465 research outputs found

    Obesity and Readmission in Elderly Surgical Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Reducing readmissions has become a focus in efforts by Medicare to improve health care quality and reduce costs. This study aimed to determine whether causes for readmission differed between obese and nonobese patients, possibly allowing for targeted interventions. METHODS: A matched case control study of Medicare patients admitted between 2002 and 2006 who were readmitted after hip or knee surgery, colectomy, or thoracotomy was performed. Patients were matched exactly for procedure, while also balancing on hospital, age, and sex. Conditional logistic regression was used to study the odds of readmission for very obese cases (body mass index \u3e35 kg/m2) versus normal weight patients (body mass index of 20-30 kg/m2) after also controlling for race, transfer-in and emergency status, and comorbidities. RESULTS: Among 15,914 patient admissions, we identified 1,380 readmitted patients and 2,760 controls. The risk of readmission was increased for obese compared to nonobese patients both before and after controlling for comorbidities (before: odds ratio, 1.35; P = .003; after: odds ratio, 1.25; P = .04). Reasons for readmission varied by procedure but were not different by body mass index category. CONCLUSION: Obese patients have an increased risk of readmission, yet the reasons for readmission in obese patients appear to be similar to those for nonobese patients, suggesting that improved postdischarge management for the obese cannot focus on a few specific causes of readmission but must instead provide a broad range of interventions

    Acute Kidney Injury, Renal Function, and the Elderly Obese Surgical Patient: A Matched Case-Control Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between obesity and perioperative acute kidney injury (AKI), controlling for preoperative kidney dysfunction. BACKGROUND: More than 30% of patients older than 60 years are obese and, therefore, at risk for kidney disease. Postoperative AKI is a significant problem. METHODS: We performed a matched case-control study of patients enrolled in the Obesity and Surgical Outcomes Study, using data of Medicare claims enriched with detailed chart review. Each AKI patient was matched with a non-AKI control similar in procedure type, age, sex, race, emergency status, transfer status, baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate, admission APACHE score, and the risk of death score with fine balance on hospitals. RESULTS: We identified 514 AKI cases and 694 control patients. Of the cases, 180 (35%) followed orthopedic procedures and 334 (65%) followed colon or thoracic surgery. After matching, obese patients undergoing a surgical procedure demonstrated a 65% increase in odds of AKI within 30 days from admission (odds ratio = 1.65, P \u3c 0.005) when compared with the nonobese patients. After adjustment for potential confounders, the odds of postoperative AKI remained elevated in the elderly obese (odds ratio = 1.68, P = 0.01.) CONCLUSIONS: : Obesity is an independent risk factor for postoperative AKI in patients older than 65 years. Efforts to optimize kidney function preoperatively should be employed in this at-risk population along with keen monitoring and maintenance of intraoperative hemodynamics. When subtle reductions in urine output or a rising creatinine are observed postoperatively, timely clinical investigation is warranted to maximize renal recovery

    Disparities in Rate, Triggers, and Management in Pediatric and Adult Cases of Suspected Drug-Induced Anaphylaxis in Canada

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    INTRODUCTION: Data is sparse on drug-induced anaphylaxis (DIA) and there have not been studies assessing the differences in clinical characteristics and management of DIA between adults and children. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the percentage, diagnosis, and management of DIA among all anaphylaxis visits in three pediatric and one adult emergency departments (ED) across Canada. METHODS: Children presenting to the Montreal Children\u27s Hospital (MCH), British Columbia Children\u27s Hospital (BCCH), and Children\u27s Hospital at London Health Sciences Center and adults presenting to Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur with anaphylaxis were recruited as part of the Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry. A standardized data form documenting the reaction and management was completed and patients were followed annually to determine assessment by allergist and use of confirmatory tests. RESULTS: From June 2012 to May 2016, 51 children were recruited from the pediatric centers and 64 adults from the adult center with drug-induced anaphyalxis. More than half the cases were prospectively recruited. The percentage of DIA among all cases of anaphylaxis was similar in all three pediatric centers but higher in the adult center in Montreal. Most reactions in children were triggered by non-antibiotic drugs, and in adults, by antibiotics. The majority of adults and a third of children did not see an allergist after the initial reaction. In those that did see an allergist, diagnosis was established by either a skin test or an oral challenge in less than 20% of cases. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal disparities in rate, culprit, and management of DIA in children versus adults. Further, most cases of suspected drug allergy are not appropriately diagnosed. Guidelines to improve assessment and diagnosis of DIA are required

