306 research outputs found

    Berry phase in Magnetic Superconductors

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    In magnetic systems, electronic bands often acquire nontrivial topological structure characterized by gauge flux distribution in momentum (k)-space. It sometimes follows that the phase of the wavefunctions cannot be defined uniquely over the whole Brillouin zone. In this Letter we develop a theory of superconductivity in the presence of this gauge flux both in two- and three-dimensional systems. It is found that the superconducting gap has "nodes" as a function of k where the Fermi surface is penetrated by a gauge string.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, substantial changes in the presentation, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Spin Chirality Fluctuation and Anomalous Hall Effect in Itinerant Ferromagnets

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    The anomalous Hall effect due to the spin chirality order and fluctuation is studied theoretically in a Kondo lattice model without the relativistic spin-orbit interaction. Even without the correlations of the localized spins, σxy\sigma_{xy} can emerge depending on the lattice structure and the spin anisotropy. We reveal the condition for this chirality-fluctuation driven mechanism for σxy\sigma_{xy}. Our semiquantitative estimates for a pyrochlore oxide Nd2_2Mo2_2O7_7 give a finite \sigma_{xy} \sim 10 \Ohm^{-1} \cm^{-1} together with a high resistivity \rho_{xx} \sim 10^{-4}-10^{-3} \Ohm \cm, in agreement with experiments.Comment: 5 pages, including 4 figure

    Primary Bone Formation in Porous Hydroxyapatite Ceramic: A Light and Scanning Electron Microscopic Study

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    Porous hydroxyapatite ceramics combined with rat marrow cells were implanted subcutaneously in the back of syngeneic Fischer rats . Fluorochrome-labeling (calcein, tetracycline) was performed post-operatively and the ceramics were harvested 4 weeks after implantation. Undecalcified thin sections of the implants were observed under light microscopy or fluoromicroscopy and the corresponding areas were also analyzed in a scanning electron microscope connected to an electron probe microanalyzer (SEM-EPMA). Many pore areas of the ceramics showed bone and osteoid formation together with active osteoblasts. The bone formation began directly on the surface of the ceramic and proceeded in a centripetal direction towards the center of the pores. SEM-EPMA analysis revealed continuous high levels of calcium and phosphorus in bone/ceramic interface and a gradual decrease of these levels in the osteoid region. These results indicate that the interaction between osteoblasts and ceramic surface resulted in bone formation

    Chirality driven anomalous Hall effect in weak coupling regime

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    Anomalous Hall effect arising from non-trivial spin configuration (chirality) is studied based on the ss-dd model. Considering a weak coupling case, the interaction is treated perturbatively. Scattering by normal impurities is included. Chirality is shown to drive locally Hall current and leads to overall Hall effect if there is a finite uniform chirality. This contribution is independent of the conventional spin-orbit contribution and shows distinct low temperature behavior. In mesoscopic spin glasses, chirality-induced anomalous Hall effect is expected below the spin-glass transition temperature. Measurement of Hall coefficient would be useful in experimentally confirming the chirality ordering

    Topological Nature of Anomalous Hall Effect in Ferromagnet

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    The anomalous Hall effect in two-dimensional ferromagnets is discussed to be the physical realization of the parity anomaly in (2+1)D, and the band crossing points behave as the topological singularity in the Brillouin zone. This appears as the sharp peaks and the sign changes of the transverse conductance σxy\sigma_{xy} as a function of the Fermi energy and/or the magnetization. The relevance to the experiments including the three dimensional systems is also discussed.Comment: LaTeX 13 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Spin Pump in S=1/2 antiferromagnetic chains -Holonomy of phase operators in sine-Gordon theory-

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    In this paper, we propose the quantum spin pumping in quantum spin systems where an applied electric field (EE) and magnetic field (HH) cause a finite spin gap to its critical ground state. When these systems are subject to alternating electromangetic fields; (E,H)=(sin2πtT,cos2πtT)(E,H)=(\sin\frac{2\pi t}{T},\cos\frac{2\pi t}{T}) and travel along the {\it{loop}} Γloop\Gamma_{\rm{loop}} which encloses their critical ground state in this EE-HH phase diagram, the locking potential in the sine-Gordon model slides and changes its minimum. As a result, the phase operator acquires 2π2\pi holonomy during one cycle along Γloop\Gamma_{\rm{loop}}, which means that the quantized spin current has been transported through the bulk systems during this adiabatic process. The relevance to real systems such as Cu-benzoate and Yb4As3{\rm{Yb}}_4{\rm{As}}_3 is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) no. 4. Typos corrected in the revised versio

    Scalar chiral ground states of spin ladders with four-spin exchanges

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    We show that scalar chiral order can be induced by four-spin exchanges in the two-leg spin ladder, using the spin-chirality duality transformation and matrix-product ansatz. Scalar-chiral-ordered states are found to be exact ground states in a family of spin ladder models. In this scalar chiral phase, there is a finite energy gap above the doubly degenerate ground states and a Z2×Z2×Z2Z_2 \times Z_2 \times Z_2 symmetry is fully broken. It is also shown that the SU(4)-symmetric model, which is self-dual under the duality transformation, is on a multicritical point surrounded by the staggered dimer phase, the staggered scalar chiral phase, and the gapless phase.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    AFe2As2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu) and SrFe_(2-x)TM_(x)As2 (TM = Mn, Co, Ni): crystal structure, charge doping, magnetism and superconductivity

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    The electronic structure and physical properties of the pnictide compound families REREOFeAs (RERE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm), AAFe2_{2}As2_{2} (AA = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu), LiFeAs and FeSe are quite similar. Here, we focus on the members of the AAFe2_{2}As2_{2} family whose sample composition, quality and single crystal growth are better controllable compared to the other systems. Using first principles band structure calculations we focus on understanding the relationship between the crystal structure, charge doping and magnetism in AAFe2_{2}As2_{2} systems. We will elaborate on the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural distortion along with the associated magnetic order and anisotropy, influence of doping on the AA site as well as on the Fe site, and the changes in the electronic structure as a function of pressure. Experimentally, we investigate the substitution of Fe in SrFe2xTMx_{2-x}TM_{x}As2_{2} by other 3dd transition metals, TMTM = Mn, Co, Ni. In contrast to a partial substitution of Fe by Co or Ni (electron doping) a corresponding Mn partial substitution does not lead to the supression of the antiferromagnetic order or the appearance of superconductivity. Most calculated properties agree well with the measured properties, but several of them are sensitive to the As zz position. For a microscopic understanding of the electronic structure of this new family of superconductors this structural feature related to the Fe-As interplay is crucial, but its correct ab initio treatment still remains an open question.Comment: 27 pages, single colum

    Raman scattering study of anomalous charge-, spin-, and lattice-dynamics in the charge-ordered phase of Bi1xCaxMnO3{\bf Bi}_{1-x}{\bf Ca}_x{\bf MnO}_3 (x>0.5x>0.5)

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    We report an inelastic light scattering study of the effects of charge-ordering on the spin-, charge-, and lattice-dynamics in Bi1xCaxMnO3{\rm Bi}_{1-x}{\rm Ca}_{x}{\rm MnO}_3 (x>0.5)(x>0.5). We find that charge-ordering results in anomalous phonon behavior, such as the appearance of `activated' modes. More significantly, however, the transition to the CO phase results in the appearance of a quasielastic scattering response with the symmetry of the spin chirality operator (T1gT_{1g}); this scattering response is thus indicative of magnetic or chiral spin fluctuations in the AFM charge-ordered phase.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (Oct. 2000