9,711 research outputs found

    Seeding of Strange Matter with New Physics

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    At greater than nuclear densities, matter may convert into a mixture of nucleons, hyperons, dibaryons, and strangelets, thus facilitating the formation of strange matter even before the onset of the quark-matter phase transition. From a nonstrange dibaryon condensate, it may even be possible to leapfrog into strange matter with a certain new interaction, represented by an effective six-quark operator which is phenomenologically unconstrained.Comment: 7 pages, no figure (Talk given at SQM97

    On the Higher-Spin Spectrum in Large N Chern-Simons Vector Models

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    Chern-Simons gauge theories coupled to massless fundamental scalars or fermions define interesting non-supersymmetric 3d CFTs that possess approximate higher-spin symmetries at large N. In this paper, we compute the scaling dimensions of the higher-spin operators in these models, to leading order in the 1/N expansion and exactly in the 't Hooft coupling. We obtain these results in two independent ways: by using conformal symmetry and the classical equations of motion to fix the structure of the current non-conservation, and by a direct Feynman diagram calculation. The full dependence on the 't Hooft coupling can be restored by using results that follow from the weakly broken higher-spin symmetry. This analysis also allows us to obtain some explicit results for the non-conserved, parity-breaking structures that appear in planar three-point functions of the higher-spin operators. At large spin, we find that the anomalous dimensions grow logarithmically with the spin, in agreement with general expectations. This logarithmic behavior disappears in the strong coupling limit, where the anomalous dimensions turn into those of the critical O(N) or Gross-Neveu models, in agreement with the conjectured 3d bosonization duality.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figures. v3: Minor correction

    Knowledge Management (km) is a KRY to Industrial Age to Imformation Age

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    Today, one of the most important ways to achieve competitive advantage is the implementation of knowledge management. Knowledge management (KM) is one of the most significant initiatives in dealing with global competition and new business challenges. To be successful in this process, we should know and manage factors and process of knowledge management like knowledge creation, acquisition, knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing. KM efforts typically to focus on organizational objectives such as improved performance, competitive advantage, innovation, the sharing of lessons learned, integration and continuous improvement of the organization. “Most managers now seem to understand that they will find competitive advantage by tapping employee†most essential humanity, their ability to create, judge, imagines and build relationship. As an essential component of knowledge management systems, visualizations assist in creating; transferring and sharing knowledge in a wide range of contexts where knowledge workers need to explore, manage and get insights from tremendous volumes of dada. This paper is based on various concepts of KM and how in each century every change their focus from to one point to another point to achieve the success and how KM becomes most important in today’s world


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      Income taxation is one of the various ways of raising revenue for the Government. There is enough evidence to show that taxes on income were levied since ancient times. The great aims of human endeavor have been classified as being ‘Dharma’, Artha’, Kama, and ‘Moksha’, According to Kautilya’sArthashastra an ancient treatise on the study of economics, the art of governance and foreign policy. Artha has much wide are significance than wealth. An important part of the Arthashastra is the science of economic’, which, inter alia, includes taxation, revenue collections, budget and accounts. A list of taxes and dues is found in this treatise, which describes the duties of the chancellor and the officials responsible for revenue collection. The treatise also shows that taxes were collected in kind – grains, cattle, gold, forest produce, and so on

    Hypothesis Testing For Network Data in Functional Neuroimaging

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    In recent years, it has become common practice in neuroscience to use networks to summarize relational information in a set of measurements, typically assumed to be reflective of either functional or structural relationships between regions of interest in the brain. One of the most basic tasks of interest in the analysis of such data is the testing of hypotheses, in answer to questions such as "Is there a difference between the networks of these two groups of subjects?" In the classical setting, where the unit of interest is a scalar or a vector, such questions are answered through the use of familiar two-sample testing strategies. Networks, however, are not Euclidean objects, and hence classical methods do not directly apply. We address this challenge by drawing on concepts and techniques from geometry, and high-dimensional statistical inference. Our work is based on a precise geometric characterization of the space of graph Laplacian matrices and a nonparametric notion of averaging due to Fr\'echet. We motivate and illustrate our resulting methodologies for testing in the context of networks derived from functional neuroimaging data on human subjects from the 1000 Functional Connectomes Project. In particular, we show that this global test is more statistical powerful, than a mass-univariate approach. In addition, we have also provided a method for visualizing the individual contribution of each edge to the overall test statistic.Comment: 34 pages. 5 figure

    A Study of Presumptive Taxation under Income Tax 1961-A case study of trading concerns in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad area

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     “Taxes play a vital role in the development of the country. There are two types of taxes direct tax and Indirect tax. Income tax is a direct tax. It is imposed on income of the persons. There fore it plays very important role. Presumptive Tax is a one type of Income tax. It is calculated on the basis of turnover of the Assessee. The aim of this taxation is to increase tax base and increase in the number of tax payers. It also helps to the government to reduce compliance cost and administration cost. The researcher has studied the concept of presumptive taxation under The Income tax Act, 1961. The researcher has studied and found out how the presumptive tax provisions are tax friendly on various parameters to the Assessee.â

    “A Study of impact of Covid 19-corona virus on Indian Economy and possible remedies.”

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    “All the transactions in the world economy are stopped due to corona virus. The boarders of all the countries are closed down. It is a situation like a world war. But in the world war, the borders are not sealed or closed. But today situation is very different. The India is also suffering from this epidemic corona virus. All the border of the country is also sealed. The whole transactions are closed down. Production, trading, building, construction, financial, travelling, tourism, transport, agricultural, services and small and medium enterprises are all stopped. One cannot imagine like this situation in the country. The Mumbai, people say never stopped, is also stopped in this situation. The only one solution for this situation is stay at home. But staying at home cannot solve the financial and other needs of the human being. Therefore, under this paper, the researcher finds out the impact of covid 19 virus on economy and possible remedies.
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