105 research outputs found

    Contemporary issues of Russian population’s health economics

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    © 2015, MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. Theory and practice of public health promotion in today’s Russia are considered in the article which is based on substitution of healthcare service economics for public health economics. Herewith various approaches to health economics are analyzed: human capital theory, human development theory, public health care concept and models of public health. Special attention is paid to determining risk factors of public health in the Russian Federation and policy of a healthy lifestyle. In particular, it is defined in a new Government program of the Russian Federation “Public health services development” for 2013-2020. Students’ physical education and development and expansion of the Russian Federation cities’ participation in the “Healthy cities” project carried out by the European regional bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO) are matters of great importance

    Medical care delivery at the XXVII world Summer Universiade Kazan 2013

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. Medical care system is one of the important part in terms of the international sports events. It is clear that one of the key factors of success of international multi-sport competitions such as Olympic Games and Universiade is well established system of medical care delivery. The purpose of this paper was to analyze experience of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 and to propose a practical framework methodology to assist construction of the health care system and medical service system in terms of mass international sporting events

    Features and peculiarities of the Russian passenger rail market development

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    The article describes the process of forming a passenger rail transport market in Russia and its division into market segments. Specific factors of competitive environment, the main characteristics of passenger rail transport market in Russia, the state regulation of tariffs for passenger railway transport and subsidization of tariffs for the use of rail infrastructure of public transport were considered. The main attention is devoted to innovative trends in the development of passenger rail market, including high-speed transport

    Medical services during the XXVII world summer universiade 2013 in Kazan

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    Public health is the most important factor in economic, political, social and cultural development of the country. Health is a fundamental, essential and socially important value. Health care system plays a substantial role in economic growth. Health care system - is one of the most important key factor in the preparation of any massive international event. The Success of such events largely depends on preparing of the health care system and medical service system. Medical service system is the most important in terms of the international sports events. Singularities of such events are: mass gatherings; the international level of the event; the probability of sports injuries among athletes, the need for athletes training and preparation, the doping control; the probability of emergency situations when a lot of people need medical assistance. Experience of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan can be called the most successful and efficient. Preparation of medical service system played one of the main role in success of this event. So it defined the purpose of this article: to analyze experience of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013. Accordingly, this study proposes a practical framework methodology to assist construction of the health care system and medical service system in terms of mass international sporting events

    Clinical and economic analysis and its role in healthcare quality management

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    The increasing costs of public health and a growing demand for high-level medicine require the development of efficient economic methods of evaluation and quality management. This article proves that the Clinical and Economic Analysis (C&EA) is the most efficient in terms of cost-benefits. Furthermore, the article defines the role of C&EA by using the principles of evidence-based medicine. A comparative study of the Russian and European experience of C&EA is carried out, with an emphasis on Russian healthcare problems. The article concludes that a modernized C&EA methodology should be introduced, taking into account the European - particularly the French - model of healthcare. © IDOSI Publications, 2013


