65 research outputs found

    Extraction of 2′-O-apiosyl-6′-O-crotonic acid-betanin from the ayrampo seed (Opuntia soehrensii) cuticle and its use as an emitting layer in an organic light-emitting diode

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    The molecule 2′-O-apiosyl-6′-O-crotonic acid-betanin (called Achkiy) was obtained after an ecofriendly and low-cost purification process of the extract from the ayrampo seed cuticle. Results from EDS give us an idea of the organic elements present in the ayrampo cuticle layer composed of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. Further characterization analysis of ayrampo extract by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry (FTIR) corroborated the presence of characteristic functional groups corresponding to carboxyl, carbonyls, hydroxyls and secondary amines. On the other hand, we have confirmed by absortion peak the glucose, apiosyl, crotonic acid and betanin at 227 nm, 276 nm, 291 nm and 534 nm bands respectively. Mass Spectrometry (MS) characterization was used finally to identify the electroactive Achkiy molecule. This molecule was tested in an Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) achieving a luminance of 4.8 Cd m2^{−2} when bias voltage of 16.5 V and a current of 34.1 mA was applied. In addition, the irradiance generated by the Achkiy layer reaches a value of ≈ 113.3 μW m2^{−2} emitting light with a λ ≈ 390.10 nm. These preliminary results report an interesting molecule extracted from a natural pigment wich emits light in the blue region

    Development of an SPR imaging biosensor for determination of cathepsin G in saliva and white blood cells

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    Cathepsin G (CatG) is an endopeptidase that is associated with the early immune response. The synthetic compound cathepsin G inhibitor I (CGI-I) was tested for its ability to inhibit the activity of CatG via a new surface plasmon resonance imaging assay. CGI-I was immobilized on the gold surface of an SPR sensor that was first modified with 1-octadecanethiol. A concentration of CGI-I equal to 4.0 μg·mL-1 and a pH of 8.0 were found to give the best results. The dynamic response of the sensor ranges from 0.25 to 1.5 ng·mL-1, and the detection limit is 0.12 ng·mL-1. The sensor was applied to detect CatG in human saliva and white blood cells

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Quantifying landscapes environment by means of faunistic indicators

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    Bioindication as form of assessment of changes in agricultural landscape

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    Celem prezentowanej pracy jest zidentyfikowanie obszarów rolniczych zagrożonych zanikaniem różnorodności gatunkowej na przykładzie zgrupowania dżdżownic traktowanego jako zastępczy indykator różnorodności gatunkowej organizmów glebowych. Przeanalizowano najważniejsze cechy charakteryzujące bieżące tendencje w zakresie przestrzennego zróżnicowania rolnictwa w Polsce, a także przeprowadzono szczegółowe badania z wykorzystaniem metody bioindykacyjnej. Wyniki tych dwóch analiz stanowiły podstawę do wskazania trzech typów obszarów o dużym prawdopodobieństwie nasilania się procesów upraszczania struktury krajobrazu, a więc i ryzyka utraty różnorodności biologicznej gleby.The aim of this study is to identify the agricultural areas threatened by biodiversity decline on the example of earthworm assemblages treated as a surrogate indicator of soil organisms’ diversity. Authors carried out an analysis of characteristics of current trends in spatial structure of agriculture in Poland. Moreover, detailed study based on the bioindication method was conducted. The results of these two studies were the basis for identifying three types of areas with a high probability of intensification of the process of simplifying the landscape structure, and thus the risk of soil biodiversity loss

    The comparison of the chemical composition and antioxidant properties of extracts from barley and wheat grasses

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