881 research outputs found

    Nomadisme Dan Skizofrenia Politik(postmodern) Sby Tinjauan Pada Beberapa Image Sby Di Media Massa Online

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    The article based on indications of the emergence of the phenomenon of SBY's schizophrenia and political nomadism in online media. Therefore, this paper focused on how schizophrenia and political nomadism is seen in some news about SBY in online news. The results showed that Schizophrenia of SBY is visible from many semiotic nomadisms, in which case the SBY's establishment and identity is floated and opportunists in two cases that reviewed. Popularity tends to affect how he needed to pressure political decision making. SBY's political conversations as if done by several different people. As if his true identity cannot be described with certainty. Artikel ini bertolak dari munculnya indikasi fenomena skizofrenia dan nomadisme politik SBY dalam pemberitaan media online. Karena itu, paper ini terfokus pada persoalan bagaimana skizofrenia dan nomadisme politik terlihat dalam beberapa pemberitaan tentang SBY di berita online. Hasil telaah menunjukkan Skizofrenia SBY terlihat dari berbagai nomadisme semiotis, dalam hal ini pendirian dan identitas SBY terlihat mengambang dan oportunis dalam dua kasus yang diulas. Kepopuleran cenderung mempengaruhi bagaimana ia membuat keputusan poltik. Pembicaraan pembicaraan politik SBY seolah-olah dilakukan oleh beberapa sosok yang berbeda. Seolah-olah identias sejatinya tak bisa digambarkan dengan pasti

    Fotojurnalistik Antara Dilema Realis Dan Surealis, Tinjauan Teoritis Pada Beberapa Karya Fotojurnalistik Terkait Pembunuhan Osama Bin Laden Pada Harian Kompas)

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    Photography presents a new climate in fine art discourse. Clasic and realism drawings could present their goal. There are two interesting controversy between two kind of photography: 1) Realismphotography. It regards photography as iconistic realities; 2) Surealism photography. It regards photography as a discursive and non-discursive materials. Journalistic photos after September 11 incident made up journalistic photos which emerged from witness bearing, or redundancy of way and news forms. This article will give theoretical review how to simulate reality of Osama bin Laden\u27s death in the journalistic photos. The conclusion of this article indicates that Osama bin Laden had become areal figure of simulacrum which legalized any accusation or demonization into certain group (muslims).News about Osama\u27s death was like one about the death of horor figure showed in films. This thing is like a naration necessity. Hence, in the room of simulation, it is a must to make hypereality in the event and certain scenes. This is like a dreaming and principles of surealistic works. Journaslitic photos about Osama\u27s death could be regarded as an illusion event with a dreaming and surealism nuance. Fotografi menyajikan sebuah iklim baru dalam diskursus seni rupa. Lukisan klasik dan realis mampu menghadirkan tujuan-tujuannya. Ada dua kontroversi yang cukup menarik dari sebuah karya fotografi. 1). Fotografi realisme yang menjadikan fotografi sebagai sebuah realitas yang ikonis; 2) Fotografi Surealisme yang menjadikan sebuah karya fotografi menjadi materi diskursif dan nondiskursif. Fotojurnalistik setelah peristiwa 11 September merupakan sebuah karya fotojurnalistik yang lahir dari sebuah witness bearingyang merupakan sebuah pengulangan langgam dan bentuk pemberitaan. Tulisan ini ingin memberikan suatu penjelasan teoritis berupa tinjuan tentang bagaimana simulasi realitas pembunuhan Osama bin Laden dalam fotojurnalistik. Kesimpulannnya menunjukkan bahwa Osama bin Laden yang kerap digambarkan melalui sebuah berita foto atau berita visual televisi telah menjadi sebuah sosok simulakrum sejati yang mengesahkan segala macam tuduhan atau demonisasi pada kelompok tertentu (muslim). Pemberitaan Kematian Osama seperti matinya sosok horor dalam film. Seolah-olah menjadi keharusan narasi. Karena itu menjadi keharusan, maka dalam ruang simulasi harus dibuat hiperelitasnya dalam sebuah peristiwa dan adegan tertentu. Ini serupa dengan cara kerja mimpi dan prinsip karya surealistik. Fotojurnalistik tentang kematian Osama bin Laden dapat dikatakan sebuahperistiwa ilusi dan bercorak mimpi dan surealistik

