17 research outputs found

    Prospective evaluation of voice outcome during the first two years in male patients treated by radiotherapy or laser surgery for T1a glottic carcinoma

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    In this prospective cohort study, we assessed voice outcome in patients before and up to 2 years after treatment for early glottic cancer either by radiotherapy or by laser surgery; 106 male patients, treated for T1aN0M0 glottic cancer either by endoscopic laser surgery (n = 67) or by radiotherapy (n = 39), participated in the study. Patients’ voices were recorded and analysed pre-treatment and 3, 6, 12 and 24 months post-treatment at their routine visit at the outpatient clinic. Average fundamental frequency (F0), percent jitter, percent shimmer and normalized noise energy (NNE) were determined. After 2 years, local control rate was 95% in the radiotherapy group and 97% in the laser surgery group. Larynx preservation rate was 95% after radiotherapy and 100% after laser surgery. Voice outcome recovers more quickly in patients treated with laser surgery in comparison to radiotherapy: 3 months after laser surgery there is no longer a difference with regard to normal voices except for the fundamental frequency, which remains higher pitched, even in the longer term. For patients treated with radiotherapy it takes longer for jitter, shimmer and NNE to become normal, where jitter remains significantly different from normal voices even after 2 years. According to these results, we believe that laser surgery is the first treatment of choice in the treatment of selected cases of T1a glottic carcinomas with good functional and oncological results

    Quantitative methodology is critical for assessing DNA methylation and impacts on correlation with patient outcome

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    BACKGROUND: DNA hypermethylation is reported as a frequent event and prognostic marker in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Methylation has been commonly assessed with non-quantitative methodologies, such as methylation-specific PCR (MSP). We investigated previously reported hypermethylated genes with quantitative methodology in oral tongue squamous cell carcinomas (OTSCC). RESULTS: The methylation status of 12 genes in 115 OTSCC samples was assessed by one or more of three quantitative analyses: methylation sensitive high resolution melting (MS-HRM), sensitive-melting analysis after real time-methylation specific PCR (SMART-MSP), and bisulfite pyrosequencing. In contrast to much of the literature, either no or infrequent locus-specific methylation was identified by MS-HRM for DAPK1, RASSF1A, MGMT, MLH1, APC, CDH1, CDH13, BRCA1, ERCC1, and ATM. The most frequently methylated loci were RUNX3 (18/108 methylated) and ABO (22/107 methylated). Interrogation of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) HNSCC cohort confirmed the frequency of significant methylation for the loci investigated. Heterogeneous methylation of RUNX3 (18/108) and ABO (22/107) detected by MS-HRM, conferred significantly worse survival (P = 0.01, and P = 0.03). However, following quantification of methylation levels using pyrosequencing, only four tumors had significant quantities (>15%) of RUNX3 methylation which correlated with a worse patient outcome (P <0.001), while the prognostic significance of ABO hypermethylation was lost. RUNX3 methylation was not prognostic for the TCGA cohort (P = 0.76). CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the critical need for quantification of methylation levels and its impact on correlative analyses. In OTSCC, we found little evidence of significant or frequent hypermethylation of many loci reported to be commonly methylated. It is likely that previous reports have overestimated the frequency of significant methylation events as a consequence of the use of non-quantitative methodology

    Solution-focused approaches in the practice of UK educational psychologists : a study of the nature of their application and evidence of their effectiveness

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    Solution-focused approaches are increasingly widely used in the practice of the applied educational psychologist (EP) (Ajmal and Rees, 2001; Durrant, 1993; Redpath and Harper, 1999; Rhodes and Ajmal, 1995). Based on a small-scale computer-mediated exploratory survey, this article examines the nature of such practice and investigates whether and how solution-focused practice is evaluated and contributes to EPs' knowledge and skills base. The exploratory study is integrated into an overview of solution-focused therapy and a literature review of the application of solution-focused practice by EPs. Based on the review and analysis of the survey, the article proposes ways by which solution-focused practice can be evaluated by busy EP practitioners and therefore become potentially evidence-based