398 research outputs found

    Growth of Magnetic Fields Induced by Turbulent Motions

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    We present numerical simulations of driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence with weak/moderate imposed magnetic fields. The main goal is to clarify dynamics of magnetic field growth. We also investigate the effects of the imposed magnetic fields on the MHD turbulence, including, as a limit, the case of zero external field. Our findings are as follows. First, when we start off simulations with weak mean magnetic field only (or with small scale random field with zero imposed field), we observe that there is a stage at which magnetic energy density grows linearly with time. Runs with different numerical resolutions and/or different simulation parameters show consistent results for the growth rate at the linear stage. Second, we find that, when the strength of the external field increases, the equilibrium kinetic energy density drops by roughly the product of the rms velocity and the strength of the external field. The equilibrium magnetic energy density rises by roughly the same amount. Third, when the external magnetic field is not very strong (say, less than ~0.2 times the rms velocity when measured in the units of Alfven speed), the turbulence at large scales remains statistically isotropic, i.e. there is no apparent global anisotropy of order B_0/v. We discuss implications of our results on astrophysical fluids.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures; ApJ, accepte

    Numerical Studies of Weakly Stochastic Magnetic Reconnection

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    We study the effects of turbulence on magnetic reconnection using three-dimensional numerical simulations. This is the first attempt to test a model of fast magnetic reconnection proposed by Lazarian & Vishniac (1999), which assumes the presence of weak, small-scale magnetic field structure near the current sheet. This affects the rate of reconnection by reducing the transverse scale for reconnection flows and by allowing many independent flux reconnection events to occur simultaneously. We performed a number of simulations to test the dependencies of the reconnection speed, defined as the ratio of the inflow velocity to the Alfven speed, on the turbulence power, the injection scale and resistivity. Our results show that turbulence significantly affects the topology of magnetic field near the diffusion region and increases the thickness of the outflow region. We confirm the predictions of the Lazarian & Vishniac model. In particular, we report the growth of the reconnection speed proportional to ~ V^2, where V is the amplitude of velocity at the injection scale. It depends on the injection scale l as ~ (l/L)^(2/3), where L is the size of the system, which is somewhat faster but still roughly consistent with the theoretical expectations. We also show that for 3D reconnection the Ohmic resistivity is important in the local reconnection events only, and the global reconnection rate in the presence of turbulence does not depend on it.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Gravitational Instability in Collisionless Cosmological Pancakes

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    The gravitational instability of cosmological pancakes composed of collisionless dark matter in an Einstein-de Sitter universe is investigated numerically to demonstrate that pancakes are unstable with respect to fragmentation and the formation of filaments. A ``pancake'' is defined here as the nonlinear outcome of the growth of a 1D, sinusoidal, plane-wave, adiabatic density perturbation. We have used high resolution, 2D, N-body simulations by the Particle-Mesh (PM) method to study the response of pancakes to perturbation by either symmetric (density) or antisymmetric (bending or rippling) modes, with corresponding wavevectors k_s and k_a transverse to the wavevector k_p of the unperturbed pancake plane-wave. We consider dark matter which is initially ``cold'' (i.e. with no random thermal velocity in the initial conditions). We also investigate the effect of a finite, random, isotropic, initial velocity dispersion (i.e. initial thermal velocity) on the fate of pancake collapse and instability. Pancakes are shown to be gravitationally unstable with respect to all perturbations of wavelength l<l_p (where l_p= 2pi/k_p). These results are in contradiction with the expectations of an approximate, thin-sheet energy argument.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (1997), accepted for publication 10/10/96, single postscript file, 61 pages, 19 figure

    The 21cm angular-power spectrum from the dark ages

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    At redshifts z >~ 30 neutral hydrogen gas absorbs CMB radiation at the 21cm spin-flip frequency. In principle this is observable and a high-precision probe of cosmology. We calculate the linear-theory angular power spectrum of this signal and cross-correlation between redshifts on scales much larger than the line width. In addition to the well known redshift-distortion and density perturbation sources a full linear analysis gives additional contributions to the power spectrum. On small scales there is a percent-level linear effect due to perturbations in the 21cm optical depth, and perturbed recombination modifies the gas temperature perturbation evolution (and hence spin temperature and 21cm power spectrum). On large scales there are several post-Newtonian and velocity effects; although negligible on small scales, these additional terms can be significant at l <~ 100 and can be non-zero even when there is no background signal. We also discuss the linear effect of reionization re-scattering, which damps the entire spectrum and gives a very small polarization signal on large scales. On small scales we also model the significant non-linear effects of evolution and gravitational lensing. We include full results for numerical calculation and also various approximate analytic results for the power spectrum and evolution of small scale perturbations.Comment: 29 pages; significant extensions including: self-absorption terms (i.e. change to background radiation due to 21cm absorption); ionization fraction perturbations; estimates of non-linear effects; approximate analytic results; results for sharp redshift window functions. Code available at http://camb.info/sources

    Magnetic Field Structure and Stochastic Reconnection in a Partially Ionized Gas

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    We consider stochastic reconnection in a magnetized, partially ionized medium. Stochastic reconnection is a generic effect, due to field line wandering, in which the speed of reconnection is determined by the ability of ejected plasma to diffuse away from the current sheet along magnetic field lines, rather than by the details of current sheet structure. We consider the limit of weak stochasticity, so that the mean magnetic field energy density is greater than either the turbulent kinetic energy density or the energy density associated with the fluctuating component of the field. We consider field line stochasticity generated through a turbulent cascade, which leads us to consider the effect of neutral drag on the turbulent cascade of energy. In a collisionless plasma, neutral particle viscosity and ion-neutral drag will damp mid-scale turbulent motions, but the power spectrum of the magnetic perturbations extends below the viscous cutoff scale. We give a simple physical picture of the magnetic field structure below this cutoff, consistent with numerical experiments. We provide arguments for the reemergence of the turbulent cascade well below the viscous cut-off scale and derive estimates for field line diffusion on all scales. We note that this explains the persistence of a single power law form for the turbulent power spectrum of the interstellar medium, from scales of tens of parsecs down to thousands of kilometers. We find that under typical conditions in the ISM stochastic reconnection speeds are reduced by the presence of neutrals, but by no more than an order of magnitude.Comment: Astrophysical Journal in pres