470 research outputs found

    Quality Evaluation of Dried Noodle with Seaweeds Puree Subsitution

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    The objective of this study was to compare dried noodles made of different type of seaweeds puree and then were compared to noodle which was made without any seaweeds puree subsitution. Different seaweeds puree (E.cottoniii, G. verucossa and mixed beetween them) were subsituted in proportion of 30% in the noodles. The results showed that subsitution of seaweeds puree increased the moisture, crude fiber, ash and iodine content of dried noodles compared to noodle without seaweed puree. The moisture contents : 10.08 ± 2.02 to 13.94% ± 0.84, fat 1.26 ± 0.22 to 2.49 ± 0.81%, crude fiber 2.00 ± 0.4 to 2.25% ± 0.18 and carbohydrate contents 63.37 ± 3.8 to 68.47 % ± 1.5. Iodine concentration in dried noodle with seaweed substitution about 1.06 ± 2.80 to 1.43 ± 0.76 ug/g, protein content 11.84 ± 1.03 to 12.42 ± 0.40 and the carbohydrate content 63.37 ± 3.80 to 68.47 ± 1.59. Significantly tensile strength (p0.05) only for to the taste and colour of dried noodles

    Chemical Analysis During the Processing of Dried Salted Anchovy

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    Dried salted anchovy is a rich source of protein which is processed by boiling, salting and drying. During processing the protein undergoes change, e.g. protein myofibril becomes denatured to some extent , and it can be visualised using SDS-PAGE protein pattern. Protein can also react with lipid to form brown colour mainly in high temperature. The result of the analyses shown that there were differences in proximate composition between different samples of anchovy. There were not much difference in sample band pattern for fresh , boiled , boiled and dried anchovy samples. The highest solubility protein was found in the Indonesian dried salted anchovy while the lowest was in fresh sample. The colour of boiled sample was the whitest in comparison to fresh, boiled and dried, Indonesian dried salted anchovy and Japanese boiled. Except for Indonesian dried salted anchovy, brown colour and development of lipid oxidation was not detected

    Dampak Koperasi Unit Desa (Kud) terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Kabun Kecamatan Kabun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Cooperative aims to build and develop the potential of the economy or the ability of members in particular and society in general to improve the economic and social welfare. To that end, the existence of the village cooperative must participate actively in efforts to enhance the quality of human life and society, strengthen the economy of rural communities as the basis for the strength and resilience of the national economy, and strive to realize and develop the economy of which is a joint effort based on the principle of family.In this study, refers to a theory Flassy (2009) as an instrument of research include parameters that become social resources KUD cooperatives or social capital that became Bumi Asih enter and influence on senuah empowerment of cooperatives, including public trust, social norms, and social networks. The study uses a quantitative approach with the research method used descriptive in explaining the results. Then the instrument of data collection include observation, questionnaires, study the documentation relating to the purpose of research.The results showed that the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) Bumi Asih Village Kabun can be perceived positively by members of the KUD Bumi Asih. This is due to social capital or social resources strongly held, either in the form of trust fellow cooperative members and officials as well as community, social norms, and social interaction and social networks are intertwined, so that the effect of the presence of KUD Earth supporting conditions of social and economic life of society , namely with established social relationships and the creation of jobs for rural communities Kabun in line with the development of the business units within the KUD Bumi Asih

    Optimalisasi Kinerja Upt Balai Latihan Kerja Dinas Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Kudus

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    Kudus Job Training Center (BLK) is a Technical Unit The Social Departement Of Manpower and Transmigration Kudus District. BLK is expected to be a forum for candidates for employment to become entrepreneurs and to get a job. But the fact is largely BLK graduate entrepreneurship or getting a job.This study aims to describe and optimize the performance of BLK and identify dimensionsthat support and hinder the performance of UPT Training Center Social Service Manpower Holy District, so as to know what needs to be improved and sustained performance. Kudus Job Training Center performance can be seen on the productivity, quality of service, responsiveness of organizations, organizational responsibility, and accountability.The results showed that the optimal performance of BLK yet. To optimize performance by improving BLK inhibit dimensions. Dimensions that support the resources (human, financial, time sarpras), participation, cooperation, motivation and organizational structure. Dimensions that inhibit is Human Resources, Financial Resources, and Communications

    Studi Komparatif Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Pola Plasma dan Pola Swadaya dalam Menghadapi Sertifikasi Rspo

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    In the last decade, there has been a spate of interest in how to reduce negative impacts of rapid oil palm plantation expansion caused by increasing demand for crude palm oil and fresh fruit bunches. Some International institutions proposed a certification program to ensure a sustainable oil palm production. However, certification become a huge challenge for oil palm smallholders. There are some barriers that the farmers face in accesing inputs, financial and marketing. The purpose of the present study was to analyse oil palm smallholders' performance and challenges toward certification issues in palm oil supply chain. A survey was conducted to collect data in two types of smallholders, i.e. scheme and independent smallholders. The number of samples selected from the population is 150 samples consist of 70 independent smallholders' samples and 80 scheme smallholders' samples. The study assessed the existing performance of the smallholders plantation including farm income, oil palm productivity, and best practices in oil palm production. The study used household income analyses, comparative analyses, and assessment on the application of RSPO standards. The result shows that the performance of scheme smallholders are better than the Independent smallholders. There would be an increasing farm costs to comply with the RSPO standard. However, there would be no guarantte on premius price

    Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination in Preventing Acute Asthma Exacerbations in Adult Patient