    Domestic Factors That Affect the Price of Styrene Butadiene Latex in Indonesia

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    This paper investigates or examines the causal links between price of styrene butadiene latex (SBL) and other domestic variables such as supply, demand, Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI), price of styrene, and price of butadiene during the period of 1995–2017 on the monthly basis.. Results from Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) or unit root test showed that the stationary state of the whole variables is of first difference (I). The Granger pairwise causality test revealed a bidirectional causality of SBL with BTD(Butadiene), SBL with STY(Styrene), SUPP(Supply) with DMD(Demand), DMD with STY, DMD with BTD and STY with SUPP and vice versa. Johansen test found out a co-integration of SBL prices. However, this study proved no significant links between the price of SBL and supply of SBL (SUPP) in the long and short run. This paper highlights the fact that SBL price has a significant direct impact in the long run on the styrene (STY) and butadiene (BTD) prices, as well as HHI. Similarly, these aspects also have a significant direct impact proved by the positive coefficient in the long run on the SBL pricing. The findings further showed that the price of SBL has a connection and significant direct impact on the negative arrow for the short and long run equilibrium, in line with the price and demands for SB Latex, pressing and oil classification

    Konsep Magnanimity sebagai Tujuan Pendidikan Karakter dalam Filosofi Pendidikan Charlotte Mason

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    It is desirable that education will result not only intelligence, but also noble character in students' personality. This desire should first have its base on strong philosophical answer for the question of why, i.e. why must we educate at all. We then must examine deeply our vision of education which will determine the course of our educational method and action. Charlotte Mason provides us with the concept of magnanimity as the desirable end result of character education. This concept embraces holistic aspects of education: the academic, the practical, the philosophical, and the spiritual. High thinking balanced with lowly living, wide interests on different kinds of subjects, a lifelong-lasting desire to learn are her some criteria of that desirable end result. She insists that educators should hold grand vision and aim as highest as possible, not merely limited by materialistic or utilitarian scheme of success. Education then will become more than a system, but a method, i.e. a flexible attempts to achieve substantially clear educational goal

    Variasi Morfologi dan Kekerabatan Ikan Nomei Perairan Kalimantan sebagai Upaya Konservasi Ikan Laut Lokal di Indonesia

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    Demersal fish is quite important fish resources in Indonesia. One of the demersal fish that have high economic value, namely Nomei fish (Local Name of North Borneo) and Lomek (Local Name of West Kalimantan), which are both morphologically similar, yet different location. Nomei fish catch has decreased since 2009. There has been no real effort in the determination of conservation strategies. The purposed of this study is to determine the taxonomic status of fish Lomek and Nomei based on morphological characters as a basis in determining conservation strategies. Morphological characters were measured morphometric, meristric, and special characters determinant of species. Based on morphological characters, Fish Nomei and Lomek identified as Harpodon nehereus (Ham.Buch). Special characters are owned by both the fish is similar to the character of the holotype MNHN and the key identification of Weber and Beaufort (1916) and Bleeker (1858) which has long pectoral fins (reaching even exceeds the initial base of the dorsal fin). The fifth character is chosen long tail rod (PBE), total length (TL), high -fat fin (TSL), high head (HD), and height (BD). This is supported by the results of PCA and cluster analysis that supports the grouping. In general, fish populations Lomek and Nomei in both these waters is very critical, so it is necessary conservation strategies to sustain its existence

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengangguran Di Indonesia Periode 1998 – 2014

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    This study investigates about Indonesia is one of development countries, the grouping of countries based on the level of welfare, which one of the problems in development countries including Indonesia is unemployment level. The amount unemployment decreasing of is important to measuring the success of national economic growth. This is because level of unemployment is one indicator to indicate the level of welfare resulting from economic development. Decreasing level of unemployment also followed by an increasing economic growth , employmnet number of oppurtunities, wage minimum national and not offset by decreased inflaton rates and the number of poverty. The number of unemployment was high for the time period 1998-2014. With average of local economic rate is 8.44 percent each year. The high of unemployment level is economic phenomena in Indonesia. Purpose for this paper is to analysis correlation of factors that influence unemployment rate in Indonesia. Based on the calculation of multiple regression analysis showed that variables related to economic national growth, inflation rate and the number of poverty are positive and significant arround 0.592 ;0,1 ; 0,117 but employmnet number of oppurtunities is negatively and significant about 0,489. National Income/wage Minimum not significant to The amount unemploymen

    Aspek Farmakologi Tetrahidrokurkumin: Metabolit Utama Kurkumin

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    Tetrahydrocurcumin is a main metabolite product from biotransformation process of curcuminin the body. Biotransformation of curcumin is fast and occurred during absorption process ingastrointestinal tract. The biotransformation of curcumin to tetrahydrocurcumin and the stability oftetrahydrocurcumin play important roles in the biological effects of curcumin in the body. Thepresent article discussed about the pharmacological aspects of tetrahydrocurcumin.Tetrahydrocurcumin was reported possessing several pharmacological activities such as:antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotector, anti-allergy, protective for atherosclerosis and renaldamage, and also anticarcinogenesis. It’s main pharmacological activity is antioxidant, which isunderlying and responsible for the other activities. The antioxidant activity of tetrahydrocurcuminwas reported better than this of curcumin. The main factors for the antioxidant or free radicalscavenger effects of tetrahydrocurcumin are it’s aromatic/phenolic hydroxy and -diketon moieties
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