21 research outputs found

    Vico, filosofo della poesia

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    Tremulante de los salones literarios napolitanos y poeta de ocasión, Vico produciría una innovación en el terreno de la Poética. Él la modernizó; actualizó sus contenidos disciplinares conforme al clima intelectual del siglo XVIII, en vez de dejarla caer en el ostracismo. De esfuerzo del pensamiento en la organización de las reglas que orientan la creación artística, tal como venía siendo concebida, la poética se transforma en una teoría del conocimiento que reconstituye los aspectos del pensamiento bárbaro y recupera la mitología y el paganismo como memoria de lo que era entonces inmemorial.Goer of Neapolitan literary halls and poet of occasion, Vico would produce an innovation in the field of Poetics. He modernized it; he updated its disciplinary contents according to the intellectual climate of the eighteenth century, instead of letting it fall into ostracism. Previously conceived as the effort of thought in the organization of the rules that govern artistic creation, poetry becomes a theory of knowledge that reconstitutes the aspects of barbaric thinking and recovers mythology and paganism as a memory of what was then immemorial.Incerto frequentatore dei salotti letterari napoletani e all’occasione poeta, Vico avrebbe impresso una vera e propria svolta nell’ambito della Poetica. Difatti, la modernizzò; ne aggiornò i contenuti disciplinari in base al clima intellettuale del XVIII secolo, anziché lasciarla cadere nell’ostracismo. Grazie allo sforzo di ripensare l’organizzazione delle regole che guidano la creazione artistica, così per come era concepita fino ad allora, la poetica si trasforma in una teoria della conoscenza che riabilita gli aspetti del pensiero barbarico e recupera la mitologia e il paganesimo come memoria di ciò che, allora, ne era del tutto privo

    "Quaestio definitionis et nominis latinis idem". Lenguaje y conocimiento en el De antiquissima de Vico

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    Este ensayo discute el lugar del lenguaje, y su intrincada relación con el problema del conocimiento, en el De antiquissima. Proponiéndose investigar en el latín antiguo y vulgar una metafísica Itálica, nuestro autor terminaría por recolocar el problema moderno y racionalista al respecto del origen de nuestras ideas según los términos clásicos y aristotélicos del problema del significado de los símbolos. En vez de admitir la existencia de las cosas, a las cuales cabría al pensamiento aprender y al lenguaje comunicar, Vico piensa en esos elementos según otra disposición, conforme la orden propia desde el punto de vista del Autor de las cosas: Dios dice las cosas que piensa y esas, entonces, son creadas.This essay discusses the place of language, and its intricate relationship with the problem of knowledge, in De antiquissima. Aiming to produce a vulgar Italic metaphysics in the ancien latin, our author would end up relocating the modern and rationalistic problem about the origin of our ideas in the classic and Aristotelian terms about the meaning of symbols. Instead of admitting the existence of things, which could be grasped by thought and communicated by language, Vico thinks those elements according to a different disposition, according to their own order from the point of view of the Author of things: God says the things that he thinks and those, then, are created

    Apresentação das traduções sobre a índole poética de Dante e de Gherardo Degli Angioli

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    Apresentação e tradução de A Índole Poética de Dante e de Gherardo Degli Angiol