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    Introduction. In recent decades, diverse scientific directions have been actively developed at the interface between various fields of knowledge, including social sciences and humanities. Interdisciplinary research provides a high-quality “unification” of achievements of different sciences and gains fundamental value, since they allow full information on this or that studied subject or phenomenon to be received and options of optimum solutions for difficult research tasks to be obtained. However, there are two problem zones in an integrative trend of knowledge – ontological and epistemological origin.The aim of the research was to reveal the potential of interdisciplinary research and integration of diverse directions from several disciplines by the example of musical psychology. Methodology and research methods. The provisions of the system-integrative approach and the concept of “meta-individual world” (MIW) were employed. The MIW theory justifies the heterogeneous, multi-qualitative, multi-determined nature of poly-systems. Results and scientific novelty. The subject field of musical psychology is outlined and characterised. It is shown that now it is shattered into multi-directional components from the field of psychology and musicology, which links are poorly articulated. The reason is not only in heterogeneity of basic psychological and musicological concepts, but also in the discrepancy of ontological status of objects and objects of two key structural components of the sphere under discussion. Nevertheless, there is urgent necessity for their cross-disciplinary integration and elimination of epistemological dualism in the development of scientific industry. The theoretical and logical grounds for the introduction of the concepts of  “musicological” and “psychological” musical psychology are obviously provided. Differences between them are shown: if the first is turned to a piece of music, then the second – to mentality of a composer and a musician. However, they generate unequal phenomenology and lie outside to each other, although they move in the opposite direction. Therefore, the need for creation of integrative musical psychology (IMP) as psychogenetics, psychophysiology, ethnopsychology or behavioural geography is recognised. As the integrative prototype, it is proposed to use the concept of MIW, which supports the pluralistic view on IMP, i.e. IMP considers individuality (personality, mentality, consciousness) and world (external realities, social groups, culture, art) in a coherent manner. The authors proposed the idea of musical psychology transcendence – bidirectional transitions from one its subject field to another. The main point of existence of such transitions consists in the emergence of the phenomena of otherness as the form (way) of overcoming gaps between subject areas of “psychological” and “musicological” musical psychology. The present research concretises and justifies the ways of formation and development of IMP and contributes to the methodology of social sciences and humanities.Practical significance. The research materials are of practical importance for education of graduates of musical and art specialties. In the teaching and educational process, it is necessary to use the potential of two aspects of musical psychology, but not separately, in order to form and develop in students the skills of transcendental perception and analysis of pieces of music. Введение. В последние десятилетия в науке, в том числе в ее общественно-гуманитарной области, активно развиваются направления на стыке различных отраслей знания. Междисциплинарные исследования, благодаря которым происходит качественное соединение достижений разных наук, приобретают фундаментальное значение, поскольку они позволяют получить максимально полные сведения о том или ином изучаемом предмете либо явлении и найти варианты оптимальных решений для сложных исследовательских задач. Однако в интегративном тренде знаний обнаруживаются, по крайней мере, две проблемные зоны – онтологического и эпистемологического происхождения. Цель исследования, которому посвящена статья, – раскрыть на примере музыкальной психологии потенциал междисциплинарного исследования и интеграции разнокачественных образований из нескольких дисциплин. Методология и методики. В работе использовались положения системно-интегративного подхода к изучению человека и концепции «метаиндивидуального мира» (МИМ), базирующейся на представлениях о гетерогенной, многокачественной, многодетерминированной природе полисистем. Результаты и научная новизна. Очерчено и охарактеризовано предметное поле музыкальной психологии. Показано, что в настоящее время оно раздроблено на разнонаправленные составляющие из области психологии и музыкознания, связи между которыми слабо артикулированы. Причина заключается не только в разнородности базовых психологических и музыковедческих понятий, но и в несовпадении онтологического статуса объектов и предметов двух ключевых структурных компонентов обсуждаемой сферы. Вместе с тем явственно ощущается потребность их междисциплинарной интеграции и устранения эпистемологического дуализма в развитии научной отрасли. Впервые теоретически и логически сформулированы основания для введения понятий «музыковедческой» и «психоведческой» музыкальных психологий. Показаны различия между ними: если первая обращена к собственно музыкальному произведению, то вторая – к психике композитора и музыканта. И хотя они порождают неодинаковые феноменологии и внеположны друг другу, но движутся во встречном направлении. Поэтому акцентируется необходимость построения интегративной музыкальной психологии (ИМП) по типу психогенетики, психофизиологии, этнопсихологии или поведенческой географии. В качестве интеграционного прототипа предлагается концепция МИМ, которая допускает плюралистический взгляд на ИМП и в которой индивидуальность (личность, психика, сознание) и мир (внешние реалии, социальные группы, культура, искусство) рассматриваются в едином ключе. Выдвигается идея трансцендентности музыкальной психологии – двунаправленных переходов из одного ее предметного поля в другое. Главный смысл наличия таких переходов состоит в появлении феноменов инобытия как формы (способа) преодоления разрывов между предметными областями «психоведческой»и «музыковедческой» музыкальной психологии. Изложенное исследование конкретизирует пути становления и укрепления ИМП и вносит свою лепту в методологию гуманитарно-общественных наук в целом. Практическая значимость. Материалы публикации имеют важное прикладное значение для подготовки выпускников музыкальных и искусствоведческих специальностей. В учебно-воспитательном процессе следует использовать потенциал двух аспектов музыкальной психологии совместно, а не по отдельности, формируя и развивая у студентов умения и навыки трансцендентного восприятия и анализа музыкальных произведений

    The effectiveness of management practice in the market of socially important services

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    © 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The management system of provision of socially important services is not good traditionally in any country. Problems are objective regularities of functioning of this sector, losing sight the objective laws in interaction between consumers and producers and the established practice of management in the market of socially significant services. This article discusses the patterns of management practice that must be taken in attention so the point of view of achieving maximum efficiency in the market of socially significant services. Midpoint in analysis becomes the consumer behavior in the market of socially important services; motives for his behavior and management practice of organizations which operating in this market. The target program which developed by the state don’t tackle the real problems of this sector of the economy. These programs set performance criteria that don’t reflect customer's requirements, and consequently, the sector of socially important services will remain ineffective in the eyes of a key customer. The concept of an effectiveness of the system of supplying socially important services requires the consideration of social, professional and economic efficiency. However, economic efficiency as key criteria for organizations in the market of socially important services cannot be exclusive and unique. Only professionalism in execution of key business processes can provide long-term economic efficiency in the organization. However, many organizations in the market of socially important services where the main goal become criteria of economic efficiency, provide only short-term economic effect, destroying themselves professionally and disappearing in the market

    Перевод Библии на языки коренных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока: описание текущей ситуации

