57 research outputs found

    Classical analysis of phase-locking transients and Rabi-type oscillations in microwave-driven Josephson junctions

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    We present a classical analysis of the transient response of Josephson junctions perturbed by microwaves and thermal fluctuations. The results include a specific low frequency modulation in phase and amplitude behavior of a junction in its zero-voltage state. This transient modulation frequency is linked directly to an observed variation in the probability for the system to switch to its non-zero voltage state. Complementing previous work on linking classical analysis to the experimental observations of Rabi-oscillations, this expanded perturbation method also provides closed form analytical results for attenuation of the modulations and the Rabi-type oscillation frequency. Results of perturbation analysis are compared directly (and quantitatively) to numerical simulations of the classical model as well as published experimental data, suggesting that transients to phase-locking are closely related to the observed oscillations.Comment: 18 pages total, 8 figures (typos corrected; minor revisions to figures and equations

    Investigation of resonant and transient phenomena in Josephson junction flux qubits

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    We present an analytical and computational study of resonances and transient responses in a classical Josephson junction system. A theoretical basis for resonances in a superconducting loop with three junctions is presented, outlining both the direct relationship between the dynamics of single- and multi-junction systems, and the direct relationships between observations of the classical counterparts to Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes, and spin echo oscillations in this class of systems. We show simulations data along with analytical analyses of the classical model, and the results are related to previously reported experiments conducted on three junction loops. We further investigate the effect of off-resonant microwave perturbations to, e.g., the Rabi-type response of the Josephson system, and we relate this response back to the nonlinear and multi-valued resonance behavior previously reported for a single Josephson junction. The close relationships between single and multi-junction behavior demonstrates the underlying dynamical mechanism for a whole class of classical counterparts to expected quantum mechanical observations in a variety of systems; namely the resonant and transient behavior of a particle in an anharmonic potential well with subsequent escape.Comment: 11 pages, seven figure

    Quantum whistling in superfluid 4He

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    Fundamental considerations predict that macroscopic quantum systems such as superfluids and the electrons in superconductors will exhibit oscillatory motion when pushed through a small constriction. Here we report the observation of these oscillations between two reservoirs of superfluid 4He partitioned by an array of nanometer-sized apertures. They obey the Josephson frequency equation and are coherent amongst all the apertures. This discovery at the relatively high temperature of 2K (2000 times higher than related phenomena in 3He) may pave the way for a new class of practical rotation sensors of unprecedented precision.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Natur

    Response of thin-film SQUIDs to applied fields and vortex fields: Linear SQUIDs

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    In this paper we analyze the properties of a dc SQUID when the London penetration depth \lambda is larger than the superconducting film thickness d. We present equations that govern the static behavior for arbitrary values of \Lambda = \lambda^2/d relative to the linear dimensions of the SQUID. The SQUID's critical current I_c depends upon the effective flux \Phi, the magnetic flux through a contour surrounding the central hole plus a term proportional to the line integral of the current density around this contour. While it is well known that the SQUID inductance depends upon \Lambda, we show here that the focusing of magnetic flux from applied fields and vortex-generated fields into the central hole of the SQUID also depends upon \Lambda. We apply this formalism to the simplest case of a linear SQUID of width 2w, consisting of a coplanar pair of long superconducting strips of separation 2a, connected by two small Josephson junctions to a superconducting current-input lead at one end and by a superconducting lead at the other end. The central region of this SQUID shares many properties with a superconducting coplanar stripline. We calculate magnetic-field and current-density profiles, the inductance (including both geometric and kinetic inductances), magnetic moments, and the effective area as a function of \Lambda/w and a/w.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, revised for Phys. Rev. B, the main revisions being to denote the effective flux by \Phi rather than

    Dynamics and Energy Distribution of Non-Equilibrium Quasiparticles in Superconducting Tunnel Junctions

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    We present a full theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics and energy distribution of non-equilibrium quasiparticles in superconducting tunnel junctions (STJs). STJs are often used for single-photon spectrometers, where the numbers of quasiparticles excited by a photon provide a measure of the photon energy. The magnitude and fluctuations of the signal current in STJ detectors are in large part determined by the quasiparticle dynamics and energy distribution during the detection process. We use this as motivation to study the transport and energy distribution of non-equilibrium quasiparticles excited by x-ray photons in a lateral, imaging junction configuration. We present a full numerical model for the tunneling current of the major physical processes which determine the signal. We find that a diffusion framework models the quasiparticle dynamics well and that excited quasiparticles do not equilibrate to the lattice temperature during the timescales for tunneling. We extract physical timescales from the measured data, make comparisons with existing theories, and comment on implications for superconducting mesoscopic systems and single-photon detectors.Comment: 25 pages text, 15 figure

