73 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Lalu Lintas Simpang Di Jalan Layang Dan Bundaran Kalibanteng, Semarang Dengan Nilai Ekuivalensi Mobil Penumpang Simpang Bersinyal Terkoreksi

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    Pintu masuk utama Kota Semarang dari arah Barat melalui jalur non tol melewati Simpang Kalibanteng yang memiliki 6 (enam) pendekat utama. Tingginya aktivitas masyarakat yang melewati simpang ini mengakibatkan kemacetan terutama pada jam sibuk. Arus lalu lintas pada ruas jalan terdiri dari berbagai tipe kendaraan dengan karakteristik berbeda. Arus lalu lintas ini dinyatakan dalam satuan mobil penumpang (smp) dengan nilai konversi yang disebut nilai ekivalensi mobil penumpang (emp). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kinerja jalan layang dan simpang bersinyal dengan nilai emp yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda dengan pendekatan lalu lintas dengan metode kapasitas. Hasil analisis nilai emp untuk simpang bersinyal Kalibanteng pada Jalan Siliwangi untuk HV= 1,33 dan MC= 0,54, Jalan Bandara Ahmad Yani untuk HV= 0,77 dan MC= 0,63, Jalan Yos Sudarso untuk HV= 1,84 dan MC= 0,46, Jalan Jendral Sudirman untuk HV= 2,24 dan MC= 0,09, Jalan Pamularsih untuk HV= 1,99 dan MC= 0,19, Jalan Abdul Rahman Saleh untuk HV= 0,56 dan MC= 0,52. Hasil analisis derajat kejenuh simpang bersinyal pada kondisi eksisting terbesar yaitu pada jalan Siliwangi sebesar 0,99. Solusi perbaikan kinerja yang dilakukan yaitu optimasi waktu siklus dan fase sinyal, dan Perubahan arah arus di fly over. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan Perubahan arah arus tersebut, menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan terbesar yaitu 0,78 pada Jalan Siliwangi, Jalan Jendral Sudirman dan Jalan Yos Sudarso. Disimpulkan bahwa Perubahan arah arus menghasilkan kinerja simpang yang lebih baik dari kondisi eksisting

    Manajemen Lalu Lintas Satu Arah Kawasan Timur Semarang

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    East region of Semarang is a commercial area, so during rush hour in the morning, afternoon, and in the evening shows large volumes of traffic. Related to the current road which will not increase again, it shows the idea of one-way traffic management system with rotation. The development of traffic flow in the future will be much larger, with one-way traffic management, the traffic flow is expected to be spread on all of the road sections. Traffic survey was conducted on the roads and intersections on east region of Semarang. Performance analysis using the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (IHCM) 1997. Traffic analysis performed on existing conditions and then made several design of traffic management on Semarang region based on the traffic flow. Traffic management is being applied in the form of changes in routes, traffic load, the green time at the signalized intersection, geometric changes and additions to the road traffic facilities. From the results of the comparison that has been done, the best scenario was selected on east region of Semarang, the one-way system changes made on Ahmad Yani road to the east, Sriwijaya road to the west, MT. Haryono 2 road (near Bangkong intersection) to the north, Ki Mangunsarkoro road to the north, and the Ahmad Dahlan road to the south. To achieve one-way traffic management on east region of Semarang, the one-way traffic management plan to be implemented in stages. At the first stage, changes made on MT. Haryono 2 road (near Bangkong intersection) to the north and Katamso road to the east. In the second stage changes made on Ahmad Yani 1 road (near Simpang Lima) to the east, Ki Mangunsarkoro road to the north and Ahmad Dahlan road to the south. After the initial phase is done, The last stage can be done on Ahmad Yani 2 road (near Bangkong intersection) and Sriwijaya road to the west, so the one-way traffic management on the east region of Semarang can be implemented greatly

    Kinerja Dan Rancangan Pemecahan Masalah Lalu Lintas Bagian Barat Utara Kota Semarang

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    Semarang city is very strategic because it is located in the middle of the north track of Java, connecting East Java and West Java. Annually vehicles across the city of Semarang increases, this was the trigger traffic jams especially on road segment and intersection of the north - west Semarang city. The growth of Gross Regional Domestic Product at Constant Prices 2000 Central Java 6 percent represents that the rate of growth in daily traffic average intersection has increased in the next 5 years. Figures show the feasibility of the service with the highest degree of saturation (DS), the condition on the road DS < 0.75 and at the intersection of DS < 0.85. The results of the analysis of primary data obtained from the field survey in September until Oktober 2013 showed the value of DS on existing roads still eligible, while the value of DS intersections are not eligible. Basic steps of traffic jams problem solving,namely the optimization of intersections with signal timing, intersection geometry settings and traffic management. After these steps are considered not provide significant changes in the value of DS, the last step is planning the construction of northern outer ringroad, or toll road.With the construction of new roads, intersection capacity will be increased with increasing growth rate LHR Semarang city in the years to come

    The Application of Risk Based Bank Rating on Bankruptcy Prediction of Banks in Indonesia

