232 research outputs found

    Opwarmend bos

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    Voor LNV voerde Alterra een studie uit (zie: rapport 1761) waarbij een aantal mogelijke risico's van klimaatverandering voor het Nederlandse bos letterlijk in kaart werd gebracht. Verder verscheen eind 2008 een rapport in opdracht van de Europese Commissie waarin veel aandacht is voor de gevolgen van klimaatverandering, maar ook voor de mogelijke maatregelen die beheerders kunnen neme

    A Scalable Implementation for Human-Friendly URIs

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    Abstract. In the Web, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) are used to name resources. The most common form of URI, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) has, unfortunately, some scalability problems. In this paper, we proposes the use of Human-Friendly Names (HFNs) to solve these scalability problems. HFNs are high-level names that allow (human) users to easily deal with names. We also describes a scalable HFN-to-URL resolution mechanism. This mechanism is based on the existing Domain Name System (DNS) and the Globe Location Service. To gain experience and validate our ideas, we have implemented our HFN resolution scheme

    De 10 meest gestelde vragen over koolstofvastlegging in bos

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    Uitleg en cijfers over de koolstofvoorraden en koolstofvastlegging in het Nederlandse bos, de mogelijkheden om de CO2 uitstoot te compenseren via bosaanplant, de kosteneffectiviteit van dergelijke maatregelen, en het gewenste bostype en bosbeheer om CO2 vast te leggen en de CO2 emissie te reducere

    Concomitant endocarditis and spondylodiscitis due to coagulase-negative Staphylococci and a review of the literature

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    Background: Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are part of the normal skin flora. Although CoNS are generally considered as low pathogenic microorganisms, they can cause serious infections, particularly in the context of foreign body material. Case report: Here we present two cases of concomitant infectious endocarditis and spondylodiscitis; one caused by S. epidermidis, the other by S. haemolyticus. Additionally, we reviewed the literature for previously reported cases of concomitant endocarditis and spondylodiscitis due to CoNS. Conclusion: In patients with back pain and a cardiac device in situ, CoNS should be considered as causative pathogens for possible endocarditis and/or spondylodiscitis, and should not be regarded as contamination.</p

    KKF-Model Platform Coupling : summary report KKF01b

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    Nederland bereidt zich voor op een sneller stijgende zeespiegel en een veranderend klimaat. Hiervoor is het Deltaprogramma gestart. Dit deltaprogramma voorziet een serie beslissingen die grote gevolgen zullen hebben voor het beheer van het water in Nederland. Om deze beslissingen zorgvuldig te nemen is informatie nodig over hoe het klimaat en de stijgende zeespiegel dit waterbeheer zullen beïnvloeden. De modellen die de gevolgen van klimaatverandering berekenen zullen daarom met dezelfde klimaat forcering en gekoppeld aan elkaar moeten worden gebruikt. In dit onderzoek is gekeken naar het linken van hydrologische en hydrodynamische modellen – en daaraan gekoppelde modellen die de ontwikkelingen in natuur en landgebruik modelleren -- die het gebied van de Alpen tot en met de Noordzee inclusief Nederland beschrijven

    Differential Placental DNA Methylation of NR3C1 in Extremely Preterm Infants With Poorer Neurological Functioning

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    Background: Understanding underlying mechanisms of neurodevelopmental impairment following preterm birth may enhance opportunities for targeted interventions. We aimed to assess whether placental DNA methylation of selected genes affected early neurological functioning in preterm infants. Methods: We included 43 infants, with gestational age <30 weeks and/or birth weight <1,000 g and placental samples at birth. We selected genes based on their associations with several prenatal conditions that may be related to poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. We determined DNA methylation using pyrosequencing, and neurological functioning at 3 months post-term using Prechtl's General Movement Assessment, including the Motor Optimality Score-Revised (MOS-R). Results: Twenty-four infants had atypical MOS-R, 19 infants had near-optimal MOS-R. We identified differences in average methylation of NR3C1 (encoding for the glucocorticoid receptor) [3.3% (95%-CI: 2.4%-3.9%) for near-optimal vs. 2.3% (95%-CI: 1.7%-3.0%), p = 0.008 for atypical], and at three of the five individual CpG-sites. For EPO, SLC6A3, TLR4, VEGFA, LEP and HSD11B2 we found no differences between the groups. Conclusion: Hypomethylation of NR3C1 in placental tissue is associated with poorer neurological functioning at 3 months post-term in extremely preterm infants. Alleviating stress during pregnancy and its impact on preterm infants and their neurodevelopmental outcomes should be further investigated

    Altered neurodevelopmental DNA methylation status after fetal growth restriction with brain-sparing

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    It is under debate how preferential perfusion of the brain (brain-sparing) in fetal growth restriction (FGR) relates to long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Epigenetic modification of neurotrophic genes by altered fetal oxygenation may be involved. To explore this theory, we performed a follow-up study of 21 FGR children, in whom we prospectively measured the prenatal cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) with Doppler sonography. At 4 years of age, we tested their neurodevelopmental outcome using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, the Child Behavior Checklist, and the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. In addition, we collected their buccal DNA to determine the methylation status at predefined genetic regions within the genes hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF1A), vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), erythropoietin (EPO), EPO-receptor (EPOR), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2 (NTRK2) by pyrosequencing. We found that FGR children with fetal brain-sparing (CPR <1, n = 8) demonstrated a trend (0.05 < p < 0.1) toward hypermethylation of HIF1A and VEGFA at their hypoxia-response element (HRE) compared with FGR children without fetal brain-sparing. Moreover, in cases with fetal brain-sparing, we observed statistically significant hypermethylation at a binding site for cyclic adenosine monophophate response element binding protein (CREB) of BDNF promoter exon 4 and hypomethylation at an HRE located within the NTRK2 promoter (both p <0.05). Hypermethylation of VEGFA was associated with a poorer Performance Intelligence Quotient, while hypermethylation of BDNF was associated with better inhibitory self-control (both p <0.05). These results led us to formulate the hypothesis that early oxygen-dependent epigenetic alterations due to hemodynamic alterations in FGR may be associated with altered neurodevelopmental outcome in later life. We recommend further studies to test this hypothesis

    Liquid racism and the Danish Prophet Muhammad cartoons

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 The Author.This article examines reactions to the October 2005 publication of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. It does so by using the concept of ‘liquid racism’. While the controversy arose because it is considered blasphemous by many Muslims to create images of the Prophet Muhammad, the article argues that the meaning of the cartoons is multidimensional, that their analysis is significantly more complex than most commentators acknowledge, and that this complexity can best be addressed via the concept of liquid racism. The article examines the liquidity of the cartoons in relation to four readings. These see the cartoons as: (1) a criticism of Islamic fundamentalism; (2) blasphemous images; (3) Islamophobic and racist; and (4) satire and a defence of freedom of speech. Finally, the relationship between postmodernity and the rise of fundamentalism is discussed because the cartoons, reactions to them, and Islamic fundamentalism, all contain an important postmodern dimension.ESR