    Die Sprache des Giove: Verstand und Religion in Vicos Neuer Wissenschaft

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    A discovery of The New Science, of which Vico became proud, was that of religion as the “principle” of the world of nations. In it Vico sounded out his doctrine concerning the natural law, but this research would still have allowed him the encounter with a metaphysics of the human mind, with a rational human nature, beyond sociability. The divination of ancient people, coeval to their first fables and myths, would suppose a fundamental conception of the human being as endowed with soul and language, allowing us to think over the traditional marks of the Vichian history of nations. In the present paper and starting from a new path, we will reconstruct the central aspects of this Vichian anthropology, trying to find the origins of the native religion of the founders of people and nations.Otkriće u Novoj znanosti, na koje je Vico bio ponosan, bilo je ono o religiji kao »načelu« svijeta naroda. U tom je djelu Vico artikulirao učenje o prirodnom zakonu, koje će mu omogućiti susret s metafizikom ljudskog uma, s racionalnom ljudskom prirodom, onkraj društvenosti. Proricanje drevnih ljudi, istovremeno s njihovim prvim bajkama i mitovima, pretpostavlja temeljnu koncepciju ljudskog bića kao obdarenog dušom i jezikom, što omogućuje ponovno promišljanje tradicionalnih obilježja vikovske povijesti naroda. U ovome radu, polazeći novim putem, rekonstruirat ćemo središnje aspekte ove vikovske antropologije, u pokušaju pronalaska izvora religije osnivača naroda.La découverte de Vico dans La science nouvelle dont il fut fier est celle de la religion comme « principe » du monde des nations. Dans cette oeuvre, Vico a élaboré une doctrine de la loi naturelle qui lui permettra la rencontre avec une métaphysique de la raison humaine, à savoir une nature humaine rationnelle en-deçà de toute sociabilité. La divinisation des anciens peuples, ainsi que de leurs fables et de leurs mythes, suppose une conception fondamentale de l’être humain en tant qu’être doté d’esprit et de langage et permet de penser à nouveau les caractéristiques traditionnelles de l’histoire des peuples de Vico. Partant sur une nouvelle voie, nous reconstruirons dans le présent article les aspects centraux de cette anthropologie vichienne en essayant de trouver les sources de la religion des fondateurs des peuples.Die Entdeckung in der Neuen Wissenschaft, auf die Vico stolz wurde, war jene über die Religion als das „Prinzip“ der Völkerwelt. Darin sondierte Vico seine Doktrin bezüglich des Naturgesetzes; dennoch wird ihm diese Forschung die Begegnung mit der Metaphysik des menschlichen Geistes ermöglichen, mit der rationalen menschlichen Natur, jenseits der Geselligkeit. Die Weissagung der uralten Menschen, zeitgleich mit deren ersten Märchen und Mythen, setzt eine grundlegende Konzeption des Menschenwesens voraus als eines mit Seele und Sprache ausgestatteten Wesens, was uns eine erneute Erwägung der traditionellen Züge der vicoschen Völkergeschichte ermöglicht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit rekonstruieren wir, neue Wege einschlagend, die zentralen Aspekte dieser vicoschen Anthropologie, indem wir die Ursprünge der einheimischen Religion der Menschen- und Völkerschöpfer zu finden versuchen


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    The paper investigates the context of origin and some controversy about human rights. Its intent is to present the paradox of these rights, the fact that they nevertheless serve to modern political emancipation and the defence of equality and freedom, involving also the bourgeois selfishness and totalitarian political regimes of the century XX assuming both the metaphysical and sublime form as of thing, nature crude and corruptible, gross and corruptible nature. What we want to discuss in this article are the reflections of the political assimilation of an abstract concept such human nature.<br>O artigo investiga o contexto de origem e algumas polêmicas acerca dos direitos humanos. Seu intento é apresentar o paradoxo destes direitos, o fato de que eles, não obstante sirvam à emancipação política moderna e à defesa da igualdade e da liberdade, impliquem ainda o egoísmo burguês e os regimes totalitários.Objeto da especulação dos filósofos e mais atualmente das ciências positivistas, o conceito de natureza é bastante ambíguo, assumindo tanto a forma metafísica e sublime, quanto a forma de coisa, natureza bruta e corruptível. O que se deseja discutir neste artigo são os reflexos pol��ticos da assimilação de um conceito tão abstrato e indeterminado como o de natureza humana

    The Reasons of Politics: humanitas and barbarism in Giambattista Vico

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    Demonstrou-se o entrecruzamento de teoria social e teoria do conhecimento na filosofia de Giambattista Vico, trama que evidencia a reconciliação humanismo-modernidade, o que foi nomeado na tese humanismo tardio. Esta lógica é o norte do pensamento expresso na Scienza nuova (1744). Não obstante, desejou-se investigar o modo como o tema se desenhou nos textos anteriores, sobremaneira na Oração Inaugural de 1709, De nostri temporis studiorum ratione, e no livro metafísico de 1710, De antiquissima italorum sapientia. No livro de 1710 foram estudados os conceitos de verdade e de ciência, bem como a metafísica do conatus de Vico. Já na Oração, interpelamos os aspectos gerais de uma filosofia que reconhece o risco da corrupção política e o valor dos studia humanitatis para a prudência e a virtude civil das nações. Nesses dois escritos e nessas duas esferas específicas de questões (do conhecimento e da política) foram investigadas as estruturas da filosofia madura celebrizada na última Scienza nuova.It was showed Giambattista Vico´s intercrossing of the social theory and knowledge theory in a plot that evidences the reconciliation of humanism-modernity, what was called in thesis late humanism. This logic is the north of the expressed thought at Scienza Nuova (1744). Notwithstanding was wished inquired about how this theme was also drew on previous texts, greatly in the inaugural speeches of 1709, De nostri temporis studiorum ratione, and in the metaphysics book of 1710, De antiquissima italorum sapientia. In 1710´s book was studied the concepts of the truth and the science, as well as the Vico´s conatus metaphysics. In the Speech, was apostrophize the general aspects of a philosophy that recognize the risks of political corruption and value of studia humanatis for nation´s civic virtue and prudence. These two papers and two issue specifics spheres (of knowledge and politics) was inquired the philosophy structure made famous on the last Scienza nuova

    A Ciência Nova de Vico; o Método para a Compreensão do Universo Social e Histórico do Homem

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