57 research outputs found

    A Surgery Table with a Mouth Prop for Rodents

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    Laboratory animal research represents a remarkable source of information. Rodents are often used as an  experimental model for studies in the medical field, showing several advantages. The access to the oral  cavity allows one to examine it and to perform surgical restorative procedures. The application of topical  substances on hard tissues and mucosa is also possible. Literature includes reports on mouth-opening systems  for animals, but they are not available on the market. Therefore, researchers must improvise methods  that allow access to the oral cavity, but which may compromise the experiment. The purpose of this technical  report is to introduce an inexpensive and easy-to-use surgery table containing a device for rodent  mouth opening, which facilitates access to the oral cavity, maintaining mouth-opening and spreading the  cheeks apart.


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    Perencanaan struktur bangunan tahan gempa sangat penting di Indonesia. Terlebih khusus juga di daerah yang mempunyai tingkat resiko kegempaan yang tinggi. Jika terjadi bencana alam seperti gempa yang merupakan salah satu beban lateral, maka struktur di atasnya akan mengalami pergerakan secara vertikal maupun secara lateral. Pergerakan vertikal relatif kecil pada umumnya, sedangkan pergerakan lateral akan memberikan beban lateral kepada struktur yang dapat menyebabkan struktur runtuh. Sehingga, perencanaan bangunan Training Center ini  akan direncanakan komponen struktur gedung beton bertulang yang tahan gempa dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) dan juga direncanakan model struktur gedung beton bertulang sesuai dengan peraturan SNI yang berlaku.Struktur gedung yang akan direncanakan memiliki 4 lantai, dengan panjang bangunan 50,4 m, lebar 14 m, tinggi 14,4 m dan letaknya berada di kota Manado. Komponen struktur atas (upper structure) yang akan direncanakan yaitu balok, kolom, pelat dan untuk komponen struktur bawah (lower structure) yang akan direncanakan yaitu pondasi. Beban yang akan dihitung dalam perencanaan bangunan ini yaitu beban mati, beban hidup, dan juga beban gempa. Perhitungan beban mati dan beban hidup mengikuti persyaratan dari SNI 1727-2013. Beban gempa akan dianalisis secara statik dan dinamis dan mengikuti persyaratan dari SNI 1726-2012. Pemodelan dan analisis struktur akan memakai program ETABS dengan pemodelan 3D.Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan desain yang telah dilakukan, “strong column weak beam” telah bekerja menyebar di sebagian besar lantai. Komponen struktur dengan penulangannya dapat menahan gaya lentur dan gaya geser yang bekerja pada penampang, dan telah mengikuti persyaratan pendetailan dalam SRPMK untuk mendapatkan struktur yang bersifat daktail. Sehingga untuk persyaratan perencanaan bangunan menggunakan sistem rangka pemikul momen khusus telah terpenuhi.Kata kunci : Perencanaan Bangunan, Beton Bertulang, SRPMK, ETABS

    The effects of post-pasture woody plant colonization on soil and aboveground litter carbon and nitrogen along a bioclimatic transect.

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    We investigated the effects of woody plant colonization of abandoned pastures on soil and litter organic carbon (C) stocks and nitrogen (N) content along a bioclimatic transect in a semi-arid environment (Sicily, Italy). Soil samples were taken in three successional stages (grazed pasture, shrubland, forest) within each of three bioclimates (supramediterranean - \u201csupra\u201d, mesomediterranean - \u201cmeso\u201d, thermomediterranean - \u201cthermo\u201d). Organic C and N in litter and soil (0-10 cm and 10-30 cm depth) were determined, as well as soil bulk density. Especially at 0-10 cm depth, changes in C and N contents along successional stages differed among bioclimates. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock decreased from pasture to shrubland and increased from shrubland to forest in \u201csupra\u201d, increased from pasture to shrubland and then remained stable in \u201cthermo\u201d, and was stable in \u201cmeso\u201d. Soil C/N ratio decreased with succession in \u201csupra\u201d, showed no significant trend in \u201cmeso\u201d, and increased with succession in \u201cthermo\u201d. Litter C stock increased with succession in \u201cmeso\u201d, increased from pasture to shrubland and decreased from shrubland to forest in \u201cthermo\u201d, and increased from pasture to shrubland and then remained stable in \u201csupra\u201d. Litter C/N ratio increased in \u201cthermo\u201d and \u201csupra\u201d from pasture to shrubland and from shrubland to forest, but did not change significantly with succession in \u201cmeso\u201d. The different trends in SOC among bioclimates may be caused by changes in the importance of litter input, litter decay rate and mineralization. Successional changes in \u201cmeso\u201d and \u201csupra\u201d appeared to be most affected by litter quality, while those in \u201cthermo\u201d appeared to be strongly influenced by limited litter decay due to low soil moisture and high temperature


