582 research outputs found

    A Framework for the Flexible Integration of a Class of Decision Procedures into Theorem Provers

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    The role of decision procedures is often essential in theorem proving. Decision procedures can reduce the search space of heuristic components of a prover and increase its abilities. However, in some applications only a small number of conjectures fall within the scope of the available decision procedures. Some of these conjectures could in an informal sense fall ‘just outside’ that scope. In these situations a problem arises because lemmas have to be invoked or the decision procedure has to communicate with the heuristic component of a theorem prover. This problem is also related to the general problem of how to exibly integrate decision procedures into heuristic theorem provers. In this paper we address such problems and describe a framework for the exible integration of decision procedures into other proof methods. The proposed framework can be used in different theorem provers, for different theories and for different decision procedures. New decision procedures can be simply ‘plugged-in’ to the system. As an illustration, we describe an instantiation of this framework within the Clam proof-planning system, to which it is well suited. We report on some results using this implementation

    Diffuse HI Disks in Isolated Galaxies

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    In order to investigate the contribution of diffuse components to their total HI emission, we have obtained high precision HI line flux densities with the 100m Green Bank Telescope for a sample of 100 isolated spiral and irregular galaxies which we have previously observed with the 43m telescope. A comparison of the observed HI line fluxes obtained with the two different telescopes, characterized by half-power beam widths of 9 arcmin and 21 arcmin respectively, exploits a ``beam matching'' technique to yield a statistical determination of the occurrence of diffuse HI components in their disks. A simple model of the HI distribution within a galaxy well describes ~75 % of the sample and accounts for all of the HI line flux density. The remaining galaxies are approximately evenly divided into two categories: ones which appear to possess a significantly more extensive HI distribution than the model predicts, and ones for which the HI distribution is more centrally concentrated than predicted. Examples of both extremes can be found in the literature but little attention has been paid to the centrally concentrated HI systems. Our sample has demonstrated that galaxies do not commonly possess extended regions of low surface brightness HI gas which is not accounted for by our current understanding of the structure of HI disks. Eight HI-rich companions to the target objects are identified, and a set of extragalactic HI line flux density calibrators is presented.Comment: 26 page

    The Tully-Fisher Relation and H_not

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    The use of the Tully-Fisher (TF) relation for the determination of the Hubble Constant relies on the availability of an adequate template TF relation and of reliable primary distances. Here we use a TF template relation with the best available kinematical zero-point, obtained from a sample of 24 clusters of galaxies extending to cz ~ 9,000 km/s, and the most recent set of Cepheid distances for galaxies fit for TF use. The combination of these two ingredients yields H_not = 69+/-5 km/(s Mpc). The approach is significantly more accurate than the more common application with single cluster (e.g. Virgo, Coma) samples.Comment: 10 pages, including 2 figures and 1 table; uses AAS LaTex. Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Gas Rich Dwarfs from the PSS-II III. HI Profiles and Dynamical Masses

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    We present Arecibo neutral hydrogen data on a sample of optically selected dwarf galaxies. The sample ranges in HI mass from 10^6 M_sun to 5x10^9 M_sun, with a mean of 7.9x10^8 M_sun. Using estimated HI radii, the HI surface densities range from 0.6 to 20 M_sun pc^-2, all well below the critical threshold for star formation (Kennicutt 1998). M_HI/L values of the LSB dwarfs range from 0.3 to 12 with a mean value of 2.0. Dynamical masses, calculated from the HI profile widths, range from 10^8 M_sun to 10^11 M_sun. There is a strong correlation between optical luminosity and dynamical mass for LSB dwarfs implying that the dark matter (whether baryonic or non-baryonic) follows the detectable baryonic matter.Comment: 53 pages, AASTeX v4.0, 8 figures, to be published in ApJ Suppl, images, tables and referee report can be found at http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~j

    Design study of Software-Implemented Fault-Tolerance (SIFT) computer

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    Software-implemented fault tolerant (SIFT) computer design for commercial aviation is reported. A SIFT design concept is addressed. Alternate strategies for physical implementation are considered. Hardware and software design correctness is addressed. System modeling and effectiveness evaluation are considered from a fault-tolerant point of view

