, telah diberlakukan pembatasan pula atas asas kebebasan berkontrak melalui perjanjian baku (standard contract). Di dalam prakteknya, pembatasan tersebut tidak menghalangi para pihak untuk memenuhi kepentingan hukumnya melalui perjanjian baku. Perjanjian baku semakin berkembang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hukum masyarakat meskipun perjanjian baku baik secara substansiil maupun prosedural belum memenuhi sepenuhnya berlakunya asas kebebasan berkontrak. Pengkajian ini hendak menunjukkan relevansi sistem Civil Law dan Common Law dalam pengembangan pengaturan perjanjian baku

    Fasilitas Wisata Simulasi Profesi di Surabaya

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    Fasilitas Wisata Simulasi Profesi di Surabaya ini merupakan fasilitas untuk anak-anak dapat bermain peran/ mensimulasikan profesi yang ada, khususnya di Indonesia. Proyek ini terletak di Surabaya yang merupakan kota berkembang, salah satunya dari segi pendidikan di Indonesia, tepatnya berada di jalan Lingkar Dalam Surabaya. Fasilitas yang disediakan antara lain Permainan Simulasi Profesi, Toko Souvenir, Cafe, Restoran, Ruang Multifungsi, dan Plaza & Taman. Perencanaan proyek ini secara umum bertujuan sebagai tempat untuk anak-anak belajar berbagai profesi yang ada di Indonesia dengan cara mensimulasikan profesi tersebut, sehingga anak-anak tersebut memperoleh pengertian secara langsung tentang profesi yang mereka perankan. Selain itu, fasilitas wisata ini juga dapat menjadi tempat tujuan anak-anak untuk mengembangkan bakat- minat, daya imajinasi, daya kreativitas, serta cita-cita mereka. Inti permasalahan dari proyek ini adalah bagaimana menciptakan tempat bagi anak-anak untuk bermain peran profesi secara menarik dan sederhana

    Analisa dan Evaluasi Laboratorium Penggunaan Sf-05 di Lapangan Sukowati

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    Adanya tantangan untuk memperoleh produksi minyak dan gas telah memotivasi industry migasuntuk melakukan pengeboran pada zona yang lebih dalam yang memiliki suhu dan tekanan jauh lebihtinggi. Kegiatan pemboran tersebut berhubungan dengan masalah-masalah yang disebabkan olehkondisi yang kompleks di formasi karena tingginya suhu, tekanan.Maka masalah yang dihadapidengan makin tingginya temperatur karena gradient tekanan.Ditambah lagi apabila lapisan yangditembus bermasalah dengan clay swelling.Masalah tersebut terjadi pada lapangan Sukowati(PPEJ)Salah satu USAha untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan membuat suatu programfluida pengeboran yang dapat meminimalisasi masalah pengeboran dilapangan yang disebabkanoleh pemakaian fluida pengeboran yang tidak tepat pada suatu formasi. Formulasi fluida pemboran dilaboratorium dilakukan untuk memperoleh suatu formulasi yang tepat dan tahan terhadap suhu, olehkarena itu pemilihan aditif merupakan suatu hal yang penting, terutama yang tahan terhadap suhutinggi serta kompatibel satu sama lain. Analisa Lumpur diformulasikan pada berat jenis 1.5 SG ataulebih.Pada hasil akhir diharapkan tidak terjadi di lapangan Sukowati yang diakibatkan oleh penurunanfungsi aditif. Salah satu pengujian lumpur laboratorium adalahmengenai lumpur berbahan dasarminyak atau Oil Based Mud (OBM). Penggunaan lumpur OBM menggunakan mineral oil dari dalamnegeri SF-05 dan luar negeri (Saraline). Base oil tersebut diuji drilling fluid performance-nya dilaboratorium Pemboran dan hasilnya ternyata dapat diaplikasikan di lapangan

    Prototype Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit Diabetes

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    Every member of the community can experience a variety of diseases. The disease can be known from the symptoms it produces, but to know the exact type of disease, needed a doctor or a health professional. Since the number of doctors or health professionals is very limited and can not overcome the problems of the community at the same time, a system that has the capability of a doctor or health professional is required, which in this system contains the expertise of a physician or health professional on diseases and diseases. In this study was designed expert system using rule base (reason based reasoning) with forward chaining and backward chaining inference method that is intended to assist the community in diagnosing the disease. This disease diagnostic expert system developed has advantages in ease of access and ease of use. With the features that are owned, expert systems for the diagnosis of diseases that built can be used as a tool for disease diagnosis and can be accessed by the public to overcome the problem of limited number of doctors or health experts in helping people diagnose the disease

    Model Pengembangan Kualitas Pengetahuan Berbasis Jejaring Pengetahuan Dan Kerjasama Lintas Fungsi Menuju Kinerja Inovatif UKM