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    Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the gastroprotective effects of a flavonoid rich fraction (FRF) obtained from Achyrocline satureoides. Methods: The following protocols were employed: ethanol and NSAID-induced ulcer, ligature pylorus model, and free mucus quantification. Nitric oxide (NO) and sulfhydryl group participation were observed by pretreatment with L-NAME or NEM. Besides, it was assayed the acetic acid-induced chronic ulcer andthe anti-Helicobacter pyloriactivity in vitro. Results: The phytochemical profile of FRF showed three main flavonoids, luteolin, quercetin and 3-O-methyl-quercetin. The administration of FRF was able to prevent the damage evoked by ethanol and NSAID-induced ulcer models. The pH and concentration of H+ in the stomach were not modified by FRF treatment. However, the FRF treatment induces mucus secretion. The effect presented by FRF was mediated by nitric oxide (NO). In chronic ulcer model FRF reduced significantly the lesion area, promoting a cure ratio of 65.42±13.00, a similar data presented by cimetidine treated animals (61.35±11.88). Using an in vitro assay was observed that FRF at 500 µg/mL was able to inhibit bacterial growth. Conclusions: The results show that FRF provided a significant gastroprotective and ulcer healing activity, mainly due to their capacity to enhance mucus secretion

    Usefulness and applicability of the revised dengue case classification by disease: multi-centre study in 18 countries

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    Background In view of the long term discussion on the appropriateness of the dengue classification into dengue fever (DF), dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS), the World Health Organization (WHO) has outlined in its new global dengue guidelines a revised classification into levels of severity: dengue fever with an intermediary group of "dengue fever with warning sings", and severe dengue. The objective of this paper was to compare the two classification systems regarding applicability in clinical practice and surveillance, as well as user-friendliness and acceptance by health staff. Methods A mix of quantitative (prospective and retrospective review of medical charts by expert reviewers, formal staff interviews), semi-quantitative (open questions in staff interviews) and qualitative methods (focus group discussions) were used in 18 countries. Quality control of data collected was undertaken by external monitors. Results The applicability of the DF/DHF/DSS classification was limited, even when strict DHF criteria were not applied (13.7% of dengue cases could not be classified using the DF/DHF/DSS classification by experienced reviewers, compared to only 1.6% with the revised classification). The fact that some severe dengue cases could not be classified in the DF/DHF/DSS system was of particular concern. Both acceptance and perceived user-friendliness of the revised system were high, particularly in relation to triage and case management. The applicability of the revised classification to retrospective data sets (of importance for dengue surveillance) was also favourable. However, the need for training, dissemination and further research on the warning signs was highlighted. Conclusions The revised dengue classification has a high potential for facilitating dengue case management and surveillance

    Zika: abordagem clínica na atenção básica

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    Zika é uma doença que foi detectada no país no último ano, a partir deste evento a doença tem se disseminado no país, cursando de forma inédita segundo a literatura científica. Tendo encontrado ambiente favorável à sua disseminação, que é a presença do vetor Aedes em todo o país, em população sem imunidade à doença, vem causando enorme impacto à saúde de nossa população. É preciso que os profissionais de saúde se capacitem para conseguir minimizar o impacto desta enfermidade, utilizando todos os recursos possíveis para assistir, disseminar os conhecimentos para a população, além de construir parcerias com todos os equipamentos sociais para atuarem no sentido de proteger a saúde de todos. Para isso este material foi elaborado, tendo o caráter auto-instrucional, os profissionais de saúde podem realizá-lo dentro de suas possibilidades. O módulo tem 45h, sendo dividido em quatro unidades de ensino; ao final oferece uma avaliação objetiva e a certificação on-line. Na biblioteca estão disponibilizados livros e vídeos com conteúdos referentes ao tema, utilize-os se sentir necessidade de aprofundar seus conhecimentos.1.