346 research outputs found

    Suffering and precarious ness at work in nursing

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    Objective: This present theoretical essay aims at analyzing the work of nursing in a double-sided way: that which produces pleasure because it allows creating and transforming reality, and that which produces suffering in capitalist societies because it limits the human possibilities of choice, creation, and enjoyment. Method: This study uses a reflexive and theoretical critical perspective about what is specific in the work of caring in nursing. Results: Generally, workers have their possibilities constrained by the capitalist mode of production, especially those in the private sector; however, the work in nursing has its specificities. The act of caring is inseparable from its consumption by users of health services. Conclusion: The contradictions and difficulties that permeate the process of nursing work in contemporary times are understood as part of a larger context in the world of work today. To understand the precariousness at work in nursing

    Content of Lipids, Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates, and Proteins in Continental Cyanobacteria: A Systematic Analysis and Database Application

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    The lipid, fatty acid, protein, and carbohydrate contents in cyanobacterial strains and biomass can vary by orders of magnitude. Many publications (thousands of peer-reviewed articles) require more work to extract their precise concentration values (i.e., different units, inaccurate data), which makes them not easily exploitable. For this purpose, tables have been compiled from the literature data, including lipids, fatty acids, proteins, and carbohydrates composition and quantities in cyanobacteria. A lot of data (323) were collected after careful a literature search, according to selected criteria in order to distinguish separately cyanobacteria, and according to categories of genus and species and generate average values of the contents of these cell components. These data are exploited in a first systematic analysis of the content in types of strains. Our database can be a powerful tool for biologists, chemists, and environmental agencies to determine the potential concentration of high-value chemical building blocks directly from low-value bloom biomass, cell cultures, or debris in the sediment, offering the potential to minimize environmental waste and add value to the agro-industrial residues. The database can also support strategies for food manufacturers to develop new products with optimized properties for veterinarian applications

    Incompatibilidade de combinações copa e porta-enxerto de citros.

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    Em citros, o porta-enxerto exerce influência marcante sobre atributos da variedade copa, tais como produção, porte de árvore, qualidade dos frutos e resposta a estresses abióticos e bióticos (POMPEU JUNIOR., 2005). Contudo, para a recomendação de uma nova combinação copa e porta-enxerto, faz-se necessário avaliar a compatibilidade entre as variedades. A incompatibilidade é uma desordem de origem fisiológica, caracterizada pela rejeição entre tecidos das variedades enxertadas, com apresentação de sintomas de fissuras, necrose de tecidos e exsudação de goma, crescimento diferenciado entre caules de copa e porta-enxerto, resultando em diferentes graus de soldadura e desenvolvimento anormal da copa (MÜLLER et al., 1996)

    Primer drama: a technical education product

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    Objective: To contribute to the training of nurses, with use of drama as a pedagogical strategy for teachinglearning process. Method: descriptive study with qualitative approach of data, with a theoretical perspective on the use of drama with educational strategy. Result: it is understood that the process of analysis of the role play should be taken by the expression of a collective nature senses, avoiding individual imprint analysis. The interpretation must respect the limits of the agreed subject to the group, valuing the local history and characteristics of the group. Conclusion: a primer dramatization as a technical product, an educational perspective helps, because it favors health promotion, noting the fact that we need to encourage the use of drama as a pedagogical strategy in vocational training in nursing

    Comportamento de espécies de citros para o Citrus Tristeza virus (CTV) em diferentes ecossistemas.

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    A tristeza dos citros, causada pelo Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), levou a dizimação dos pomares brasileiros em décadas passadas. O convívio com esta doença, endêmica no Brasil, só foi possível por meio da utilização de porta-enxertos tolerantes e pela pré-imunização de copas muito suscetíveis. O estabelecimento da citricultura em diferentes ecossistemas na Bahia, associado ao uso de novas variedades, torna necessário estudar o seu comportamento. Isto permitirá a seleção de plantas mais tolerantes para cada local.PDF. 161_11

    Qualidade de frutos de Tangelo Page sobre quatro porta-enxertos.

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    A citricultura é uma das principais atividades do agronegócio brasileiro. No entanto, o uso predominante de uma única variedade copa (laranjeira ?Pera? Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) enxertada em um único porta-enxerto (limoeiro ?Cravo? C. limonia Osbeck) torna a citricultura vulnerável, com riscos imprevisíveis. Enquanto o grupo das laranjeiras doces ocupa 90% dos pomares, as tangerineiras e seus híbridos restringem-se a 5%, o que contrasta com a tendência mundial no aumento do consumo de frutas cítricas ?fáceis de descascar? e sem sementes (VELAME, 2010)