25,073 research outputs found

    Exact Solution for the Metric and the Motion of Two Bodies in (1+1) Dimensional Gravity

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    We present the exact solution of two-body motion in (1+1) dimensional dilaton gravity by solving the constraint equations in the canonical formalism. The determining equation of the Hamiltonian is derived in a transcendental form and the Hamiltonian is expressed for the system of two identical particles in terms of the Lambert WW function. The WW function has two real branches which join smoothly onto each other and the Hamiltonian on the principal branch reduces to the Newtonian limit for small coupling constant. On the other branch the Hamiltonian yields a new set of motions which can not be understood as relativistically correcting the Newtonian motion. The explicit trajectory in the phase space (r,p)(r, p) is illustrated for various values of the energy. The analysis is extended to the case of unequal masses. The full expression of metric tensor is given and the consistency between the solution of the metric and the equations of motion is rigorously proved.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, 16 figure

    Chaos in an Exact Relativistic 3-body Self-Gravitating System

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    We consider the problem of three body motion for a relativistic one-dimensional self-gravitating system. After describing the canonical decomposition of the action, we find an exact expression for the 3-body Hamiltonian, implicitly determined in terms of the four coordinate and momentum degrees of freedom in the system. Non-relativistically these degrees of freedom can be rewritten in terms of a single particle moving in a two-dimensional hexagonal well. We find the exact relativistic generalization of this potential, along with its post-Newtonian approximation. We then specialize to the equal mass case and numerically solve the equations of motion that follow from the Hamiltonian. Working in hexagonal-well coordinates, we obtaining orbits in both the hexagonal and 3-body representations of the system, and plot the Poincare sections as a function of the relativistic energy parameter η\eta . We find two broad categories of periodic and quasi-periodic motions that we refer to as the annulus and pretzel patterns, as well as a set of chaotic motions that appear in the region of phase-space between these two types. Despite the high degree of non-linearity in the relativistic system, we find that the the global structure of its phase space remains qualitatively the same as its non-relativisitic counterpart for all values of η\eta that we could study. However the relativistic system has a weaker symmetry and so its Poincare section develops an asymmetric distortion that increases with increasing η\eta . For the post-Newtonian system we find that it experiences a KAM breakdown for η0.26\eta \simeq 0.26: above which the near integrable regions degenerate into chaos.Comment: latex, 65 pages, 36 figures, high-resolution figures available upon reques

    Higher Gauge Theory and Gravity in (2+1) Dimensions

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    Non-abelian higher gauge theory has recently emerged as a generalization of standard gauge theory to higher dimensional (2-dimensional in the present context) connection forms, and as such, it has been successfully applied to the non-abelian generalizations of the Yang-Mills theory and 2-form electrodynamics. (2+1)-dimensional gravity, on the other hand, has been a fertile testing ground for many concepts related to classical and quantum gravity, and it is therefore only natural to investigate whether we can find an application of higher gauge theory in this latter context. In the present paper we investigate the possibility of applying the formalism of higher gauge theory to gravity in (2+1) dimensions, and we show that a nontrivial model of (2+1)-dimensional gravity coupled to scalar and tensorial matter fields - the ΣΦEA\Sigma\Phi EA model - can be formulated both as a standard gauge theory and as a higher gauge theory. Since the model has a very rich structure - it admits as solutions black-hole BTZ-like geometries, particle-like geometries as well as Robertson-Friedman-Walker cosmological-like expanding geometries - this opens a wide perspective for higher gauge theory to be tested and understood in a relevant gravitational context. Additionally, it offers the possibility of studying gravity in (2+1) dimensions coupled to matter in an entirely new framework.Comment: 22 page

    The Symmetries of Nature

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    The study of the symmetries of nature has fascinated scientists for eons. The application of the formal mathematical description of symmetries during the last century has produced many breakthroughs in our understanding of the substructure of matter. In this talk, a number of these advances are discussed, and the important role that George Sudarshan played in their development is emphasize

    New Types of Thermodynamics from (1+1)(1+1)-Dimensional Black Holes

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    For normal thermodynamic systems superadditivity §\S, homogeneity \H and concavity \C of the entropy hold, whereas for (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional black holes the latter two properties are violated. We show that (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional black holes exhibit qualitatively new types of thermodynamic behaviour, discussed here for the first time, in which \C always holds, \H is always violated and §\S may or may not be violated, depending of the magnitude of the black hole mass. Hence it is now seen that neither superadditivity nor concavity encapsulate the meaning of the second law in all situations.Comment: WATPHYS-TH93/05, Latex, 10 pgs. 1 figure (available on request), to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Chaos in a Relativistic 3-body Self-Gravitating System

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    We consider the 3-body problem in relativistic lineal gravity and obtain an exact expression for its Hamiltonian and equations of motion. While general-relativistic effects yield more tightly-bound orbits of higher frequency compared to their non-relativistic counterparts, as energy increases we find in the equal-mass case no evidence for either global chaos or a breakdown from regular to chaotic motion, despite the high degree of non-linearity in the system. We find numerical evidence for a countably infinite class of non-chaotic orbits, yielding a fractal structure in the outer regions of the Poincare plot.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex, 3 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Conservation Laws and 2D Black Holes in Dilaton Gravity

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    A very general class of Lagrangians which couple scalar fields to gravitation and matter in two spacetime dimensions is investigated. It is shown that a vector field exists along whose flow lines the stress-energy tensor is conserved, regardless of whether or not the equations of motion are satisfied or if any Killing vectors exist. Conditions necessary for the existence of Killing vectors are derived. A new set of 2D black hole solutions is obtained for one particular member within this class of Lagrangians. One such solution bears an interesting resemblance to the 2D string-theoretic black hole, yet contains markedly different thermodynamic properties.Comment: 11 pgs. WATPHYS-TH92/0

    Reactor antineutrino spectra and their application to antineutrino-induced reactions. II

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    The antineutrino and electron spectra associated with various nuclear fuels are calculated. While there are substantial differences between the spectra of different uranium and plutonium isotopes, the dependence on the energy and flux of the fission-inducing neutrons is very weak. The resulting spectra can be used for the calculation of the antineutrino and electron spectra of an arbitrary nuclear reactor at various stages of its refueling cycle. The sources of uncertainties in the spectrum are identified and analyzed in detail. The exposure time dependence of the spectrum is also discussed. The averaged cross sections of the inverse neutron β decay, weak charged and neutral-current-induced deuteron disintegration, and the antineutrino-electron scattering are then evaluated using the resulting ν̅_e spectra. [RADIOACTIVITY, FISSION 235U, 238U, (^239)Pu, (^240)Pu, (^241)Pu, antineutrino and electron spectra calculated. σ for ν̅ induced reactions analyzed.

    Gauge Formulation of the Spinning Black Hole in (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space

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    We compute the group element of SO(2,2) associated with the spinning black hole found by Ba\~nados, Teitelboim and Zanelli in (2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. We show that their metric is built with SO(2,2) gauge invariant quantities and satisfies Einstein's equations with negative cosmological constant everywhere except at r=0r=0. Moreover, although the metric is singular on the horizons, the group element is continuous and possesses a kink there.Comment: 10 page