153 research outputs found

    Recruitment and selection practice as a key factor of business development

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    The paper describes the main principles of the recruitment and selection system. It discusses basic steps that any company should use for its effective development.Статья описывает основные принципы системы поиска и подбора персонала. Также обсуждаются базовые шаги, которые любая компания должна использовать для её эффективного развития

    Regularities of structural-cellular structure of ovaries in ontogenesis

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    The article presents the examination of the ovaries of embryos, ovaries of human feti and ovaries of children of the tender age. The researches revealed the increase of the surface of follicles, nucleus and primary oocyte's cytoplasm that tells about the fact that further follicular maturation continues in the ovaries of a child of 2-4 months old. Also we registered the increase of nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, appearance of single mature follicles with cumulus oophorus that testifies to the fact that the ovary is functionally mature. Furthermore the research revealed increased content of lipids and DNA in follicular epithelium that also tells aboutfunctional maturity of the ovary. It was found that incretory activity of an ovary during the first year of life is provided by the cells originated from the connective tissue membrane of atresic follicles

    The technology of forming the students’ research competence in the process of learning a foreign language

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    © Canadian Center of Science and Education. The research issue appears important as today's system of professional education requires an optimal structure of the academic disciplines intended for the students’ research and creative abilities development. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop a technique for forming the students’ research competence in the process of learning a foreign language. The flagship approaches to the development of this technology have become the research and modular competence-based approaches. The article describes the technology of the students’ research competence formation in the process of learning a foreign language, the proposed stages of which are universal and can be also used in the formation of the students’ communicative competence, while the submitted steps are particularly aimed at the formation of the students’ research competence in the process of learning a foreign language. The materials of this article may be of value to the foreign language teachers while selecting and structuring the foreign language learning curriculum aimed at the formation of the research competence among the students of higher professional schools

    Plasticity of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells and Regulation of Angiogenesis

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    Adipose tissue is recognized as an important organ with metabolic, regulatory, and plastic roles. Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) with self-renewal properties localize in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) being present in a vascular niche, thereby, contributing to local regulation of angiogenesis and vessel remodeling. In the past decades, ASCs have attracted much attention from biologists and bioengineers, particularly, because of their multilineage differentiation potential, strong proliferation, and migration abilities in vitro and high resistance to oxidative stress and senescence. Current data suggest that the SVF serves as an important source of endothelial progenitors, endothelial cells, and pericytes, thereby, contributing to vessel remodeling and growth. In addition, ASCs demonstrate intriguing metabolic and interlineage plasticity, which makes them good candidates for creating regenerative therapeutic protocols, in vitro tissue models and microphysiological systems, and tissue-on-chip devices for diagnostic and regeneration-supporting purposes. This review covers recent achievements in understanding the metabolic activity within the SVF niches (lactate and NAD+ metabolism), which is critical for maintaining the pool of ASCs, and discloses their pro-angiogenic potential, particularly, in the complex therapy of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    Физиологическая роль мелатонина при оксидативном стрессе в эмбриональный период развития

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    Introduction. Melatonin, being a powerful endogenous antioxidant, provides healthy course of pregnancy and childbirth. Decrease of melatonin levels in blood correlates with severity of preeclampsia. Currently, melatonin is viewed as a perspective antioxidant, able to improve mother’s condition during preeclampsia and protect fetus from unfavorable intrauterine environment.The objective was to study melatonin effects on remodeling of chicken embryo heart tissue under normal conditions and under oxidative stress model.Materials and methods. The study was performed using organotypic culture of heart tissue of 10–12-day-old chicken embryos. Oxidative stress was modeled by adding epinephrine 10–4 М or homocysteine thiolactone 10–3 М to culture medium.Results. The trophotropic effects of melatonin was detected at a concentration of 10–6 M. Drug stimulated heart tissue explants’ growth on 20 %. Epinephrine showed cardiotoxic effects at concentrations of 10–4 and 10–6 М. Melatonin (10–6 М) neutralized cardiotoxic effects of epinephrine (10–4 M). Cardiotoxic effects of homocysteine thiolactone (10–3 М) preserved in presence of melatonin (10–6 М).Conclusion. During embryonic period, melatonin neutralizes cardiotoxic effects of oxidative stress caused by a high concentration of epinephrine, but not by homocysteine thiolactone. Введение. Мелатонин является мощным эндогенным антиоксидантом, обеспечивает нормальное течение беременности и рождение здорового ребенка. Снижение концентрации гормона в крови коррелирует с тяжестью преэклампсии. В настоящее время мелатонин рассматривают как перспективный антиоксидант, который может улучшить состояние матери при преэклампсии, одновременно защищая плод от неблагоприятной внутриутробной среды.Цель – изучить прямое влияние мелатонина на ремоделирование ткани сердца куриного эмбриона в норме и при моделировании оксидативного стресса.Методы и материалы. В работе использован метод органотипической культуры ткани сердца 10–12-дневных куриных эмбрионов. Оксидативный стресс моделировали введением в питательную среду адреналина в дозе 10–4 М или гомоцистеин тиолактона в концентрации 10–3 М.Результаты. Обнаружен трофотропный эффект мелатонина в концентрации 10–6 М. Препарат стимулировал рост эксплантатов ткани сердца на 20 %. Адреналин проявил кардиотоксическое действие в концентрациях 10–4 и 10–6 М. Мелатонин (10–6 М) нивелировал кардиотоксический эффект адреналина (10–4 М). Кардиотоксический эффект гомоцистеин тиолактона (10–3 М) в присутствии мелатонина (10–6 М) сохранялся.Заключение. В эмбриональный периодмелатонин устраняет кардиотоксическое влияние окислительного стресса, вызванного высокой концентрацией адреналина, но не гомоцистеин тиолактона.


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    The data of experimental studies on determining the mechanical properties of long-length deformed semifinished products in a form of bars and wire made of alloys of aluminum with rare-earth metals, which are fabricated using the combined treatment methods, are presented. The application of the combined technology of casting, rolling, and pressing makes it possible to increase the strength of hot-extruded rod by 15–20 % on average compared with combined rolling–extruding the cast billet formed in an electromagnetic crystallizer. It is also shown that a decrease in the REM content in the alloy leads to the strength reduction and an increase in plastic characteristics. Herewith, it is possible to control the level of physicomechanical characteristics of the final product varying the summary deformation ratio during drawing and applying annealing.Приведены данные экспериментальных исследований по определению механических свойств длинномерных деформируемых полуфабрикатов в виде прутков и проволоки из сплавов алюминия с редкоземельными металлами, полученных с использованием методов совмещенной обработки. Применение совмещенной технологии литья, прокатки и прессования дает возможность увеличить прочность горячепрессованных прутков в среднем на 15–20 % по сравнению с совмещенными процессами прокатки и прессования литой заготовки, полученной в электромагнитном кристаллизаторе. Показано также, что уменьшение содержания РЗМ в сплаве приводит к снижению прочностных и повышению пластических характеристик. При этом, варьируя величиной суммарной степени деформации при волочении и применяя отжиги, можноуправлять уровнем физико-механических характеристик конечной продукции

    Impact of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of eye diseases in students

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    The aim of the study – to analyze symptoms of visual impairment occurring in students following an intensive usage of digital devices for e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and to develop recommendations for maintaining good vision and healthy eyes.Цель исследования – проанализировать возникшие симптомы нарушения зрения у студентов при использовании электронных источников информации в условиях пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции и разработать рекомендации, направленные на профилактику возникновения заболеваний органов зрения