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    The increase of banking products and services which is more complex will increase therisk to the banks. Therefore, to anticipate the rise of financial difficulties in a bank, theearly warning system. This study aimed to find the influence RBBR (Risk Based BankRating) ratio's to predict bankruptcy of conventional Banks in Indonesia. Ratio of RBBRconsisted of risk profile, Good Corporate Governance, profitability and capital. Independentvariables used were NPL, PDN, LDR, GCG, ROA and NIM, and CAR. Dependentvariable was bank bankruptcy using dummy variable. The population of this study wasall of the conventional banks in Indonesia. The data was a secondary data taken formfinancial report of conventional bank 2011-2015. Technical sampling used was a purposivesampling method with some criteria. The analysis of this study used logistic regression.The result of the study showed that NPL, PDN, LDR, GCG, ROA and NIM, and CARhad no significant influence to bankruptcy of the bank

    Analisis Kebutuhan Ruang Parkir untuk Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Kampus Tembalang

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    Diponegoro University is a State University in Central Java. Faculty of Engineering is part of some faculty at UNDIP. One of the problems from this faculty is parking space requirements. Although it has provided a parking space (off street parking) in each faculty, but in reality there are many vehicles parked on the roadside (on street parking). This final report aims to evaluate the need of existing parking spaces and planned capacity expansion of existing parking spaces. Methodologies used include: field surveys, problem identification, data collection, test of the validity with chi-square test, data analysis, calculation of SRP needs, arrangement of the old park and planning of new park. The number of the current shortage of parking space requirements in Engineering Faculty is 141 SRP for cars and 894 SRP for motorcycles. Meanwhile for the development of the next 5 years is 237 SRP for cars and 1568 SRP for motorcycles. Development of parking area with komunal parking area construction, to join of parking area on Civil Engineering with Geology Engineering, and to join of parking area on Chemistry Engineering, Industry Engineering, Machine Engineering. Also structuring again the parking area configuration on Architek, PWK, Electrical Engineering, and Lecture Together Building. Based on the analysis of the calculation, planning is considered to have been able to solve the needs of today and the parking spaces for the development of the next 5 years is until 2019. To solving the possibility of the occurrence of on-street parking, the solution is given by the installation of parking prohibition signs around the side of the road

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Kepemilikan Institusional terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kebijakan Dividen sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014

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    The main purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the influence of Profitability and Institutional Ownership to Firm Value with Dividend Policy as an intervening variable. The sample of the study consisted of manufacture companies which are listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange period 2010-2014 and selected based on the purposive sampling. The data of the study from secondary sources by using documentation record. The analysis was conducted by using classic assumption testing consisting of heteroscedasticity testing, multicoliniearity testing and autocorelation testing. The hypotesis was tested by using multiple linear regression.The result proved that the Profitability (Return on Asset) and Dividend Policy (Dividend Payout Ratio) are positive and significant to Firm Value (Price to book value). The Institutional Ownership (INST) does not significant to Firm Value (Price to Book Value). The Profitability (Return on Asset) does not significant to Dividend Policy (Dividend Payout Ratio). The Institutional Ownership (INST) is positive and significant to Dividend Policy (Dividend Payout Ratio). Profitability (Return on Asset) does not significant to Firm Value with Dividend Policy (Dividend payout ratio) as intervening variable. The Institutional Ownership (INST) is positive and significant to Firm Value (Price to book value) with Dividend Policy (Dividend Payout Ratio) as intervening variable

    Pengkinian Analisis Perhitungan Balik Pedoman Desain Pelapisan Ulang

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    In Directorate General of Highways' overlay design guide Pd T-1-2002-B, one kind of evaluation conducted on existing pavement structure is an evaluation on subgrade condition using back calculation procedure to determine the resilient modulus of the subgrade. To date, the design guide recommends to use adjustment factor C of no more than 0.33 on the modulus obtained from back calculation procedure to produce design modulus. However, a proper description on why the factor is required is not available. In this research, an evaluation of the factor was proposed. As a comparison to the back calculation procedure in the guide, another back calculation method based on best fit trial and error was considered. The results showed that the guide could not perform well in predicting the design elasctic modulus, as indicated by factor, i.e. the ratio between design/measured and calculated moduli), was two times higher than the value expected. Therefore, this research suggested to replace back calculation procedure in the guide with the new ones which has proved capable of producing accurate results, such as best fit trial and error or closed-form back calculation methods. By using this new back calculation procedure, the adjustment factor C in the guide is not necessary anymore

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sasobit Pada Warm Mix Asphalt Terhadap Mutu Campuran Beraspal

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    Warm mix asphalt technology have possibility to makes, spreading, and compress in lower temperature than hot mix asphalt. This technology used with add the additive material named Sasobit. Because of that we did the research about mixing asphalt with Asphalt Institute methode. The asphalt degree is 4,5%, 5%, 5,5%, 6%, dan 6,5% add into Sasobit 0%, 2%, 3%, and 4% to establish mixing and solid temperature in the mix. This research compared the quality between mixing asphalt with Sasobit and mix without Sasobit as a control. Result of this research showed that decrease temperatur because of increment Sasobit 2% reduce until 6ËšC, increment Sasobit 3% reduce until 7,5%, dan increment Sasobit 4% reduce until 7,8%. The other benefit from adding the Sasobit into mix asphalt is increase stability value, decrease presentage degree of utilizing asphalt, and decrease the gas emision from mixing asphalt. However, mixing with add Sasobit have lack, where the mix become more stiff and hard so that the asphalt is easier to be damage if compared with mix without Sasobit
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