    Transition from phase slips to the Josephson effect in a superfluid 4He weak link

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    The rich dynamics of flow between two weakly coupled macroscopic quantum reservoirs has led to a range of important technologies. Practical development has so far been limited to superconducting systems, for which the basic building block is the so-called superconducting Josephson weak link. With the recent observation of quantum oscillations in superfluid 4He near 2K, we can now envision analogous practical superfluid helium devices. The characteristic function which determines the dynamics of such systems is the current-phase relation Is(phi), which gives the relationship between the superfluid current Is flowing through a weak link and the quantum phase difference phi across it. Here we report the measurement of the current-phase relation of a superfluid 4He weak link formed by an array of nano-apertures separating two reservoirs of superfluid 4He. As we vary the coupling strength between the two reservoirs, we observe a transition from a strongly coupled regime in which Is(phi) is linear and flow is limited by 2pi phase slips, to a weak coupling regime where Is(phi) becomes the sinusoidal signature of a Josephson weak link.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental Demonstration of a Robust and Scalable Flux Qubit

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    A novel rf-SQUID flux qubit that is robust against fabrication variations in Josephson junction critical currents and device inductance has been implemented. Measurements of the persistent current and of the tunneling energy between the two lowest lying states, both in the coherent and incoherent regime, are presented. These experimental results are shown to be in agreement with predictions of a quantum mechanical Hamiltonian whose parameters were independently calibrated, thus justifying the identification of this device as a flux qubit. In addition, measurements of the flux and critical current noise spectral densities are presented that indicate that these devices with Nb wiring are comparable to the best Al wiring rf-SQUIDs reported in the literature thusfar, with a 1/f1/f flux noise spectral density at 11 Hz of 1.3−0.5+0.7μΦ0/Hz1.3^{+0.7}_{-0.5} \mu\Phi_0/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}. An explicit formula for converting the observed flux noise spectral density into a free induction decay time for a flux qubit biased to its optimal point and operated in the energy eigenbasis is presented.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Superconducting states and depinning transitions of Josephson ladders

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    We present analytical and numerical studies of pinned superconducting states of open-ended Josephson ladder arrays, neglecting inductances but taking edge effects into account. Treating the edge effects perturbatively, we find analytical approximations for three of these superconducting states -- the no-vortex, fully-frustrated and single-vortex states -- as functions of the dc bias current II and the frustration ff. Bifurcation theory is used to derive formulas for the depinning currents and critical frustrations at which the superconducting states disappear or lose dynamical stability as II and ff are varied. These results are combined to yield a zero-temperature stability diagram of the system with respect to II and ff. To highlight the effects of the edges, we compare this dynamical stability diagram to the thermodynamic phase diagram for the infinite system where edges have been neglected. We briefly indicate how to extend our methods to include self-inductances.Comment: RevTeX, 22 pages, 17 figures included; Errata added, 1 page, 1 corrected figur

    The influence of personality and ability on undergraduate teamwork and team performance

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    The ability to work effectively on a team is highly valued by employers, and collaboration among students can lead to intrinsic motivation, increased persistence, and greater transferability of skills. Moreover, innovation often arises from multidisciplinary teamwork. The influence of personality and ability on undergraduate teamwork and performance is not comprehensively understood. An investigation was undertaken to explore correlations between team outcomes, personality measures and ability in an undergraduate population. Team outcomes included various self-, peer- and instructor ratings of skills, performance, and experience. Personality measures and ability involved the Five-Factor Model personality traits and GPA. Personality, GPA, and teamwork survey data, as well as instructor evaluations were collected from upper division team project courses in engineering, business, political science, and industrial design at a large public university. Characteristics of a multidisciplinary student team project were briefly examined. Personality, in terms of extraversion scores, was positively correlated with instructors’ assessment of team performance in terms of oral and written presentation scores, which is consistent with prior research. Other correlations to instructor-, students’ self- and peer-ratings were revealed and merit further study. The findings in this study can be used to understand important influences on successful teamwork, teamwork instruction and intervention and to understand the design of effective curricula in this area moving forward
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