46 research outputs found

    Maggot Production in Various Organic Wastes (Vegetables, Fruits, Food Processing Industries): Potential as Alternative Feed Substitutes for Fish Meal

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    Maggot is an alternative to fish meal because it has a fairly high protein content, is easy to cultivate and is able to decompose organic waste into its own food. The better the quality of the maggot growing media, the higher the maggot production will be . Vegetable, fruit and food processing industrial waste is an organic waste that is commonly encountered but its nutritional quality is low. To improve the nutritional quality, fermentation was carried out using local microorganisms (MOL). The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of various types of vegetable, fruit and food processing industrial waste media and different fermentation times on the production of maggot (Hermetia illucens). This study was conducted experimentally using factorial randomized block design (RAK) method with 2 factors ( 3×3), namely factor 1 for various organic wastes (D1 = vegetable waste, D2 = fruit waste, D3 = food processing industrial waste) and factor 2 for fermentation time (L1 = 2 days, L2 = 4 days, L3 = 6 days), with 3 replicates. The parameters of this study consisted of biomass weight, feed consumption, waste reduction index/WRI, feed conversion efficiency/ECI, and survival rate/SR. The results of variance showed that organic waste and fermentation time had a very significant effect (p<0.01) on the parameters of maggot production. It was concluded that the production of maggot (Hermetia illucens) was best in the D1L1 treatment with a biomass weight of 1522.33 g, feed consumption 66.06%, WRI 2.20%, ECI 0.42%, and SR 89.52%

    The Spermatozoa Quality of Kampong Chicken Using Various Diluents

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    Kampong chicken has great potential to be developed into superior breed in an effort to support food security and improve farmer welfare. This study aims to determine the effect of adding lactose to free-range chicken semen macroscopically and microscopically. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Center for Artificial Insemination at the Food Security and Animal Husbandry Service of North Sumatra Province in October 2020 - January 2021. This study used a Randomized Block Design method with treatment P0 ( Semen control) P1 (Semen with Ringers diluent), P2 (Semen with diluent lactose), P3 (Semen with Ringers diluent + Lactose), macroscopic test and parameters include color, volume, concentration and pH of semen. To determine the quality of spermatozoa can be seen from the motility test, abnormality and viability. The results showed that the use of Ringer + lactose diluent in chicken semen stored for 8 hours at 40C during the study had a very significant effect on spermatozoa motility with values: P0 (52.88% a), P1 (21.64% bc). P2 (31.39% b), P3 (19.57% c) respectively and had no significant effect on abnormalities of spermatozoa with values: P0 (6.59% tn), P1 (6.11% tn), P2 (7, 36% tn), P3 (4.4% tn) respectively. As conclusions that the use of ringers + lactose diluent can work well to defend spermatozoa from damage to cell membranes resulting from the elements contained in ringers and lactose solutions which can be used as an energy source when the semen is cold shock during the storage perio

    Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Prepupa Phase Fermentation by Organic Acids to Decrease Chitin Content

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    Black Soldier Fly has high protein but there are anti-nutrients, namely the presence of chitin content that cannot be digested by livestock such as poultry and monogastrics. Chitin is a natural polysaccharide that is abundantly found from crustacean organisms and insects. Chitin is usually bound to the shell or exoskeleton, proteins, minerals and pigments. Black Soldier Fly in the prepupa phase has high protein, dark brown body and a rather hard exoskeleton which causes a high chitin content. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of propionic and formic acids which could reduce the chitin content of the prepupa phase of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) fermentation. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments, namely P1 = (BSF added 50% propionic acid + 50% formic acid), P2 = (BSF added 80% propionic acid and formic acid + 20% aquadest), P3 = (BSF added 60% propionic and formic acids + 40% aquadest), P4 = (BSF added 40% propionic and formic acids + 60% aquadest), P5 = (BSF added 20% propionic acid and formic acid + 80% aquadest) with three repetitions. The results of this study indicate that the P1 treatment (addition of 50% propionic acid + 50% formic acid) resulted in the lowest reduction in chitin content, namely (11.00%), pH value (4.7), total titrated acid (0.014%) and organoleptic (light brown color, very sour aroma and harsh texture)

