121 research outputs found

    Spinor formulation of topologically massive gravity

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    In the framework of real 2-component spinors in three dimensional space-time we present a description of topologically massive gravity (TMG) in terms of differential forms with triad scalar coefficients. This is essentially a real version of the Newman-Penrose formalism in general relativity. A triad formulation of TMG was considered earlier by Hall, Morgan and Perjes, however, due to an unfortunate choice of signature some of the spinors underlying the Hall-Morgan-Perjes formalism are real, while others are pure imaginary. We obtain the basic geometrical identities as well as the TMG field equations including a cosmological constant for the appropriate signature. As an application of this formalism we discuss the Bianchi Type VIIIIXVIII - IX exact solutions of TMG and point out that they are parallelizable manifolds. We also consider various re-identifications of these homogeneous spaces that result in black hole solutions of TMG.Comment: An expanded version of paper published in Classical and Quantum Gravity 12 (1995) 291

    Topologically massive magnetic monopoles

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    We show that in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory of topologically massive electrodynamics the Dirac string of a monopole becomes a cone in anti-de Sitter space with the opening angle of the cone determined by the topological mass which in turn is related to the square root of the cosmological constant. This proves to be an example of a physical system, {\it a priory} completely unrelated to gravity, which nevertheless requires curved spacetime for its very existence. We extend this result to topologically massive gravity coupled to topologically massive electrodynamics in the framework of the theory of Deser, Jackiw and Templeton. These are homogeneous spaces with conical deficit. Pure Einstein gravity coupled to Maxwell-Chern-Simons field does not admit such a monopole solution

    Poisson Structures for Aristotelian Model of Three Body Motion

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    We present explicitly Poisson structures, for both time-dependent and time-independent Hamiltonians, of a dynamical system with three degrees of freedom introduced and studied by Calogero et al [2005]. For the time-independent case, new constant of motion includes all parameters of the system. This extends the result of Calogero et al [2009] for semi-symmetrical motion. We also discuss the case of three bodies two of which are not interacting with each other but are coupled with the interaction of third one

    Applications of Temperley-Lieb algebras to Lorentz lattice gases

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    Motived by the study of motion in a random environment we introduce and investigate a variant of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. This algebra is very rich, providing us three classes of solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. This allows us to establish a theoretical framework to study the diffusive behaviour of a Lorentz Lattice gas. Exact results for the geometrical scaling behaviour of closed paths are also presented.Comment: 10 pages, latex file, one figure(by request

    Multi-Hamiltonian structure of Plebanski's second heavenly equation

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    We show that Plebanski's second heavenly equation, when written as a first-order nonlinear evolutionary system, admits multi-Hamiltonian structure. Therefore by Magri's theorem it is a completely integrable system. Thus it is an example of a completely integrable system in four dimensions

    Impulsive spherical gravitational waves

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    Penrose's identification with warp provides the general framework for constructing the continuous form of impulsive gravitational wave metrics. We present the 2-component spinor formalism for the derivation of the full family of impulsive spherical gravitational wave metrics which brings out the power in identification with warp and leads to the simplest derivation of exact solutions. These solutions of the Einstein vacuum field equations are obtained by cutting Minkowski space into two pieces along a null cone and re-identifying them with warp which is given by an arbitrary non-linear holomorphic transformation. Using 2-component spinor techniques we construct a new metric describing an impulsive spherical gravitational wave where the vertex of the null cone lies on a world-line with constant acceleration

    Partner symmetries of the complex Monge-Ampere equation yield hyper-Kahler metrics without continuous symmetries

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    We extend the Mason-Newman Lax pair for the elliptic complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation so that this equation itself emerges as an algebraic consequence. We regard the function in the extended Lax equations as a complex potential. We identify the real and imaginary parts of the potential, which we call partner symmetries, with the translational and dilatational symmetry characteristics respectively. Then we choose the dilatational symmetry characteristic as the new unknown replacing the K\"ahler potential which directly leads to a Legendre transformation and to a set of linear equations satisfied by a single real potential. This enables us to construct non-invariant solutions of the Legendre transform of the complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation and obtain hyper-K\"ahler metrics with anti-self-dual Riemann curvature 2-form that admit no Killing vectors.Comment: submitted to J. Phys.

    The black holes of topologically massive gravity

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    We show that an analytical continuation of the Vuorio solution to three-dimensional topologically massive gravity leads to a two-parameter family of black hole solutions, which are geodesically complete and causally regular within a certain parameter range. No observers can remain static in these spacetimes. We discuss their global structure, and evaluate their mass, angular momentum, and entropy, which satisfy a slightly modified form of the first law of thermodynamics.Comment: 10 pages; Eq. (15) corrected, references added, version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Topologically massive gravito-electrodynamics: exact solutions

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    We construct two classes of exact solutions to the field equations of topologically massive electrodynamics coupled to topologically massive gravity in 2 + 1 dimensions. The self-dual stationary solutions of the first class are horizonless, asymptotic to the extreme BTZ black-hole metric, and regular for a suitable parameter domain. The diagonal solutions of the second class, which exist if the two Chern-Simons coupling constants exactly balance, include anisotropic cosmologies and static solutions with a pointlike horizon.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Anti-self-dual Riemannian metrics without Killing vectors, can they be realized on K3?

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    Explicit Riemannian metrics with Euclidean signature and anti-self dual curvature that do not admit any Killing vectors are presented. The metric and the Riemann curvature scalars are homogenous functions of degree zero in a single real potential and its derivatives. The solution for the potential is a sum of exponential functions which suggests that for the choice of a suitable domain of coordinates and parameters it can be the metric on a compact manifold. Then, by the theorem of Hitchin, it could be a class of metrics on K3K3, or on surfaces whose universal covering is K3K3.Comment: Misprints in eqs.(9-11) corrected. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit