8 research outputs found

    GIS-Based Road Transport Infrastructure Management System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study focus on the GIS-Based Road Transport infrastructure Management System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study covered Adamawa central which comprises of seven local government areas namely; Yola North (Jimeta), Yola South, Fufore, Gerei, Song, Gombi and Hong. Satellite images, road transport map, road transport documents, bridges pictures, road pictures as well as the bridges and the roundabout coordinate were all used to obtain the final results for the study. The satellite images were Spot image of 2012 and Geogle Earth image of 2013. The satellite images and road map were used in updating the road transport map, the road transport documents as well the road, bridge and roundabout picture were used as an inventory in building the geodatabase for the GIS-Based road transport infrastructure management system and some of the roads, bridge and roundabout coordinates were used for hyperlinking the pictures to the spatial reference.ArcGIS 10.1, Microsoft 2013 and AO scanner was used for the entire thesis work, the thesis critically observed the process involved in GIS-Based road transport infrastructure Management system for the selected road transport Infrastructures for Adamawa central, analysis were performed for proper decision-making on how to manage the  road transport infrastructures. The result reveals that Geographic Information System as a very important system can be used in data collection, entry, development, management and analysis. The research also show that the process of converting the traditional database system to a Geographical Information System (GIS) required in the planning will and commitment. It is recommended that government should establish GIS unit in the federal and state ministry of transports board and also encourage the local government areas to do the same for proper planning and development of road transport infrastructure and management system for easy management and control of its facilities. Keywords: ArcGIS 10.1, GIS, bridges pictures, road pictures, Road Transport Inventory, Road Transport Map, Road Transport Documents, Geodatabase. Sport Image, Google Earth Imag

    Development of GIS-Based Road Transport Information Management System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted on the Development of Gis-Baesd Road Transport Information Mamagenmet System for Adamawa Central, Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study covered Adamawa central which comprises of seven local government areas nanell; Yola North (Jimeta), Yola South, Fufore, Gerei, Song, Gombi and Hong. Satellite images, road transport map, road transport documents, as well as the bridges and the roundabout coordinate were all used to obtain the final results for the study. The satellite images were Spot image of 2012 and Geogle Earth image of 2013. The satellite images and road map were used in updating the road transport map, the road transport documents as well the road, bridge and roundabout picture were used as an inventory in building the geodatabase for the development of the GIS-Based road transport iformation management system and some of the roads, bridge and roundabout coordinates were used for hyperlinking the pictures to the spatial reference.ArcGIS 10.1, Microsoft 2013 and AO scanner was used for the entire thesis work, the thesis critically observed the process involved in Developing a GIS-Based road transport information Management system for the various road transport Infrastructures for Adamawa central, analysis were performed for proper decision-making on how to manage the  road transport infrastructures. The result reveals that Geographic Information System as a very important system can be used in data collection, entry, development, management and analysis. The research also show that the process of converting the traditional database system to a Geographical Information System (GIS) does not require the hi-tech knowledge and equipment common in science fictions and movies, but what is required in the planning will and commitment. It is recommended that government should establish GIS unit in the federal and state ministry of transports board and also encourage the local government areas to do the same for proper planning and development of road transport infrastructure and management for easy management and control of its facilities. Keywords: ArcGIS 10.1, GIS, Road Transport, Road Transport Inventory, Road Transport Map, Road Transport Documents, Geodatabase. Sport Image, Google Earth Imag

    Increasing Levels of Metal Pollutants in River Kubanni Zaria, Nigeria

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    Abstract: The study examines the increasing levels of concentration of metal pollutants in river Kubanni Zaria, Nigeria. The main sources of data for the study are sediments from four distinctive zones of river Kubanni and materials from previous studies on the river. The samples were collected from the river for a period of eleven months, they were prepared in the laboratory and the Instrumental Nitrogen Activation Analysis (INAA) was adopted in the analysis of the data using Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1). Twenty-nine metal pollutants (Mg, Al, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Dy, Na, K As, Br, La, Sm, Yb, U, Sc, Cr, Zn, Fe, Co, Rb, Cs, Ba, Eu, Hf, K, Ta, Sb and Tb) are identified in river Kubanni in various levels of concentration. A comparative analysis shows that there is steady increase in the levels of concentration of metal pollutants from 2001 to 2004 and to 2008 with resultant possible hazards on the population that depends on the river as the main source of water for domestic purposes. The reason for this increase in the levels of concentration of metal pollutants in river Kubanni is credited mainly to increase in anthropogenic activities within the catchment area. Finally the study makes useful recommendations on how to minimize the loading of river Kubanni with metal pollutants

