631 research outputs found

    Warranty Disputes in the Seventh Circuit under Article Two, Sales: Advantage Seller

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    Introduction Symposium: Reflections on the International Unfication of Sales Law

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    It was a bright morning in early January 1988. George, a commercial lawyer and partner in a leading Chicago law firm, was sipping coffee and paging through the newspaper. On page fifteen a small item caught his eye: On January 1, 1988, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods became effective in the United States. The Convention is now the supreme law of the land without the need for implementing legislation enacted by both houses of Congress. It governs offers made and contracts concluded after its effective date in the United States. \u2

    Warranty Disputes in the Seventh Circuit under Article Two, Sales: Advantage Seller

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    Restatement Second: Omitted Terms and Contract Method

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