9 research outputs found

    Prospects for the development of renewable energy for the energy supply of buildings in Russia

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    The article considers the significance of the problem of renewable energy and energy saving technology development. The potential of solar and geothermal energy in the Russian Federation, the feasibility of using stable and inexhaustible renewable energy sources for implementation in buildings and structures are discussed. Construction, operation of buildings and structures consume up to half of all generated energy in the world. The efficiency of enclosing structures significantly affects the energy saving of buildings and generates up to 30% of heat losses. Using renewable energy technology in construction is effective with enclosing structures with high thermal insulation characteristics. Territories of the Russian Federation with decentralized energy supply, characterized by low consumer power, lack of access to power grids, lack of fuel, harsh climatic conditions, and low population density, have a high potential for the implementation of renewable energy sources (RES) into the buildings. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006. Thank you to everyone who made useful comments on the text.Radionov A.A.Ulrikh D.V.Timofeyeva S.S.Alekhin V.N

    The potential for the development of renewable energy generation in Russian territories where the power supply system is decentralized

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    The problem of conservation of energy sources is actual in many countries. The energy strategies of developed countries are aimed at renewable energy sources. For instance, European Union has already developed a long-term strategy ENERGYSTRATEGY 2050 aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emission by more than 80-95% from 1990 levels. Russian Federation has also developed the national program "Energy saving and improvement of energy efficiency for the period until 2030". The distinctive feature of Russian energy system development is decentralized energy supply on large territories. Therefore, the renewable energy development is urgent. This article describes prospective directions of development of renewable energy generation systems in underpopulated and isolated territories of the Russian Federation where energy supply is decentralized. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Multilayer facade panel structure analysis

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    At present, the problem of energy saving is urgent in the world community. The construction and operation of buildings accounts for over 40% of all materials and energy. The problem of energy saving is an integral part of building design. The world experience shows that one of the most effective ways to reduce specific energy consumption in buildings is additional thermal insulation of enclosing structures. The research of different types of modern facade structures of buildings has led to the development of a new type of enclosing structure-a multilayer facade panel (MFP). This article presents the description of MFP construction and the results of the finite element analysis (FEA) with ANSYS solver. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Facade Structures for Energy-efficient Buildings

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    In recent years, there is a growing interest in energy-efficient building all over the world. This paper presents an analysis of the link between the upgrading of the building structures and overall sustainability of a building in the case of facade structures. This research combines such important aspects in design and construction as installation time of façades, energy efficiency and also flexibility of the architectural appearance of a building. The comparative analysis of different facade structures has been conducted in terms of energy efficiency, operation and installation time. The energy efficiency parameters of a facade structure are determined by thermo technical characteristics. The installation and labor costs are analyzed considering factory-assembled panels that are most frequently used in hard-to-reach regions with extreme weather conditions. The additional options for facade structures are also reviewed in the paper, that include microclimate control systems and ventilation facilities. Based on this study, the new type of the façade panel was created. This type of panel combines benefits of the studied facades. The paper presents the description of constructive solutions and thermo technical characteristics. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006. Thank you to everyone who made useful comments on the text

    Реконструкция школ в плотной городской застройке

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    The paper presents several projects of schools in Ekaterinburg with description and analysis of emerging problems in dense urban areas. This topic was presented in the framework of the international forum "100+ Technobuild" in the section "Schools of modern cities". Presently, Russia is implementing a large-scale program for the construction of new schools and the reconstruction of existing ones. In recent years, not just school buildings have been built, but a rethinking of the educational space is taking place, which is flexible. Such trends lead to the fact that a school building should become capable of changes and transformations, comfortable and multifunctional.В данной статье представлены проекты школ Екатеринбурга с описанием и анализом возникающих проблем в плотной городской застройке. Доклад в рамках секции «Школы современных городов» был представлен на международном строительном форуме "100+ Technobuild". В настоящее время в России реализуется масштабная программа по строительству новых школ и реконструкции существующих. В последние годы строятся уже не просто школьные здания, а происходит переосмысление образовательного пространства, которое отличается гибкостью и индивидуальным подходом к каждому ученику. Подобные тенденции подводят к тому, что школьное здание должно стать способным к изменениям и трансформациям, комфортным и многофункциональным