39 research outputs found

    An Id-like molecule, HHM, is a synexpression group-restricted regulator of TGF-β signalling

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    Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β induces various cellular responses principally through Smad-dependent transcriptional regulation. Activated Smad complexes cooperate with transcription factors in regulating a group of target genes. The target genes controlled by the same Smad-cofactor complexes are denoted a synexpression group. We found that an Id-like helix-loop-helix protein, human homologue of Maid (HHM), is a synexpression group-restricted regulator of TGF-β signalling. HHM suppressed TGF-β-induced growth inhibition and cell migration but not epithelial–mesenchymal transition. In addition, HHM inhibited TGF-β-induced expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-type 1 (PAI-1), PDGF-B, and p21WAF, but not Snail. We identified a basic-helix-loop-helix protein, Olig1, as one of the Smad-binding transcription factors affected by HHM. Olig1 interacted with Smad2/3 in response to TGF-β stimulation, and was involved in transcriptional activation of PAI-1 and PDGF-B. HHM, but not Id proteins, inhibited TGF-β signalling-dependent association of Olig1 with Smad2/3 through physical interaction with Olig1. HHM thus appears to regulate a subset of TGF-β target genes including the Olig1-Smad synexpression group. HHM is the first example of a cellular response-selective regulator of TGF-β signalling with clearly determined mechanisms

    Promotion of periostin expression contributes to the migration of Schwann cells

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    Neuregulin ligands and their ErbB receptors are important for the development of Schwann cells, the glial cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). ErbB3 deficiency is characterized by a complete loss of Schwann cells along axons of the peripheral nerves, impaired fasciculation and neuronal cell death. We performed comparative gene expression analysis of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) explant cultures from ErbB3-deficient and wild-type mice in order to identify genes that are involved in Schwann cell development and migration. The extracellular matrix (ECM) gene periostin was found to exhibit the most prominent down regulation in ErbB3-deficient DRG. Expression analysis revealed that the periostin-expressing cell population in the PNS corresponds to Schwann cell precursors and Schwann cells, and is particularly high in migratory Schwann cells. Furthermore, stimulation of Schwann cells with neuregulin-1 (NRG1) or transforming growth factor ? (TGF?-1) resulted in an upregulation of periostin expression. Interestingly, DRG explant cultures of periostin-deficient mice revealed a significant reduction of the number of migrating Schwann cells. These data demonstrate that the expression of periostin is stimulated by ErbB ligand NRG1 and influences the migration of Schwann cell precursor

    An improved mouse line for Cre-induced cell ablation due to diphtheria toxin A, expressed from the Rosa26 locus

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    The means to specifically ablate cells inside of a living organism have recently been improved and facilitated by stable mouse lines, carrying conditional expression constructs for diphtheria toxin (DT) or diphtheria toxin receptor, that could be activated upon Cre-mediated recombination or the application of diphtheria toxin, respectively. We have lately described the R26:lacZ/DT-A line (Brockschnieder et al., 2004, Mol Cell Biol 24:7636-7642) in which a loxP-conditional DTA allele was introduced into the ubiquitously expressed Rosa26 locus. This strain allowed the ablation of a wide spectrum of cell types by crossing it to tissue specific Cre lines. Unexpectedly, homozygous (but not heterozygous) animals of the R26:lacZ/DT-A line developed some degenerative abnormalities in a variety of tissues. The defects were most probably caused by leaky expression of small amounts of toxin from the unrecombined lacZ(flox)DT-A cassette. Here we show that insertion of an additional transcriptional regulatory sequence (bovine growth hormone polyadenylation signal, bpA) following the lacZ open reading frame prevented the formation of any defects in homozygous mice. The modification did not affect the functionality of the lacZ(flox)DTA allele, as exemplified by the complete ablation of oligodendrocytes upon Cre-mediated recombination. The novel R26:lacZbpA(flox)DTA line is expected to greatly facilitate the reliable generation of cell type ablated mice

    The c-ros tyrosine kinase receptor controls regionalization and differentiation of epithelial cells in the epididymis

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    The c-ros gene was originally identified in mutant form as an oncogene. The proto-oncogene encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor that is expressed in a small number of epithelial cell types, including those of the epididymis. Targeted mutations of c-ros in the mouse reveal an essential role of the gene in male fertility. Male c-ros -1- animals do not reproduce, whereas the fertility of female animals is not affected. We demonstrate that c-ros is not required in a cell autonomous manner for male germ cell development or function. The gene, therefore, does not affect sperm generation or function in a direct manner. The primary defect in the mutant animals was located in the epididymis, showing that c-ros controls appropriate development of the epithelia, particularly regionalization and terminal differentiation. The epididymal defect does not interfere with production or storage of sperm but, rather, with sperm maturation and the ability of sperm to fertilize in vivo. Interestingly, sperm isolated from c-ros - / - animals can fertilize in vitro. Our results highlight the essential role of the epididymis in male fertility and demonstrate a highly specific function of the c-ros receptor tyrosine kinase during development of distinct epithelial cell

    Infertile spermatozoa of c-ros tyrosine kinase receptor knockout mice show flagellar angulation and maturational defects in cell volume regulatory mechanisms

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    Homozygous c-ros knockout male mice that lack prepubertal differentiation of the epididymal initial segment are healthy but sterile, despite normal sperm production and mating. Detailed computerized analysis of the motility of spermatozoa maturing in the epididymis revealed only minor defects. However, the majority of motile mature sperm released from the cauda epididymidis showed various extents of flagellar angulation that could not be corrected by raising extracellular osmolality. Measurement of the osmolality of cauda epididymal fluid showed no difference from the wild type. Studies in wild-type mice indicated a maturational change in the ability of motile sperm to maintain straight flagella during incubation, but angulation was induced in cauda sperm by the volume-sensitive ion channel blockers quinine, 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid and BaCl(2), or by exposure to hypotonic media. Flagellar angulation, induced in the wild type or intrinsic to the knockout, was relieved upon demembranation by Triton X-100, confirming that it was a cell swelling phenomenon. A lack of response of immature wild-type sperm and mature knockout sperm to the channel blockers suggests that there is normally a development of the volume regulatory mechanisms upon maturation that is defective in sperm from the knockout animal. The resultant flagellar angulation may account for the reduction in sperm numbers in the oviduct of mated females and the failure to fertilize in vivo

    Severe neuropathies in mice with targeted mutations in the ErbB3 receptor

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    Neuregulins and their specific receptors, members of the ErbB family of tyrosine kinases, have been implicated in the control of growth and development of Schwann cells, specialized cells that wrap around nerve axons to provide electrical insulation. Here we use gene targeting to generate mice that lack ErbB3, a high-affinity neuregulin receptor. Homozygous erbB3 mutant embryos lack Schwann-cell precursors and Schwann cells that accompany peripheral axons of sensory and motor neurons. The initial development of motor neurons and sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglia occurs as it should, but at later stages most motor neurons (79%) and sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia (82%) undergo cell death in erbB3 mutant embryos. Degeneration of the peripheral nervous system in erbB3 mutant pups is thus much more severe than the cell death in mice that lack neurotrophins or neurotrophin receptors. We also show that ErbB3 functions in a cell-autonomous way during the development of Schwann cells, but not in the survival of sensory or motor neurons. Our results indicate that sensory and motor neurons require factors for their survival that are provided by developing Schwann cells