2,475 research outputs found

    Quantum theory of the low-frequency linear susceptibility of interferometer-type superconducting qubits

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    We use the density matrix formalism to analyze the interaction of interferometer-type superconducting qubits with a high quality tank circuit, which frequency is well below the gap frequency of a qubit. We start with the ground state characterization of the superconducting flux and charge qubits. Then, by making use of a dressed state approach we describe the qubits' spectroscopy when the qubit is irradiated by a microwave field which is tuned to the gap frequency. The last section of the paper is devoted to continuous monitoring of qubit states by using a DC SQUID in the inductive mode.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; the title and abstract are slightly changed; several typos are corrected; in order to make our argumentation more clear we added some comments in the introduction and other section

    A Dusty Disk Around WD1150-153: Explaining the Metals in White Dwarfs by Accretion from the Interstellar Medium versus Debris Disks

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    We report the discovery of excess K-band radiation from a metal-rich DAV white dwarf star, WD1150-153. Our near infrared spectroscopic observations show that the excess radiation cannot be explained by a (sub)stellar companion, and is likely to be caused by a debris disk similar to the other DAZ white dwarfs with circumstellar debris disks. We find that the fraction of DAZ white dwarfs with detectable debris disks is at least 14%. We also revisit the problem of explaining the metals in white dwarf photospheres by accretion from the interstellar medium (ISM). We use the observed interstellar column densities toward stars in close angular proximity and similar distance as DAZ white dwarfs to constrain the contribution of accretion from the ISM. We find no correlation between the accretion density required to supply metals observed in DAZs with the densities observed in their interstellar environment, indicating that ISM accretion alone cannot explain the presence of metals in nearby DAZ white dwarfs. Although ISM accretion will certainly contribute, our analysis indicates that it is not the dominant source of metals for most DAZ white dwarfs. Instead, the growing number of circumstellar debris disks around DAZs suggests that circumstellar material may play a more dominant role in polluting the white dwarf atmospheres.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    The Use of CIR and Airborne Multispectral Scanner Techniques for Wetland Soils Mapping of Highway Corridors

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    This paper summarizes the results of an investigation aimed at evaluating the potential advantages of state-of-the-art airborne remote sensing for highway siting and planning tasks, specifically in wetlands areas. The basic objectives of the study were to develop methodologies using remotely sensed data for mapping wetlands soils and drainage, to evaluate the relative merits and usefulness of the various methods developed, to generate a selection of output products from the remote sensor data for display to highway planners and photo-interpreters, and to provide recommendations for implementation of remote sensing techniques in the highway planning and siting process. To accomplish these objectives, remote sensor and ground truth data were acquired for selected test sites in Florida, Michigan, and Minnesota. One of several test sites in Michigan has been selected as representative of the study objectives and methodology

    The American Bar Association Joint Task Force on Reversing the School-to-Prison Pipeline Preliminary Report

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    In 2014, the American Bar Association (ABA) Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice (COREJ) turned its attention to the continuing failures in the education system where certain groups of students — for example, students of color, with disabilities, or LGBTQ — are disproportionately over- or incorrectly categorized in special education, are disciplined more harshly, including referral to law enforcement for minimal misbehavior, achieve at lower levels, and eventually drop or are pushed out of school, often into juvenile justice facilities and prisons — a pattern now commonly referred to as the School-to-Prison Pipeline. While this problem certainly is not new, it presented a convergence of several laws, policies, and practices where the legal community’s intervention is critical. Joined by the ABA Pipeline Council and Criminal Justice Section, and supported by its sister ABA entities, COREJ sponsored a series of eight Town Halls across the country to investigate the issues surrounding this pipeline. The focus of these Town Halls was to 1) explore the issues as they presented themselves for various groups and various locales; 2) gather testimony on solutions that showed success, with particular focus on interventions where the legal community could be most effective in interrupting and reversing the School-to-Prison Pipeline; and 3) draw attention to the role implicit bias plays in creating and maintaining this pipeline. This report is a result of those convenings

    Low frequency Rabi spectroscopy for a dissipative two-level system

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    We have analyzed the interaction of a dissipative two level quantum system with high and low frequency excitation. The system is continuously and simultaneously irradiated by these two waves. If the frequency of the first signal is close to the level separation the response of the system exhibits undamped low frequency oscillations whose amplitude has a clear resonance at the Rabi frequency with the width being dependent on the damping rates of the system. The method can be useful for low frequency Rabi spectroscopy in various physical systems which are described by a two level Hamiltonian, such as nuclei spins in NMR, double well quantum dots, superconducting flux and charge qubits, etc. As the examples, the application of the method to a nuclear spin and to the readout of a flux qubit are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, the figures are modifie
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