    Knowledge Level and Application of Animal Welfare Aspects at Binjai City Slaughterhouse

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    Animal welfare is very important to pay attention to in the slaughtering process in abattoirs to ensure the quality of the meat produced. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of the implementers of the activities on aspects of animal welfare and the application of animal welfare aspects at the Binjai City Slaughterhouse. This research was conducted at the Binjai City Slaughterhouse, Jalan Letan Umar Baki, Clove Turi, North Binjai District, Binjai City, from October to November 2021. This study used a survey method: interviews and direct observation with the implementers of activities at the Slaughterhouse. Binjai City Animals consists of 3 cattle traders, 15 animal controllers, and one slaughterer using a questionnaire and a checklist. This study uses an assessment based on a Likert scale. Based on the results of the study, the level of knowledge regarding aspects of animal welfare from the implementers of activities at the Binjai City Slaughterhouse was in the sound and excellent categories. In the application of animal welfare aspects at the Binjai City Slaughterhouse to the facilities it has, it is categorized as very good (100%) in slaughter facilities and good category (80%) in animal shelter facilities

    Nutrition Content of Murrah Buffalo's Milk Curd By Using Lime Juice (Citrus aurantifolia)

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    . Dadih is the result of fermented milk made in bamboo and covered with banana leaves on top, then allowed to stand for approximately 24-48 hours. This study aims to determine the effect of various doses of lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia) in the manufacture of dadih on the nutritional content (water content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrates and pH).This research method used a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 treatments 5 replications. The treatments were dose of lime juice, namely P0 = 0% Control only buffalo milk without lime, P1 = 1% lime juice, P2 = 3% lime juice, P3= 5% lime juice. Based on the research results, it is known that the addition of 5% (10 ml) for every 200 ml of milk is the optimal treatment for water content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrates and pH

    Marketing Analysis of Buffalo at the Animal Market in Suka Village Karo Regency

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    Buffalo is one type of ruminant livestock that has quite a lot of potential. The animal market is a place for transacting buying and selling animals, which includes cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep. Animal markets usually operate only a few days a week. The Animal Market in Suka Village, Tigapanah District, Karo Regency is an animal market that operates every Tuesday from 09.00 - 17.00 WIB. Livestock sold in this animal market are cows and buffalo. Producers and consumers conduct transactions directly. This animal market is one of the potential areas of Karo Regency in the field of animal husbandry and is very suitable for developing buffalo marketing. This study aims to identify the characteristics of buffalo marketing institutions, market behavior, pricing processes, marketing channels, the role of the government in the animal market, analysis of margins marketing farmer share, and to analyze the marketing efficiency of buffalo in the animal market of Suka Village, Karo Regency. This research was conducted in October 2019-November 2019. The method used in data collection was descriptive analysis based on surveys and observations made, while the sample of farmers and other marketing institutions was snowball sampling. Data was collected by using interview techniques using questionnaires. The results of this study are that the marketing institutions involved include breeders and traders who are all male, whose age is above productive < 51. There are two marketing channels, namely the first channel: farmers - consumers and the second channel: breeders - collectors - consumers. Marketing functions carried out by marketing institutions are exchange, physical and facility functions. Market behavior is that there is no dishonesty in pricing, marketing costs are not uniform and there is no government intervention. The market performance is that there is no technological progress, there is no improvement in product quality and service maximization. Data analysis includes marketing costs, marketing margins, farmer share of costs from each marketing channel. The results of this study indicate that there are two marketing channels. Margin is obtained by a marketing channel that has one marketing agency, thus this marketing channel has the farmer's share . So it can be concluded that the first marketing channel is the most efficient channel because it has the smallest cost and big profit

    The utilization of Jackfruit seed flour (Artocarpus heteropyllus) as substitution of rice bran in rations on Kampung chicken performances

