7 research outputs found

    Syntactic Means of Forming the Image of a Politician in Headlines of Leading American Newspapers

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    Syntactic means of forming the image of a politician in the headlines of English-language newspapers on the material of the websites of the corresponding publications are considered in the article. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in 2020—2021 online media acquired particular importance: in the conditions of isolation associated with the pandemic, many readers, instead of the printed version of the newspaper, began to read the online version, the design of which allows you to read the headline and lead without seeing the main text of the titled material. The question is raised about the order of words and the position of the leader’s sur-name in the sentence as a means of positioning the figure of a political leader. The results of a comparative analysis of the headlines of “The New York Times” and “The Washington Post” for the period January 20, 2009 — February 20, 2009, Jan-uary 20, 2017 — February 20, 2017, January 20, 2021 — February 20, 2021 are presented. These periods correspond to the first month in office of US President Barack Obama (2009], Donald Trump (2017) and Joseph Biden (2021]. It has been proven that news-papers use manipulative technologies in headlines, relying on the communicative role of the subject and its place in the structure of the sentence. In particular, the president supported by this media is positioned as an active politician and the main character, while the unsupported president is positioned as a secondary and inactive one

    Micromorphological features of soils of semidesertic solonetzic complexes under different herbaceous communities with the participation of fodder plant Kochia prostrata (Caspian lowland)

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    The aim of the study was to research the relationship of chemical and micromorphological properties of soils with the growth of Kochia prostrata. The objects of study were the soils on natural pastures of the North-Western part of the Caspian lowland. It was laid 4 soil pits (soils – light solonetz, solonetzic chestnut) with the maximum penetration depth of the main mass of roots of the studied plants. K. prostratais a very plastic forage species that can grow on soils with a wide range of morphological properties, different salt content and their chemical composition. It is revealed that on the background of almost the same content of humus and high content of exchangeable magnesium micromorphological features represent the different degree of manifestation of primary pedogenic processes – humus accumulation, leaching of soluble salts, gypsum accumulation, carbonate enrichment, solonetzization. Despite the different content of exchangeable sodium, in all soils there are fresh clay or humus-clay illuvial coatings, indicating the manifestation of the modern eluvial-illuvial redistribution of fine matter (lessivage or illimerization)


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    Genetic diversity in 12 annual C4 species of Chenopodiaceae with different subtypes of photosynthesis (NAD-ME or NADP-ME) and ecological group (desert halophytes and psammophytes, ruderal) was studied. Our results indicate that differences in ecological groups are more reflected on genetic diversity than on population structure. Desert species adapted to specific, harsh conditions of soil salinity and/or drought, are characterized by lower genetic variation, compared to ruderal species occupying wider and more favorable ecological niche. The highest deficit of heterozygotes is formed in populations of halophytes represented by C4 NAD-ME species. These species are also characterized by the highest content of toxic sodium ion in plant tissues, which can affect reproductive organs and seed formation. Sensitivity to deficit of potassium ions of C4 NADP-ME plants (compared to C4 NAD-ME) limits their ability to occupy large areas, forcing «to seek» places with required level of potassium in soil. This is possible reason of formation of small and isolated populations

    The chemical composition in the salt excretion of <i>Tamarix ramosissima</i> under conditions of different soil salinity level

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    Being grown on soils with different salinity degree, Tamarix ramosissima as the major representative of crinohalophytes reveals its ability to accumulate and removal the soluble salts. This is evidenced by a conjugated analysis to determine the chemical composition of soluble salts in ground waters, salt crusts, plant tissues and the salt excretion covering the Tamarix ramosissima sprigs. In these studies the soils were represented by hydromorphic solonchaks with salt crusts 5 and 0.1 cm thick and the content of toxic salts accounted for 32.4 and 57.6 respectively. The salinity was sulfate-sodium by nature. Based upon a comparative analysis of definite anions and cations in plant tissues and the salt excretion it seemed possible to notice that their content in salt secreted is higher by 3.2-7.7 times as compared to that in plant tissues. There is much in common in the content of cations and anions in the salt excretion of Tamarix ramosissima that can be presented in the following way: Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ и Cl- > SO42-. It has been also established that the maximal removal of Na+ and Cl- in the salt excretion doesn’t connected with the amount of given ions in ground waters. One should be assumed that the content of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ и SO42- is associated with the concentration of these cations in salt crusts of the studied solonchaks. It is worthy of note that the Cl- exudation is not dependent on its content in the ground water and salt crust being comparable with Na+ exudation. Thus, Tamarix ramosissima grown under natural conditions reveals no direct dependence between the ions exudation by plants in the kind of salt excretion, the chemical composition and the amount of salts in soil (salt crust) and the ground water