92 research outputs found

    Analisis Ketersediaan Air Meteorologis dan Kebutuhan Air Domestik di Kota Palu, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Peningkatan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kebutuhan air. Pada tahun 2009, beberapa tempat di Kota Palu mengalami kekeringan karena pasokan air sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan air meteorologis di Kota Palu, menganalisis kebutuhan air domestik masyarakat Kota Palu, dan memberikan rekomendasi pengelolaan sumberdaya air. Ketersediaan air meteorologis dihitung berdasarkan metode Thornthwaite-Mather dengan data utama yaitu curah hujan dan suhu udara Kota Palu tahun 1980-2013. Kebutuhan air domestik diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur kepada sampel yang berasal dari tingkat kesejahteraan keluarga berbeda di 8 kecamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi defisit pada neraca air. Neraca air pada proyeksi kala ulang 5 tahun menunjukkan defisit berkurang 37%. Pada kala ulang 10 tahun dan kala ulang 20 tahun diprediksikan terjadi surplus di bulan Juli, Agustus, dan September. Keluarga Sejahtera III mendominasi penggunaan air. Proyeksi kebutuhan air domestik pada 5 tahun meningkat 13%, 10 tahun meningkat 26% dan 20 tahun meningkat 57%. Sumber air alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air domestik adalah airtanah dan mataair

    Pengaruh Masuknya Penambahan Pembangkit Baru Kedalam Jaringan 150 KV pada Kapasitas Circuit Breaker

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    This study aimed to obtain the appropriate capacity circuit breaker on the electric power system of Riau using bus impedance matrix method in determining the flow of short circuit in the electric power system of Riau. This research was conducted in two conditions, namely the current state (exsisting) and the conditions at the time of entry of a new generation into the electricity system interconnection network Riau region in this regard Tenayan power plant with a capacity of 2x110 MW.The results showed that the capacity of the circuit breaker that is currently installed on the electrical system Riau region is still larger than the three-phase short-circuit current simteris that may occur at this time of 12,375kA and at the time of entry of a new generation of 13,215kA so it can be said that the electrical system Riau region still able to withstand short circuit currents that may occur at the time of entry of the power supply from new power plants that have been planned.Keyswords: capacity circuit breaker, circuit breaker, short circui

    Elektronik Arsip (E-arsip) Dokumen Berbasis Website Pada Kantor Cabang Utama PT Angkasa Pura II

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    Teknologi komputer saat ini sudah berkembang cepat, hampir semua lingkup kerja menggunakan teknologi berbasis komputer. Karena penggunaan komputer mampu memegang peran penting sebagai alat bantu pengolahan data ataupun pengambilan keputusan, salah satunya pada arsip dokumen. Arsip dapat berguna secara optimal bagi Perusahaan apabila dikelola dengan baik, namun sebaliknya jika arsip tidak dikelola dengan baik maka akan menimbulkan masalah bagi Perusahaan. Studi kasus E-Arsip Dokumen ini dilakukan di Kantor Cabang Utama PT Angkasa Pura II, dokumennya berupa surat masuk, surat keluar, pembayaran kontrak, tata naskah pembayaran, tata naskah kontrak. Dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka, UML (Unified Modelling Languange) untuk menggambarkan alur prosedur dalam bentuk diagram. Sistem dirancangan dengan Bahasa pemrograman PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), basisdatanya MySQLi, Bootstrap (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). E-Arsip Dokumen ini mengatasi masalah yang selama ini terjadi yaitu kelalaian dalam mengelola arsip dokumen sehingga dokumen sulit ditemukan dengan cepat. Sistem ini memiliki fitur upload file scan dokumen berformat PDF (Portable Document Format) sehingga tingkat keamanan data arsip lebih baik karena hal ini dapat menyulitkan pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan proses pencarian arsip dokumenpun menjadi lebih singkat. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Website dan Arsip Digita

    The Effect of Using Clustering Technique in Students\u27 Writing Skill of Descriptive Text at the First Grade SMPN 2 Rambah Hilir

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    The students‟ writing skill of descriptive text at the first grade SMPN 2 Rambah Hilir was low because they do not know how to write a good descriptive text and lack of time to practice. The findings shows that there is any significant effect between teaching descriptive text with using clustering technique. It can be seen of the value of t0(tvalue) = 6,442 is bigger than tt(ttable) with significance 5%= 2,00 by using t-test. It can be concluded that there is any significance effect between teaching descriptive text by using clusteringtechnique

    Analisis Penggunaan Reaktor Pembatas Arus sebagai Pembatas Arus Hubung Singkat di PT Pulp And Paper

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    To keep stability in power supply distribution, PT. Pulp and Paper used loop distribution system in their main substation. This thing caused possibilty of short-circuit current may exceed circuit breaker's capability. So we need to limiting that short-circuit current not exceed capability of existing circuit breaker. Short-circuit calculation will be done in main substationbus. With keeping possibilty of short-circuit current in secure level, so possibility of shortcircuit current that will happened in load bus will not exceed circuit breaker's capability. Fromthe calculation of 3 phase short-circuit current IEC 60909 standard using ETAP Power Station 11, noted that 3 phase short-circuit making current at AC 4, AC 11, and AC 15 substation stillexceed circuit breaker's capabilty . With added current limiting reactors at outgoing TC 40, TC 11, and TC 15 transformer with value of the reaktans eachone 0.37779 ohm, 0.13203 ohm,and 0.21701 ohm, the short-circuit making current at AC 4 substation decrease from 73.014 kA to 62.734 kA, at AC 11 substation decrease from 67.407 kA to 62.421 kA, and at AC 15substation decrease from 70.930 kA to 62.731 kA. Where the lowest voltage at load bus is 19.263 volt

    Analisis Keberadaan dan Pengembangan Gardu Induk Distribusi 20 KV di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Substation as a component of power system plays an important role in the continuity of the supply of electric to consumers that continues to increase each year. If the electrical load is borne by the substation is greater than the capacity of the substation, the substation will experience overload which resulted in the supply of electricity to consumers stalled. These condition must be anticipated as early as possible by PT. PLN (Persero) Pekanbaru CityArea as the provider of electric energy. In this thesis, the author conducted an analysis the existence and development of 20 KV distribution substation in City of Pekanbaru to evaluatethe existing condition which includes loading the transformer and a broad service area on the substation-substation in the city of Pekanbaru then be combined with forecast informationpeak load growth in every district, the density of the total load and peak load in Pekanbaru Resulsts in development of substation Garuda Sakti occured in 2015 with up rating andaddition of 1 unit transformer, in 2016 the development with addition 1 unit transformer, in 2019 the development with made planning construction of new substations. Results indevelopment of substation Teluk Lembu in 2020 with the addition 1 unit transformer and in 2023 made planning construction of new substation. With the construction of the newsubstation will take over most of substation loading on Garuda Sakti and Teluk Lembu
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