263 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kualitas Pelaporan Keuangan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Go Public di Indonesia

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    This research aim to study and obtains empiric evidence to independent variable influence con-sisted of by corporate governance proxy to become ownership of institution, ownership of mana-gement and composition of board of commissioners, auditor independency, company growth, company age and leverage to quality of financial reporting of manufacturing business which go public in Indonesia. Besides also studies and obtains empiric evidence to operating cycle and com-pany size as control variable to quality of financial reporting of manufacturing business which go public in Indonesia. This research applies sample 67 companies with overall of sample 333 cases in range of time five years that is from the year 2002 up to the year 2006. This research measures quality of financial reporting based on estimation cash flow from operation applies Ordinary Least Squares. After found residual value each company every year his then is searched absolute of its value. When value absolute smaller than residual value absolute of industrial median (|ei,t=1|< Industry Median |ei,t=1|) hence variable quality of financial reporting will be given assessed by 1 and if other hence will be given value 0. After that, measurement of independent variables influence to variable quality of financial reporting is done to applies binary logistic regression. Fac-tors influencing quality of financial reporting to indicate that ownership of institution, ownership of management and composition of board of commissioners of all showing influence that is is not sig-nificant to quality of company financial reporting of hence inferential that corporate governance doesn't have an effect on significant to quality of company financial reporting. Company growth, le-verage and company size also has influence that is is not significant to quality of company financial reporting. While auditor independency, company age and operation cycle of company has influence signifikan to quality of company financial reporting. And together all the regressors have significant on quality of company financial reporting

    Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Fisika Pada Modeling Instruction Pada Siswa SMA Kelas XI

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika siswa dalam modeling instruction. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method desain embedded experimental model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modeling instruction meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional. Hal ini karena modeling instruction menekankan pada pembangunan pemahaman konsep melalui pemodelan yang ditunjukkan dengan diagram, grafik, dan gambar sebelum siswa menyajikan dalam representasi matematis. Modeling instruction memfasilitasi siswa dalam mengkonstruksi pengetahuan dan pemecahan masalah melalui kegiatan yang ilmiah. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika siswa lebih baik setelah belajar dengan modeling instruction. Perkembangan kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika siswa setelah belajar dengan modeling instruction ditunjukkan dengan perkembangan yang lebih baik dalam mengenali masalah berdasarkan konsep, membuat representasi dari masalah, dan evaluasi terhadap solusi dan konsep yang digunakan. Kegiatan modeling instruction yaitu seperti meminta siswa memberikan penjelasan konseptual terhadap pendapat dan jawaban secara lisan atau tulis dan pemberian masalah untuk dikelompokkan berdasarkan konsep mampu memberikan alternatif lain dalam penilaian dari hanya sekedar paper and pencil test. The purpose of this study was to determine the students' problem-solving ability in modeling the physics instruction. This study used a mixed method design of embedded experimental models. The results showed a modeling instruction improves problem-solving ability than conventional learning physics. This is because the modeling instruction emphasizes the development of conceptual understanding through modeling that indicated by diagrams, graphs, and images before the student presents the mathematical representation. Modeling instruction facilitates students in constructing knowledge and solving problems through scientific activities. Physics students' problem solving skills through learning by modeling instruction. The development of problem-solving ability of students after studying physics at modeling the instruction indicated by the development of better identify problems based on the concept , making the representation of the problem , and the evaluation of the solutions and concepts used. Activity modeling instruction is like asking students to give a conceptual explanation of the opinions and answer orally or in writing and giving problems to be grouped based on the concept able to provide another alternative in the assessment of just a paper and pencil test

    Metaphorical Thinking Learning and Junior High School Teachers\u27 Mathematical Questioning Ability