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    The objective of this research is analyze the extent to which the utilization of jackfruit seed flour can substitute rice bran in rations on the performance of chicken. This research was conducted in laboratory of livestock breeding livestock study program of agricultural faculty of north sumatera university, in March-April 2017. The design used in this research is randomized block design (RAK) with 4 treatments and 3 groups. Treatment with various levels of jackfruit seed meal ration with P0 (0%), P1 (10%), P2 (20%), P3 (30%). The parameters in this study are ration consumption, weight gain and ration conversion.The results showed the average consumption (g / head / day) for treatment P0; P1; P2; P3 of; 349,53; 345,71; 354.28; 343.67, then weight gain (PBB) (g / head / day) were; 98,85; 100,41; 92.49; 100.8, and ration conversion of; 6.36; 6.28; 6.87 and 6.21. The results of the diversity analysis showed that the utilization of Jackfruit seed flour gave no significant effect (P> 0,05) on the performance of chicken. The conclusion of this research is the use of jackfruit seed flour in ration can substitute rice bran in chicken ration


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    The success of livestock business is influenced by the feeding cost which will affect production costs, Therefore, it is needed to find an alternative feeds which has high quality content with relatively low prices. Coconut dregs can be used as an alternative to livestock feeds, but it has high fiber content, so it has low digestibility. It is necessary to conduct a processing of coconut dregs by using fermentation with fiber degradating bacteria. The purpose of this research was to determine fiber content changes (NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose) in coconut dregs after experiencing fermentation process using fiber degradating bacteria from PLIEK U. The method used complete random factorial which was designed with two different factors and three replications. The results of analysis of NDF, ADF and hemicellulose showed that there were interactions on both factors, the highest fiber content (NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose) is on the interaction of P1W1 (1% and 3 days), and the lowest fiber content (NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose) was on the interaction of P3W3 (5% and 9 days). It was concluded that the fermentation of coconut dregs using bacteria from PLIEK U could degrade the fiber content of coconut dregs, the more bacteria given and the longer the incubation time, so the fiber content (NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose) more decrease, and the best fermentation treatment was found in P3W3 interactions that was fermentation with 5% inoculum and 9 days incubation

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Demand for Cattle Meat in the City of Padang Sidempuan

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    The amount of beef consumption has fluctuated from year to year. The large amount of public consumption of beef is a reflection of the condition of public demand for beef, which is estimated to have a number of causes. The purpose of this study was to identify factors of beef price (X1), family income (X2), number of dependents (X3), price of chicken (X4), price of fish (X5), price of tofu / tempeh (X6) of meat demand in the city of Padang Sidempuan. The method of analysis is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 22.0. The sampling technique had 150 respondents. The results showed that the estimation results obtained a determination value (R2) of 0.666. Simultaneously, all independent variables had significant effect (P <0.05) on the amount of beef demand. Partially, family income, number of dependents, and the price of chicken have an effect on beef demand. Meanwhile, the variables of beef prices, fish prices and tofu / tempeh prices do not affect the demand for beef in the city of Padang Sidempuan. The conclusions of this study indicate that the variable family income is the variable that has the most influence on the demand for beef and is followed by the variablenumber of dependents and the price of chicken meat

    The Analysis of Factors that Affecting the Amount of Free- Range Chicken Meat’s Consumption in Langkat Regency

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    Chicken meat is one of the livestock commodities that can meet the protein needs of the community, but there are constraints on the price side. The price of free-range chicken meat tends to fluctuate due to production and demand imbalances and has an impact on price increases. Therefore, there needs to be control so that price increases that occur in free-range chicken meat do not jump sharply The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that influence the amount of freerange chicken meat’s consumption in Langkat Regency. The study was conducted in June - August 2018. The method that used in sampling was the proportionate stratified random sampling method and used the Slovin formula. Primary data collection was carried out by interview techniques using questionnaires to respondents and secondary data collection was obtained from the agencies and agencies assembled and then analyzed with Multiple Linear Regression using SPSS 22 application. The results showed the amount of free-range chicken meat’s consumption in Langkat Regency was influenced partially by income and the number of family members with R² = 0.61