    Efficiency Estimation of the Single- and Multicomponent Anti-hydrate Reagents

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    Different types of technological and technical problems in the oil, gas and chemical industries are connected with the hydrate formation process and with the using of anti-hydrate chemicals. That is why, it is necessary to estimate thermobaric ranges within which reagents does not let hydrate to grow or is their dissociation. Also, to estimate anti-hydrate influence we need to determine the chemicals’ anti-hydrate efficiency and chose the best one. They make the reagents consisting of several chemical components depending on the purpose of their application – for prevention of formation and (or) elimination of hydrates. It demands calculations of the optimum concentration and expenses and also the intensity (speed) of hydrates dissociation causing with the reagents. The analytical method of the anti-hydrate chemical reagents efficiency determination containing one or several components from different classes of chemical compounds – alcohols, salts, acids, compounds of nitrogen and oxygen – is presented in this paper. With its help it is possible to define decrease in temperature of hydrate formation from reagents influence, to count key parameters of reagents anti-hydrate efficiency depending on component compositions of hydrate gas and a phase condition of a hydrate-gas system, to select types of chemical components and their quantity in multicomponent reagents, i.e., to make new compounds. The method can be used for express assessment of anti-hydrate chemical reagents efficiency on criteria sign for practical application in oil, gas and processing industry

    Hubble Space Telescope Images of Stephan's Quintet: Star Cluster Formation in a Compact Group Environment

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    Analysis of Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 images of Stephan's Quintet, Hickson Compact Group 92, yielded 115 candidate star clusters (with V-I < 1.5). Unlike in merger remants, the cluster candidates in Stephan's Quintet are not clustered in the inner regions of the galaxies; they are spread over the debris and surrounding area. Specifically, these sources are located in the long sweeping tail and spiral arms of NGC 7319, in the tidal debris of NGC 7318B/A, and in the intragroup starburst region north of these galaxies. Analysis of the colors of the clusters indicates several distinct epochs of star formation that appear to trace the complex history of dynamical interactions in this compact group.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures (13 PostScript and 8 JPEG), LaTeX (uses aastexug.sty), accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (July 2001). Full-resolution PostScript figures available at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/gallsc/sq/figs.tar.g

    Starburst in the Intragroup Medium of Stephan's Quintet

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    Based on new ISO mid-infrared observations and ground based HαH_\alpha and near-infrared observations, we report the detection of a bright starburst in the intragroup medium (IGM) of the famous compact group of galaxies Stephan's Quintet (Source A in Fig.1). We demonstrate that this starburst is caused by a collision between a high velocity (δ\deltaV∼\sim 1000 km/sec) intruder galaxy (NGC7318b) and the IGM of the group. While this is the only starburst known today that is induced by a galaxy/cold-intergalactic-medium collision, it provides new constraints to the theory for interaction-induced starbursts, and may hint at a new mechanism for the star formation excess seen in more distant clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 2 PS figures. Accepted by Ap

    Investigation, Development, and Evaluation of Performance Proving for Fault-tolerant Computers

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    A number of methodologies for verifying systems and computer based tools that assist users in verifying their systems were developed. These tools were applied to verify in part the SIFT ultrareliable aircraft computer. Topics covered included: STP theorem prover; design verification of SIFT; high level language code verification; assembly language level verification; numerical algorithm verification; verification of flight control programs; and verification of hardware logic

    Double Bars, Inner Disks, and Nuclear Rings in Early-Type Disk Galaxies

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    We present results from an imaging survey of an unbiased sample of thirty-eight early-type (S0--Sa), low-inclination, optically barred galaxies in the field. Our goal was to find and characterize central stellar and gaseous structures: secondary bars, inner disks, and nuclear rings. Bars inside bars are surprisingly common: at least one quarter of the sample galaxies (possibly as many as 40%) are double-barred, with no preference for Hubble type or the strength of the primary bar. A typical secondary bar is ~12% of the size of its primary bar and 240--750 pc in radius. We see no significant effect of secondary bars on nuclear activity. We also find kiloparsec-scale inner disks in at least 20% of our sample, almost exclusively in S0 galaxies. These disks are on average 20% the size of their host bar, and show a wider range of relative sizes than do secondary bars. Nuclear rings are present in about a third of our sample. Most are dusty, sites of current or recent star formation, or both; such rings are preferentially found in Sa galaxies. Three S0 galaxies (15% of the S0's) appear to have purely stellar nuclear rings, with no evidence for dust or recent star formation. The fact that these central stellar structures are so common indicates that the inner regions of early-type barred galaxies typically contain dynamically cool and disklike structures. This is especially true for S0 galaxies, where secondary bars, inner disks, and/or stellar nuclear rings are present at least two thirds of the time. (abridged)Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 7 EPS figures; to appear in The Astronomical Journal (July 2002
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