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    Acute respiratory tract infection is a major cause of acute exacerbations in asthma. One example of viral respiratory tract infection is influenza caused by influenza virus. Administering influenza vaccine to asthmatic patients is expected to protect them from acute asthma exacerbations caused by influenza virus.The purpose of this case study is to determine the effectiveness of influenza vaccines in protecting the patients from acute exacerbations of asthma in adults. Literature search was conducted in the Pubmed database, EBSCO, Clinical Key, Google Scholar, and Science Direct to identify relevant articles. Literature search was done on March 30th, 2015. There were two selected articles that met the criterias and fully accessible for further review. Both articles had good validity and showed that there was no significant effect of influenza vaccination against acute asthma exacerbations. Number Needed to Treat (NNT) value from one of the articles showed no significancy. Influenza vaccination does not have significant protective effect against acute asthma exacerbations in adults

    Karakteristik Edible Film dari Campuran Tepung Semirefined Karaginan dengan Penambahan Tepung Tapioka dan Gliserol

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    Edible film merupakan jenis pengemas makanan yang berbentuk lembaran tipis atau film yang dapat dicerna oleh tubuh. Edible film yang dibuat dari komponen tunggal hasilnya tidak terlalu baik, maka perlu adanya campuran antara beberapa bahan serta penambahan bahan aditif lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan formulasi terbaik dari edible film. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semi refined karaginan, tepung tapioka, dan gliserol. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorium, rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan yaitu perbedaan konsentrasi tepung tapioka (0,3%, 0,5%, dan 0,7%) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Parameter pengujian yang diamati berupa kuat tarik (MPa), persen pemanjangan (%), ketebalan (mm), dan laju transmisi uap air (g/m2/jam). Data di analisa menggunakan analisa sidik ragam (ANOVA), dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) untuk mengetahui perlakuan yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan konsentrasi tepung tapioka memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (p<0.05) terhadap parameter kuat tarik, persen pemanjangan, ketebalan, dan laju transmisi uap air. Edible film terbaik dihasilkan dari perlakuan konsentrasi semi refined karaginan 1%, tepung tapioka 0,7%, dan gliserol 0,5% dengan hasil karakteristik kuat tarik 39,42 MPa, persen pemanjangan 66,02%, laju transmisi uap air 1,28 g/m2/jam, dan ketebalan 0,09 mm

    Pengaruh Permainan Playdough terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak Heaven Kid's Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to determine the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Heaven Kid's subdistrict Handsome Pekanbaru City before the game playdough, To determine the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Heaven Kid's subdistrict Handsome Pekanbaru City after done playdough game, to determine whether there is influence playdough game against the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Heaven kid's Handsome District of Pekanbaru city, to determine how much influence the game playdough fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Heaven kid's subdistrict handsome Pekanbaru. Samples were all children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Heaven Kid's Pekanbaru as many as 17 children. Data collection technique used observation sheet that contains fine motor skills of children. Based on the results of this study concluded prior to the treatment given are in the low category 10 children or 58.8% in the moderate category 7 children, or 41.2%, and there are no children in the high category. It can be seen that after treatment (treatment), fine motor skills of children has increased that there are children who are in the high category as many as 12 children, or 70.59%, and there are children who are in the moderate category 5 children or 29.41% and there are children in the category of low or 0%. This shows that there is influence of playdough game against the fine motor skills

    Perbedaan Laju Kecepatan Terjadinya Hipertensi Menurut Konsumsi Natrium [Studi Kohort Prospektif Di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia] (the Incidence Rate Difference of Hypertension According to Sodium Consumption [a Prospective Cohort Study in Bogor Cit

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    Hypertension is one of the leading causes of death in the world.The amount of dietary of salt or sodium consumed is important determinant of hypertension. The purpose of analysis is to identify the differences between incidence rate of hypertension according to sodium cosumption.The study is part of a prospective cohort study of Non Communicable Diseases conducted since 2011, in Bogor City West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected by interview and blood pressure measurement. Event of hypertension was defined when in the 1-year of follow-up, participant had a high blood pressure in at least 2 of the 3 measurements. The consumption of sodium was collected through 24-hour dietary recall. The analysis conducted in 2561 participants were do not have hypertension, consist of 94 people with high sodium consumption and 2467 people with low sodium consumption . Data were analyzed by Life Table Survival to calculate the incidence rate of hypertension, with statistical test Wilcoxon (Gehan) to determine incidence rate difference of hypertension according to risk factors. The incidence rate of hypertension in 4-years observations was 58 per 1000 person-year. Adjusted by age and gender, fat and sugar consumption, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical inactivity, and smoking(AHR 71 vs 22 per 1000 person-years), shown that the incidence rate of hypertension in people who consume high sodium, significantly faster than people who consume low-sodium. The incidence rate difference of hypertension between the high and low sodium consumption was 49 per 1,000 person-years

    Keberdayaan Ekonomi Kelompok Wanita Tani melalui Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP), (Studi Kasus : Usaha Agribisnis Sayuran di Desa Pandan Wangi Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu)

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    Recently, the Economic Performance of Women Group Farmer through Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) become an important issue in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to observe economic performance of the Women Group Farmer in Pandan Wangi Village. The method of survey was used in this research. Data was collected using purposive sampling based on criteria such as, active members in PUAP, Age of 15 to 64 years, more than six year business experience in agriculture. The study use Likert's Summated Rating Scale(LSRS) to analyse participation of respondents. The results show that category of economic performance of the women group farmer is moderate with score 3.07. The use of capital has improved significantly the business performance, farmers' income and their wellfare
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