    Medical and Financial Risks Associated with Surgery in the Elderly Obese

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the medical and financial outcomes associated with surgery in elderly obese patients and to ask if obesity itself influences outcomes above and beyond the effects from comorbidities that are known to be associated with obesity. BACKGROUND: Obesity is a surgical risk factor not present in Medicare\u27s risk adjustment or payment algorithms, as BMI is not collected in administrative claims. METHODS: A total of 2045 severely or morbidly obese patients (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m, aged between 65 and 80 years) selected from 15,914 elderly patients in 47 hospitals undergoing hip and knee surgery, colectomy, and thoracotomy were matched to 2 sets of 2045 nonobese patients (BMI = 20-30 kg/m). A limited match controlled for age, sex, race, procedure, and hospital. A complete match also controlled for 30 additional factors such as diabetes and admission clinical data from chart abstraction. RESULTS: Mean BMI in the obese patients was 40 kg/m compared with 26 kg/m in the nonobese. In the complete match, obese patients displayed increased odds of wound infection: OR (odds ratio) = 1.64 (95% CI: 1.21, 2.21); renal dysfunction: OR = 2.05 (1.39, 3.05); urinary tract infection: OR = 1.55 (1.24, 1.94); hypotension: OR = 1.38 (1.07, 1.80); respiratory events: OR = 1.44 (1.19, 1.75); 30-day readmission: OR = 1.38 (1.08, 1.77); and a 12% longer length of stay (8%, 17%). Provider costs were 10% (7%, 12%) greater in obese than in nonobese patients, whereas Medicare payments increased only 3% (2%, 5%). Findings were similar in the limited match. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity increases the risks and costs of surgery. Better approaches are needed to reduce these risks. Furthermore, to avoid incentives to underserve this population, Medicare should consider incorporating incremental costs of caring for obese patients into payment policy and include obesity in severity adjustment models

    Risk of peanut- and tree-nut-induced anaphylaxis during Halloween, Easter and other cultural holidays in Canadian children.

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    BACKGROUND: It is not established whether the risk of anaphylaxis induced by peanuts or tree nuts in children increases at specific times of the year. We aimed to evaluate the risk of peanut-and tree-nut-induced anaphylaxis during certain cultural holidays in Canadian children. METHODS: We collected data on confirmed pediatric cases of anaphylaxis presenting to emergency departments in 4 Canadian provinces as part of the Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry. We assessed the mean number of cases per day and incidence rate ratio (IRR) of anaphylaxis induced by unknown nuts, peanuts and tree nuts presenting during each of 6 holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Chinese New Year and Eid al-Adha) versus the rest of the year. We estimated IRRs and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Data were collected for 1390 pediatric cases of anaphylaxis between 2011 and 2020. Their median age was 5.4 years, and 864 (62.2%) of the children were boys. During Halloween and Easter, there were higher rates of anaphylaxis to unknown nuts (IRR 1.66, 95% CI 1.13-2.43 and IRR 1.71, 95% CI 1.21-2.42, respectively) and peanuts (IRR 1.86, 95% CI 1.12-3.11 and IRR 1.57, 95% CI 0.94-2.63, respectively) compared to the rest of the year. No increased risk of peanut- or tree-nut-induced anaphylaxis was observed during Christmas, Diwali, Chinese New Year or Eid al-Adha. Anaphylaxis induced by unknown nuts, peanuts and tree nuts was more likely in children aged 6 years or older than in younger children. INTERPRETATION: We found an increased risk of anaphylaxis induced by unknown nuts and peanuts during Halloween and Easter among Canadian children. Educational tools are needed to increase awareness and vigilance in order to decrease the risk of anaphylaxis induced by peanuts and tree nuts in children during these holidays

    Cisplatin and Oxaliplatin Toxicity: Importance of Cochlear Kinetics as a Determinant for Ototoxicity

