166 research outputs found

    Intranight variability of 3C 454.3 during its 2010 November outburst

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    Context. 3C 454.3 is a very active flat spectrum radio quasar (blazar) that has undergone a recent outburst in all observed bands, including the optical. Aims. In this work we explore the short-term optical variability of 3C 454.3 during its outburst by searching for time delays between different optical bands. Finding one would be important for understanding the evolution of the spectrum of the relativistic electrons, which generate the synchrotron jet emission. Methods. We performed photometric monitoring of the object by repeating exposures in different optical bands (BVRI). Occasionally, different telescopes were used to monitor the object in the same band to verify the reliability of the smallest variations we observed. Results. Except on one occasion, where we found indications of a lag of the blue wavelengths behind the red ones, the results are inconclusive for most of the other cases. There were either no structures in the light curves to be able to search for patterns, or else different approaches led to different conclusions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Photometric and spectroscopic variability of the FUor star V582 Aurigae

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    We carried out BVRI CCD photometric observations in the field of V582 Aur from 2009 August to 2013 February. We acquired high-, medium-, and low-resolution spectroscopy of V582 Aur during this period. To study the pre-outburst variability of the target and construct its historical light curve, we searched for archival observations in photographic plate collections. Both CCD and photographic observations were analyzed using a sequence of 14 stars in the field of V582 Aur calibrated in BVRI. The pre-outburst photographic observations of V582 Aur show low-amplitude light variations typical of T Tauri stars. Archival photographic observations indicate that the increase in brightness began in late 1984 or early 1985 and the star reached the maximum level of brightness at 1986 January. The spectral type of V582 Aur can be defined as G0I with strong P Cyg profiles of H alpha and Na I D lines, which are typical of FU Orionis objects. Our BVRI photometric observations show large amplitude variations V~2.8 mag. during the 3.5 year period of observations. Most of the time, however, the star remains in a state close to the maximum brightness. The deepest drop in brightness was observed in the spring of 2012, when the brightness of the star fell to a level close to the pre-outburst. The multicolor photometric data show a color reversal during the minimum in brightness, which is typical of UX Ori variables. The corresponding spectral observations show strong variability in the profiles and intensities of the spectral lines (especially H alpha), which indicate significant changes in the accretion rate. On the basis of photometric monitoring performed over the past three years, the spectral properties of the maximal light, and the shape of the long-term light curve, we confirm the affiliation of V582 Aur to the group of FU Orionis objects.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Longidorus israelensis sp. n. (Nematoda : Dorylaimoidea), a parasite of carrot in Israel

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    #Longidorus israelensis sp. n., espèce parthénogénétique associée à des dégâts sur carotte en Israël, est décrite. Cette espèce est caractérisée par une grande longueur du corps (7,1-9,1 mm), une région labiale légèrement en relief et aplatie frontalement, des poches amphidiennes non bilobées, un long odontostyle (125-135 micromètres) et une queue courte, sub-hémisphérique (36-46 micromètres). Elle présente également une disposition inhabituelle des noyaux des glandes oesophagiennes. Les carottes attaquées par #L. israelensis sp. n. voient la croissance de leurs racines stoppée, le départ de racines secondaires et l'apparition de renflements à l'extrémité des racines. Il en résulte des carottes déformées et divisées en pluseiurs parties. Le nématode est généralement rencontré à des profondeurs du sol variant de 20 à 40 cm mais il peut migrer jusqu'à 40-100 cm de profondeur de façon à survivre pendant la période estivale chaude et sèche. (Résumé d'auteur

    The large amplitude outburst of the young star HBC 722 in NGC 7000/IC 5070, a new FU Orionis candidate

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    We report the discovery of a large amplitude outburst from the young star HBC 722 (LkHA 188 G4) located in the region of NGC 7000/IC 5070. On the basis of photometric and spectroscopic observations, we argue that this outburst is of the FU Orionis type. We gathered photometric and spectroscopic observations of the object both in the pre-outburst state and during a phase of increase in its brightness. The photometric BVRI data (Johnson-Cousins system) that we present were collected from April 2009 to September 2010. To facilitate transformation from instrumental measurements to the standard system, fifteen comparison stars in the field of HBC 722 were calibrated in the BVRI bands. Optical spectra of HBC 722 were obtained with the 1.3-m telescope of Skinakas Observatory (Crete, Greece) and the 0.6-m telescope of Schiaparelli Observatory in Varese (Italy). The pre-outburst photometric and spectroscopic observations of HBC 722 show both low amplitude photometric variations and an emission-line spectrum typical of T Tau stars. The observed outburst started before May 2010 and reached its maximum brightness in September 2010, with a recorded Delta V~4.7 mag. amplitude. Simultaneously with the increase in brightness the color indices changed significantly and the star became appreciably bluer. The light curve of HBC 722 during the period of rise in brightness is similar to the light curves of the classical FUors - FU Ori and V1057 Cyg. The spectral observations during the time of increase in brightness showed significant changes in both the profiles and intensity of the spectral lines. Only H alpha remained in emission, while the H beta, Na I 5890/5896, Mg I triplet 5174, and Ba II 5854/6497 lines were in strong absorption.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&