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    The article is focused on the problem of the Bible translation into the languages of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East. The purpose of the study is to highlight the current Bible translation into the languages of the peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East. The authors stress the importance of the Bible as a source of cultural heritage and a means of support and maintaining of the dying or minority languages through its translations. The history of the Bible translation as a whole and more narrowly – on the materials of the Russian Institute for Bible Translation is given in the article, with the corresponding description of the problems which the translators face. The main difficulties as regards the translation of the Bible into the languages of ethnic minorities are complex grammar structures, absence of full equivalents of culture-specific languages in the target languages, and the insufficient fluency of the recipients of the texts in their native languages. The translation process involves consulting with the international array of specialists in these languages and the approbation by the native speakersСтатья посвящена проблеме перевода Библии на языки коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Цель исследования – осветить современный перевод Библии на языки народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Авторы подчеркивают важность Библии как источника культурного наследия и средства поддержки умирающих языков или языков меньшинств посредством ее переводов. В статье приведена история перевода Библии в целом и более узко – по материалам Российского института перевода Библии, с соответствующим описанием проблем, с которыми сталкиваются переводчики. Основными трудностями при переводе Библии на языки этнических меньшинств являются сложные грамматические структуры, отсутствие полных эквивалентов языков, специфичных для конкретной культуры, в языках перевода и недостаточное свободное владение получателями текстов их родным языко

    Monitoring of coronavirus infection in the kyrgyz population

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    Purpose of the study: to study the dynamics of developing herd immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in the population of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan during COVID-19. Materials and methods. The work was carried out using the methodology for assessing population immunity developed by Rospotrebnadzor (Russia) as well as the Ministry of Health (Kypgyzstan) and the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute. The selection of participants was carried out by questionnaire using a cloud (Internet server) service. To monitor population immunity, a cohort of 2421 subjects was formed, who participated in all stages of seromonitoring. Volunteers were randomized according to age groups (1–17, 18–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70+ years), regional and professional factors. Antibodies (Abs) against SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (Nc) and the receptor binding domain (RBD) of S-glycoprotein were determined by qualitative and quantitative methods. The study was carried out in 3 stages according to a single scheme: 1st stage — 06/28–07/03/2021, 2nd — 21–25/02/2022 and 3rd — 31/10–04/11/2022. Since 2021, Kyrgyzstan has been vaccinating the population against SARS-CoV-2 mainly using inactivated whole-virion vaccines. Results. Population immunity against SARS-CoV-2 was predominantly accounted for by both Ab types (Nc+RBD+). By the 3rd stage, the percentage of such persons reached 99.2%, Nc–RBD– volunteers — up to 0.8%. At the 1st stage, middle-aged people dominated, but age differences were leveled out by the 2nd stage. The greatest impact on seroprevalence was found among medical workers, the smallest — among businessmen and industrial workers. Populational vaccination significantly impacted on the state of herd immunity that reached 25% by the 3rd stage. The refusals of the population in Kyrgyz Republic from vaccination noted at the 2nd and especially 3rd stages did not significantly affect level of herd immunity, which could probably be associated with asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, against which primary vaccination had a booster effect. Conclusion. The dynamics of population humoral immunity against SARS-CoV-2 included a number of changes in the level of circulating antibodies (Nc, RBD), caused by both primary infection and vaccination. The herd immunity formed in population of Kyrgyzstan allowed to reduce the incidence of COVID-19 to almost sporadic level

    Achievement of maximal SARS-CoV-2 collective immunity among the Tajik population by March 2022

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    Despite all efforts of the world community, the COVID-19 pandemic remains one of the main epidemiological challenges of our time. Even with its widespread distribution, the infection may have certain local features due to social, geographic, and climatic factors. Objective: to study collective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the population of the Republic of Tajikistan.A cross-sectional, randomized study of herd immunity was carried out according to a program developed by Rospotrebnadzor and the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute, taking into account WHO recommendations. The ethics committees of the corresponding entities approved the study: Tajik Ministry of Health and Social Protection; and the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute (Russia). Based on questionnaire results, 4,022 people were selected, representing 0.15% (95% CI: 0.14-0.15) of the total population randomized by age and region. In subsequent laboratory analysis, 3682 people took part. The distribution and quantitative content of antibodies (Abs) to viral nucleocapsid (N Ag) and receptor binding domain (RBD Ag) were determined by ELISA. When questioned, a history of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was indicated by 69.7% (95% CI: 68.2-71.2) of the volunteer cohort. Vector vaccines were most frequently used (50.6%; 95% CI: 48.7-52.5), with whole-virion inactivated preparations in second place (23.0%: 95% CI: 21.4-26.6) and mRNA vaccines in third place (21.0%; 95% CI:19.4-22.6).The cohort (n = 3682) featured 27.5% men and 72.5% women. The overall seroprevalence was 98.5% (95% CI: 97.7-99.2) in men and 99.4% (95% CI: 99.0-99.6) in women (differences statistically insignificant). Overall seroprevalence in the cohort was 99.2% (95% CI: 98.8-99.4) and ranged from 97.2 to 100% in certain subgroups. Asymptomatic seropositivity in the whole cohort was 98.4% (95% CI: 97.6-99.1). As a result of a mandatory vaccination program introduced in Tajikistan under a COVID-19 Emergency Project, the level of herd immunity among vaccinated individuals reached 99.5% (95% CI: 99.1-99.7), which is similar to the level reached in the cohort as a whole.The epidemic situation that developed in Tajikistan by mid-March 2022 was characterized by an almost absolute level of herd immunity, as evidenced by an absence of detected overt COVID-19 cases since the end of February (2022)