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    This control-group posttest-only experimental design study aims to investigate the role of learning that teaches metaphorical thinking in mathematical questioning ability of junior high school teachers. The population of this study was mathematics junior high school teachers in West Java province. The samples were 82 mathematics junior high school teachers selected using random purposive sampling for experimental class and control class. It was concluded that: 1) the teacher‘s mathematical questioning ability who received metaphorical thinking learning is better than those who received conventional learning; 2) learning factors and KAM (Kemampuan Awal Matematis = Prior Mathematical Ability) affect the achievement of teachers\u27 mathematical questioning ability; there is an interaction effect between learning and KAM in developing teachers\u27 mathematical questioning ability; 4) teachers\u27 mathematical questioning ability does not reach optimal for submitting non-routine and open-ended questions indicator

    Pengaruh Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Jasa Melalui Variabel Intervening Kepercayaan Merek ( Studi Kasus Pada Jne Cabang Semarang)

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    Goals to be achieved in this study was to determine the effect of the decision to use the image of the brand through brand trust services (case study in JNE Branch Semarang). The sample in this research were 100 respondents, respondents are consumers of JNE Branch Semarang. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The analysis method used is a simple linear regression and path analysis. Measurement scale using Likert Scale. In the analysis of the data using simple linear regression. From the analysis of the data is known that effect of brand image on the decision to use services is 52,8%, the effect of brand image on brand trust 51,6%, the effect of brand trust on the decision to use services 68,4%, and the effect of brand image to decision to use services through by using brand trust is 1,605. Based on these results JNE Management Branch Semarang should consider consumers' brand trust so that the level of Decision Using JNE. JNE services remains high and Brand Image JNE also remains good

    Dampak Sektor Pertambangan terhadap Perekonomian Wilayah di Kabupaten Luwu Timur

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    : Mining Sector Impact on the Economy Regional East Luwu Regency. The purposes of this study are to determine the role of the mining sector (non-oil & gas mining and quarrying) to the economy of the region and its linkage with other sectors in East Luwu Regency. The method used is a method of identification of the economic sectors East Luwu Regency and methods of RAS. The GDP analysis and analysis of Input-Output (IO) are employed in this study. Without oil and gas, mining sector is in the first position based on its contribution in the formation of GDP. On the other hand quarrying sector appear in 17th position The results show that mining sector has inter-sectorlinkages at below average. The value of Backward Linkage and Forward Linkage is less than one. This indicates that the mining sector has not been able to increase the growth of the upstream and downstream sectors

    Perancangan Video Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Alat Kontrasepsi Berbasis Online sebagai Sarana Informasi Program Keluarga Berencana

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    Fungsian failure problems or lack of contraception is still quite common among people who use family planning program. At least the report noted the failure of contraception in the period 2010-2013 amounted to 3846 report (BKKBN). Responding to the issue of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) gives advice to follow family planning method Long Term (LTM). LTM with contraceptive tool, the contraceptive IUD and implants, it has a higher success rate in controlling the birth rate. In addition to a higher level of security, long-term contraception tool also has a longer lifetime of 5-10 years as user preferences, so that the contraceptive is also considered more efficient in cost pemakiannya. But people still do not know clearly about contraceptives and more use of short-term contraceptives that birth control pills and injectables which also has a lower level of security. Of the existing problems the author aims to design video public service announcements online-based contraceptives as a means of family planning information program

    Penciptaan Buku Esai Fotografi Kesenian Wayang Thengul Sebagai Upaya Melestarikan Budaya Tradisional Bojonegoro

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    Seeing the development of more advanced age and a lot of culture entering society lulled will make things that can be categorized as modern culture. More community members who choose to follow the culture from the outside compared to the local culture, one of the local culture that began enthusiasts it is a Wayang. Wayang is already widely known throughout the International community, but not all cultures for traditional Wayangs have the same fate. The original Wayang local culture many areas even endangered. Local tradional culture also includes cultural diversity must be preserved. The lack of a vigorous publications mainly through books can threaten the preservation of local culture that has not been disclosed. One was found in the district. Bojonegoro in East Java is an area that borders the province of Central Java, in which there is a large royal heritage acculturation that are different. Wayang Thengul is one of the local culture that has not been revealed endangered. In this study show and introduces how artists struggle and consistency Wayang Thengul predominantly elderly in struggling in today's modern era to the public outside of Bojonegoro through media photographic essay book
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