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    . This study is based on research gaps and business phenomenon, namely the controversy studies cross-functional cooperation to performance. Moreover there is no cross-functional cooperation inconsistencies study. The findings conclude that the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a follower of innovation undertaken, means that products appear in other regions relatively new then a slight modification. The population in this study was small industrial batik SMEs in Central Java province, amounting to 115, which is distributed in the city Pakalongan, Pekalongan, Pati, Sukoharjo, Apex and Purbalingga (Disperindag Prov.Jateng 2014). Then the method of sampling with purposive sampling technique, meaning that based on characteristics of the population, the area or location. Data analysis techniques used in this study The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) software package AMOS 5.0. Findings from this study indicate that, priority first step in developing a model of innovative performance of SMEs in Central Java province, is done by increasing the knowledge of the intrinsic quality of the indicators are accurate, objective, dynamic / up to date and reliable

    Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Promosi the Amsterdam Bakery Kitchen Bar Di Malang

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    Perancangan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai keberadaan sebuah café yang bernama The Amsterdam Bakery Kitchen Bar di kota Malang. Merupakan cafe tematik yang hadir dengan nuansa kebelanda-Belandaan yang dikemas secara modern dengan melihat kota Amsterdam sebagai sebuah patokan. Amsterdam yang terdahulu berupa sebuah resto yang kemudian pada akhir tahun 2013 berganti tema menjadi café dan memaksimalkan tema Amsterdam dalam penyajiannya. Oleh sebab itu perancangan komunikasi visual promosi ini dibuat dengan mengkombinasikan pengetahuan tentang produk, potensi produk, dan riset dan pemahaman tentang target audience yang dituju, agar segala proses promosi yang dilakukan dapat berjalan dengan tepat dan efektif

    A Study on Implicature in the Main Character's Utterance of Megamind Movie Using Relevance Theory

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    Keywords: Implicature, Relevance Theory, and MovieImplicature is what the addresser wants to convey without stating it explicitly. In this study, the writer intends to analyze an implicature in Megamind Movie using Relevance Theory. This study is conducted to find out (1) the explicature conveyed in the utterances of the main character in Megamind movie. (2) The implicated premises and implicated conclusion conveyed in the utterances of the main character in Megamind movie. The writer uses Sperber and Wilson's theory in analyzing the data.This study is qualitative study since the writer analyzed utterances taken from the dialogue of the main characters in Megamind Movie. Research design is document analysis. From the data obtained, the writer tried to find out the explicature, implicated premise, and implicated conclusion based on Relevance Theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1995).In this study the writer found 14 utterances that convey an implicature. To answer research problem the writer gave an example from the conversation that were taken from datum 2. The context of this conversation is when Megamind crashing Metroman's Memorial Day by kidnapping Roxanne Ritchi. Metroman is threatening Megamind to put him into jail by saying We all know how this ends, with you behind the bars. The word ‘we' refers to Metroman and all the citizen of Metro city, while ‘this' refers to the battle between Megamind and Metroman. The last, ‘you' refers to Megamind. Then, Megamind responses Metroman's threat by saying Oh, I am shaking in my custom baby seal-leather boot. The word ‘I' refers to Megamind. From the explicature, Megamind responds may irrelevant. But it conveys an implicature. There are many causes to make people shaking and that creates the implicated premises; Megamind is shaking because it is cold; Megamind is shaking because of terrifying; Megamind is shaking just because he wants to; Megamind is shaking just because he pretends to be. From the implicated premise. It may seem that Megamind terrifies being threatened by Metroman, but in reality Megamind does not fear at all. The intended meaning is he just pretending to be and mocking Metroman by showing his baby seal leather boot. Thus the implicated conclusion is Megamind does not fear of Metroman.The writer draws conclusion that Relevance Theory is concern with ostensive communication that is intentional communication through an addressee that can understand the speaker's thought. This study hopefully can provide appropriate references for further researcher to conduct the research in implicature. It is recommended for the next researchers to conduct similar studies to be analyzed using Relevance Theory with different object such as novel, magazine or even article

    Profesionalisme Kerja Dan Kualitas Pelayanan PT Pos Indonesia

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    The aim of this research is analyzing correlation between professionalism and service quality against the customer satisfaction. This research applied descriptive quantitative by using path analysis and regression analysis. This result shown us: 1) there is positive direct effect between professionalism against customer satisfaction. It shows that employee professionalism has positive impact to increase customer satisfaction. 2) there is positive direct effect between service quality against customer satisfaction. It shows that a good service quality will contribute positive impact to increase customer satisfaction. 3) there is positive direct effect between professionalism against service quality. This effect will show that implementation of professionalism has positive impact for better service quality

    Prototype Sistem Pakar untuk Penjadwalan

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    Scheduling is a complex problem, which requires huge resource to solve. The resources required include faculty, lecturer, classrooms, and the period of time for teaching. The solution of academic scheduling in large scale still face up so many obstacles to done manually. The college has to give a schedule in certain time when every academic activity is not crash. Scheduling is needed to anticipate crash of students hours to study and lectures time to teach. Scheduling have to fill the boundary and condition so that it convenient when it used. Under these conditions, a system is needed to set the schedule will not crash so as to improve the work of everyone. The possibility to find the best result and the implemented method approach to solve the problem is use constrain satisfaction method. Making this scheduling application is started with build table of combination from class data, room data, lecture data and time slot and followed by initiation and calculation with genetic algorithm. During the process, we generate the time and room data of each lecturer and test if crash or no crash. From the result, indicate fine schedule means there is no crash between each other and all class can be scheduled. Scheduling is optimal if all of space and time that is provided can be filled without happen crash
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