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    Background Cisplatin is a commonly used platinum anti-cancer drug. Regrettably cisplatin has dose-limiting ototoxic side effects, e.g. the drug can induce an irreversible hearing loss. The ototoxic mechanisms of cisplatin have not been elucidated in the human ear and no clinically useful oto-protectors are yet available. Cisplatin is a necessary part of many treatment regimes. Its beneficial therapeutic effects might be reduced if cisplatin was excluded from the treatment in order to protect the hearing function. In this work the ototoxic effects of cisplatin are studied with the aim to better understand the mechanisms behind the irreversible hearing loss induced by this drug. Oxaliplatin is a second generation platinum-derivative anti-cancer drug, free from ototoxic side effects in clinical practice. The effects of oxaliplatin on the inner ear have been studied in this work and the results are compared with cisplatin treatment. The two drugs differ regarding both anti-cancer effects and side effects, which could be attributed to differences in pharmacokinetic factors, cellular uptake and apoptotic mechanisms. The thioredoxin redox system with the enzyme thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) was studied in cochleae due to a suggested DNA-independent apoptotic mechanism of the hair cells. The cochlear pharmacokinetics of cisplatin was assessed and the transport protein organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) was studied in relation to the ototoxic effect of cisplatin. Material and methods Cultured human colon carcinoma cells and cell cultures of rat organ of Corti were used for apoptosis studies in vitro following exposure to cisplatin and oxaliplatin. Cisplatin and oxaliplatin were administered i.v. to guinea pigs, followed by in vivo sampling of blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and scala tympani (ST) perilymph. Liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization was used to determine the concentration of parent drug in the samples. Electrophysiological hearing thresholds and the loss of hair cells were assessed to evaluate their ototoxic effects. Phenformin, a potential blocker of OCT2 was administered and the ototoxic side effect of cisplatin was evaluated. For immunohistochemical studies, cochlea from rat, guinea pig and pig were used, where TrxR and OCT2 were evaluated in the cochlea. TrxR-assays were used to measure the TrxR activity in cochlear tissue, both in vivo and in vitro. Results The results from the in vitro studies showed that addition of either cisplatin or oxaliplatin to the culture medium in organ of Corti cell cultures caused a similar amount of outer hair cell loss and inhibition of TrxR activity. Cisplatin exposure to cultured human colon carcinoma cells also reduced the activity of TrxR. The results from the in vivo studies showed that a considerable concentration of cisplatin was present in ST perilymph as compared with weak concentrations of oxaliplatin after high dose oxaliplatin i.v. Ten minutes after cisplatin administration, its concentration in ST perilymph was 4-fold higher in the basal turn of the cochlea as compared to the apex. Cisplatin could be analysed in ST perilymph for up to 120 min. Phenformin i.v. did not reduce the ototoxic side-effect of cisplatin. Positive immunoreactivity to TrxR was evident in both hair cells and spiral ganglion cells. Futhermore, OCT2 was expressed in the supporting cells of organ of Corti and in the spiral ganglion cells. Conclusion The transport of cisplatin to the vulnerable cells of hearing seems to be of major importance for the ototoxic effects. An early high concentration of cisplatin in the base of the cochlea and delayed elimination of cisplatin from ST perilymph may be related to the cisplatin-induced loss of outer hair cells in the basal turn of the cochlea. Cisplatin and oxaliplatin both cause similar ototoxic effects when the organ of Corti is directly exposed in vitro. The thioredoxin redox system with the TrxR enzyme may well play a critical role in cisplatininduced ototoxicity. The presence of OCT2 in the supporting cells indicates that this transport protein is primarily not involved in the uptake of cisplatin from the systemic circulation but rather from the deeper compartments of the cochlea. The knowledge elicited in this work will hopefully suggest objectives for further studies in order to develop oto-protective treatments to preserve the hearing of cisplatin treated patients

    The Use of Anti-VDAC2 Antibody for the Combined Assessment of Human Sperm Acrosome Integrity and Ionophore A23187-Induced Acrosome Reaction

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    Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is mainly located in the mitochondrial outer membrane and participates in many biological processes. In mammals, three VDAC subtypes (VDAC1, 2 and 3) have been identified. Although VDAC has been extensively studied in various tissues and cells, there is little knowledge about the distribution and function of VDAC in male mammalian reproductive system. Several studies have demonstrated that VDAC exists in mammalian spermatozoa and is implicated in spermatogenesis, sperm maturation, motility and fertilization. However, there is no knowledge about the respective localization and function of three VDAC subtypes in human spermatozoa. In this study, we focused on the presence of VDAC2 in human spermatozoa and its possible role in the acrosomal integrity and acrosome reaction using specific anti-VDAC2 monoclonal antibody for the first time. The results exhibited that native VDAC2 existed in the membrane components of human spermatozoa. The co-incubation of spermatozoa with anti-VDAC2 antibody did not affect the acrosomal integrity and acrosome reaction, but inhibited ionophore A23187-induced intracellular Ca2+ increase. Our study suggested that VDAC2 was located in the acrosomal membrane or plasma membrane of human spermatozoa, and played putative roles in sperm functions through mediating Ca2+ transmembrane transport