6 research outputs found

    Аминокислотный состав яиц кур как показатель   ассимиляционных процессов в их организме   при использовании в рационе антиоксидантного препарата

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    The paper highlights the results of the experiment conducted at the Simbirsk poultry farm of Ulyanovsk region. The researchers arranged two similar groups of laying hens. Each group contained 364 laying hens. The hens were fed with the same full-feed fodder, but the hens from the experimental group received Lipovitam Beta by means of stepwise mixing method.   The specimen contains  β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, butyloxyanisole, phospholipids 240 grams per 1 t of mixed fodder. The authors prove the efficiency of using liposomal form of the antioxidant vitamin complex “Lipovitam Beta” when feeding laying hens in order to enhance the antioxidant system and, therefore, assimilation processes. These processes contribute to better synthesis of protein in the body of laying hens and higher concentration of protein in the blood serum by means of albumins, globulins and higher protein concentration in the egg..  Application of the specimen  in the compound feed contributes to longer egg-laying peak (from 97 to 102 days) and egg-laying capacity (by 22.87 and 18.25 eggs), better amino acid composition of eggs, their amino acid scores, which indicates their higher biological and nutritional value.Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований, проведенных в условиях Симбирской птицефабрики Ульяновской области на двух аналогичных группах курнесушек по 364 головы в каждой. Кормление несушек проводилось одним и тем же полнорационным комбикормом, но в состав его для птицы опытной группы вводили методом ступенчатого смешивания препарат «Липовитам Бета», содержащий в своем составе β-каротин, витамин С, витамин Е, бутилоксианизол, фосфолипиды из расчета 240 г на 1 т комбикорма. Доказана целесообразность использования в кормлении кур-несушек липосомальной формы антиоксидантного витаминного комплекса «Липовитам Бета» для усиления действия антиокислительной системы, а следовательно, и ассимиляционных процессов, проявившихся в увеличении синтеза белка в их организме, что нашло отражение в его большей концентрации в сыворотке крови за счет альбуминов и глобулинов и большего содержания белка в яйце. Использование в составе комбикорма изучаемого препарата способствует повышению продолжительности пика яйцекладки (с 97 до 102 дней) и уровня яйценоскости (на 22,87 и 18,25 шт.), улучшению аминокислотного состава яиц, их аминокислотного скора, что свидетельствует об их повышенной биологической и пищевой ценности

    Emotional and cognitive maintenance of operators activity

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    This work is devoted studying of the basic indicators of the emotional and psychometric intelligence providing effective activity of the person in various spheres, including at performance of operators activity

    Estimation of operators emotional stability according to the spectral analysis of a cardiac rhythm

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    This work is devoted to studying of operators emotional stability according to the spectral analysis of cardiac rhythm. The found out changes of spectral indicators of a cardiac rhythm during stress show strengthening of activity of sympathetic system at a sufficient tone parasympathetic that proves to be true increase HF and LF components of spectral capacity in absolute, percentage and normalized units. Similar regulation of a cardiac rhythm promotes increase of adaptable possibilities in extreme conditions and is the optimal for an organism

    Study of aversive and p38 mapk-inhibitory properties of kappa-agonist with analgesic activity – compound RU-1205

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    Introduction: The clinical use of kappa-opioid agonists, despite their lack of significant drug potential, is limited by the development of severe sedation, dysphoria, depression, and anhedonia. To this date, there are kappa-opioid receptor agonists lacking these side effects due to the selective activation of intracellular signal transmission pathways without p38-MAPK-kinase activation. Materials and methods: We analyzed assessment of the docking energy of compound RU-1205 to the p38-MAPK active center by the method of similarity to SB203580. The study of possible aversive properties of RU-1205 (0.01–1 mg/kg s.c.) conducted in the tests of the intravenous self-administration and drug differentiation with butorphanol (0.01–0.3 mg/kg). The study of p38 MAPK-inhibitory activity was studied by the ability of RU-1205 to change the aversive properties of U50488 (10 mg/kg i.p.) compared to MAPK-kinase inhibitor SB203580 in the conditioned place avoidance test. Results: The spatial similarity coefficient of the RU-1205 molecule with SB203580 by the molecular conformation method was 1.14 (high similarity), and the docking energy was -8.7 Kcal/mol. RU-1205 did not possess any properties similar to those of butorphanol and did not demonstrate any primary reinforcing aversive properties in the development of intravenous self-administration reaction. Compound RU-1205 did not demonstrate any aversive properties in the conditioned place avoidance test, and reduced the development of aversion caused by U-50488, when they were used together. Discussion: The in silico analysis suggested that, in addition to agonism towards the kappa-opioid receptor, RU-1205 compound exhibits the properties of a p38 MAPK kinase inhibitor, which means it may have a double pharmacological activity. Conclusion: Kappa agonist – compound RU-1205 – is not a trigger of the development of behavioral patterns in animals corresponding to the development of addiction/dysphoria. The mechanism of such an activity may be associated with an inhibitory effect of compound RU-1205 on neuronal p38-MAPK-kinase

    Dynamic Solvent Effects in Electrochemical Kinetics: Indications for a Switch of the Relevant Solvent Mode

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    The influence of solvent dielec. relaxation on the rate of electron transfer (ET) at an electrochem. interface is addressed using both expt. and model calcns. H2O-ethylene glycol (EG) mixts. were chosen as the solvent because their optical permittivity remains practically const. over the entire compn. range. This allows observation of the dynamic solvent effect with a very minor interference from the static solvent properties (being typically of opposite sign). Three groups of exptl. results are presented to characterize the mixed-solvent system (dielec. spectra in the frequency range 0.1-89 GHz), the Hg/solvent interface (electrocapillary data), and the ET kinetics (d.c. polarog. of peroxodisulfate redn.). To ext. the true solvent influence on the electron transfer elementary step, the results from d.c. polarog. are cor. for interfacial effects with the help of the electrocapillary data. An anomalous dependence of the ET rate on EG content (i.e., nonmonotonic dependence of the ET rate on macroscopic viscosity) can be inferred after all corrections. The interplay of different solvent modes probably is responsible for the obsd. features of ET kinetics. A possible interpretation of the cor. ET rate in the framework of the Agmon-Hopfield formalism is proposed, where the dielec. spectra of the mixed solvent are modeled by a superposition of 3 Debye equations. The obsd. anomalous viscosity effect may be explained qual. by an increased contribution of the fast relaxation mode at high EG contents