882 research outputs found

    Clifford algebras and new singular Riemannian foliations in spheres

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    Using representations of Clifford algebras we construct indecomposable singular Riemannian foliations on round spheres, most of which are non-homogeneous. This generalizes the construction of non-homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces due to by Ferus, Karcher and Munzner.Comment: 21 pages. Construction of foliations in the Cayley plane added. Proofs simplified and presentation improved, according to referee's suggestions. To appear in Geom. Funct. Ana

    Aging Relation for Ising Spin Glasses

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    We derive a rigorous dynamical relation on aging phenomena -- the aging relation -- for Ising spin glasses using the method of gauge transformation. The waiting-time dependence of the auto-correlation function in the zero-field-cooling process is equivalent with that in the field-quenching process. There is no aging on the Nishimori line; this reveals arguments for dynamical properties of the Griffiths phase and the mixed phase. The present method can be applied to other gauge-symmetric models such as the XY gauge glass.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 2 postscript figure

    Non-equilibrium Relations for Spin Glasses with Gauge Symmetry

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    We study the applications of non-equilibrium relations such as the Jarzynski equality and fluctuation theorem to spin glasses with gauge symmetry. It is shown that the exponentiated free-energy difference appearing in the Jarzynski equality reduces to a simple analytic function written explicitly in terms of the initial and final temperatures if the temperature satisfies a certain condition related to gauge symmetry. This result is used to derive a lower bound on the work done during the non-equilibrium process of temperature change. We also prove identities relating equilibrium and non-equilibrium quantities. These identities suggest a method to evaluate equilibrium quantities from non-equilibrium computations, which may be useful to avoid the problem of slow relaxation in spin glasses.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to JPS

    Laboratory Measurement of the Pure Rotational Transitions of the HCNH+ and its Isotopic Species

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    The pure rotational transitions of the protonated hydrogen cyanide ion, HCNH+, and its isotopic species, HCND+ and DCND+, were measured in the 107 - 482 GHz region with a source modulated microwave spectrometer. The ions were generated in the cell with a magnetically confined dc-glow discharge of HCN and/or DCN. The rotational constant B0 and the centrifugal distortion constant D0 for each ion were precisely determined by a least-squares fitting to the observed spectral lines. The observed rotational transition frequencies by laboratory spectroscopy and the predicted ones are accurate in about 30 to 40 kHz and are useful as rest frequencies for astronomical searches of HCNH+ and HCND+.Comment: 14 pages in TeX, 1 figures in JPE

    Dynamical Gauge Theory for the XY Gauge Glass Model

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    Dynamical systems of the gauge glass are investigated by the method of the gauge transformation.Both stochastic and deterministic dynamics are treated. Several exact relations are derived among dynamical quantities such as equilibrium and nonequilibrium auto-correlation functions, relaxation functions of order parameter and internal energy. They provide physical properties in terms of dynamics in the SG phase, a possible mixed phase and the Griffiths phase, the multicritical dynamics and the aging phenomenon. We also have a plausible argument for the absence of re-entrant transition in two or higher dimensions.Comment: 3 figure

    Random Fixed Point of Three-Dimensional Random-Bond Ising Models

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    The fixed-point structure of three-dimensional bond-disordered Ising models is investigated using the numerical domain-wall renormalization-group method. It is found that, in the +/-J Ising model, there exists a non-trivial fixed point along the phase boundary between the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases. The fixed-point Hamiltonian of the +/-J model numerically coincides with that of the unfrustrated random Ising models, strongly suggesting that both belong to the same universality class. Another fixed point corresponding to the multicritical point is also found in the +/-J model. Critical properties associated with the fixed point are qualitatively consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Finite Size Scaling Analysis of Exact Ground States for +/-J Spin Glass Models in Two Dimensions

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    With the help of EXACT ground states obtained by a polynomial algorithm we compute the domain wall energy at zero-temperature for the bond-random and the site-random Ising spin glass model in two dimensions. We find that in both models the stability of the ferromagnetic AND the spin glass order ceases to exist at a UNIQUE concentration p_c for the ferromagnetic bonds. In the vicinity of this critical point, the size and concentration dependency of the first AND second moment of the domain wall energy are, for both models, described by a COMMON finite size scaling form. Moreover, below this concentration the stiffness exponent turns out to be slightly negative \theta_S = -0.056(6) indicating the absence of any intermediate spin glass phase at non-zero temperature.Comment: 7 pages Latex, 5 postscript-figures include

    Transient dynamics for sequence processing neural networks

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    An exact solution of the transient dynamics for a sequential associative memory model is discussed through both the path-integral method and the statistical neurodynamics. Although the path-integral method has the ability to give an exact solution of the transient dynamics, only stationary properties have been discussed for the sequential associative memory. We have succeeded in deriving an exact macroscopic description of the transient dynamics by analyzing the correlation of crosstalk noise. Surprisingly, the order parameter equations of this exact solution are completely equivalent to those of the statistical neurodynamics, which is an approximation theory that assumes crosstalk noise to obey the Gaussian distribution. In order to examine our theoretical findings, we numerically obtain cumulants of the crosstalk noise. We verify that the third- and fourth-order cumulants are equal to zero, and that the crosstalk noise is normally distributed even in the non-retrieval case. We show that the results obtained by our theory agree with those obtained by computer simulations. We have also found that the macroscopic unstable state completely coincides with the separatrix.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    A 2k2k-Vertex Kernel for Maximum Internal Spanning Tree

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    We consider the parameterized version of the maximum internal spanning tree problem, which, given an nn-vertex graph and a parameter kk, asks for a spanning tree with at least kk internal vertices. Fomin et al. [J. Comput. System Sci., 79:1-6] crafted a very ingenious reduction rule, and showed that a simple application of this rule is sufficient to yield a 3k3k-vertex kernel. Here we propose a novel way to use the same reduction rule, resulting in an improved 2k2k-vertex kernel. Our algorithm applies first a greedy procedure consisting of a sequence of local exchange operations, which ends with a local-optimal spanning tree, and then uses this special tree to find a reducible structure. As a corollary of our kernel, we obtain a deterministic algorithm for the problem running in time 4knO(1)4^k \cdot n^{O(1)}