    Assessment of Metal contaminants in River Kubanni;

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    Abstract: This study examines the levels of concentration of metal pollutants in river Kubanni and the health implications of these metal contaminants. The main sources of data for the study were sediments from long profile of the river and WHO guidelines for drinking water that were obtained from relevant literatures and internet. The samples were prepared and Instrumental Nitrogen Activation Analysis (INAA) was adopted in the analysis of the data using Nigerian Research Reactor -1 (NIRR-1). Twenty nine metal contaminants (Mg, Al, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Dy, Na, K, As, Br, La, Sm, Yb, U, Sc, Cr, Zn, Fe, Co, Rb, Cs, Ba, Eu, Lu, Hg, Ta, Sb and Th) were identified in the river. The safety levels of the metal contaminants were examined by comparing the obtained values with WHO guidelines for domestic water and it was observed that the river is getting polluted by Al, Mn, As, U, Cr, Fe, Co, Zn, Ba, Na and Sb with severe health implications on the consumers of the river Kubanni water. The levels of concentration of Mg, Ca, Ti, V, Dy, K, Br, La, Sm, Yb, Sc, Hg, Ta, Rb, Cs, Eu, Lu and Th are also high, although there is no WHO standard for comparison, some of these metals are suspected to be harmful to humans when consumed in excess quantity

    Households’ Constraints to Effective Adaptation to Drought among Rural Communities in Extreme Northern Region of Jigawa State

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    Drought is the most problematic phenomenon affecting the socio-economic activities of most of the Jigawa state people especially the rural communities whom rainfed agriculture is the major source of their livelihood. Rainfall variability trigger frequent occurrence of the events. This study assessed households’ constraints against effective adaptation to drought among rural communities in Jigawa state. Daily rainfall data for the period of 35 years (1980-2014) was obtained from Jigawa State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (JARDA) and Kano State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (KNARDA) Offices, in Dutse and Kano respectively. Normalized Rainfall Index (NRI) was used to depict drought frequency and magnitude. Results show that the study area experienced fifteen drought episodes of different magnitudes representing about 42.86%. Both frequency and magnitude declined especially in the last decade coinciding with the periods of annual rainfall increase. Results obtained from the questionnaire administered shows households suffered various constraints against effective adaptation. Problem Confrontation Index (PCI) was used in assessing households’ constraints against effective adaptation. Respondents rated lack of fertilizer as the most problematic constraints against effective adaptation

    Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Sediments from the River Hadejia Catchment, Nigeria

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    Heavy metals concentration levels was determined using Instrumental Nitrogen Activation Analysis (INAA) is possible using Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR) which is a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR). It is specifically used for the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) technique. The selection of sediment sample is because, overtime, the chemical elements precipitate on the sediment bed; therefore the sediment sample will indicate the true nature of the chemical elements present in the river system. River Hadejia is a perennial river, though the dry season flow is from the upstream regulated flow from the Tiga and Bagauda dams. The sediment samples were collected using stratified random sampling technique based on change in land use activity. Samples were collected during dry and wet seasons and analyzed in the laboratory. The results obtained show the presence of chemical contaminants Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), and Europium (Eu) in concentrations above the permissible limits in the Hadejia river system. For example, Chromium (Cr) has mean concentration of 432.86 mg/l as against the permissible limit for both WHO, (2011) and NSDWQ, (2007) of 0.05mg/l. Anthropogenic and natural geology of the area are the key determinants of the presence of these chemical elements in the area. It is recommended among others that there is need for routing the actual sources of these contaminants in our river catchment areas

    Spatial Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Sediments in the River Hadejia Catchment, Nigeria

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    Heavy metals concentration levels were determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) technique which is possible using Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR) which is a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR). The selection of sediment sample is because, overtime, the chemical elements precipitate on the sediment bed; therefore the sediment sample will indicate the true nature of the chemical elements present in the river system. The sediment samples were collected using stratified random sampling technique based on change in land use activity. Samples were collected during dry and wet seasons and analyzed in the laboratory. The results obtained show the presence of chemical contaminants Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), and Europium (Eu) in concentrations above the permissible limits in the Hadejia river system. For example, Chromium (Cr) has mean concentration of 432.86 mg/l as against the permissible limit for both WHO, (2011) and NSDWQ, (2007) of 0.05mg/l. Anthropogenic and natural geology of the area are the key determinants of the presence of these chemical elements in the area. It is recommended among others that there is need for routing the actual sources of these contaminants in our river catchment areas